General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Fiend Build

Shadow Fiend Build in General Discussion

    yea mek into sny sub 20 minutes is really strong. once you get mek just start grouping up with your team and you should be able to take the t1's pretty easily.

    bkb is pretty much core on him as well because you want him to frontline the push

    after that i really depends....skadi if they have a lot of melees/need more tankiness, butterfly/ac/daedalus/satanic all acceptable pending the situation

    I absolutely do not advocate shadowblade, blink is far better against coordinated teams


      Hands down, this is the most legit sf build ever


        if ur 4k+ or have good teamates go mek, otherwise dont, its rly not that hard

        Boy Ogag

          Hardcore build:
          Skadi, Bot, Daedalus, Butterfly, Satanic/BKB, MKB

          1v5 is possible if you initiated requiem first which makes them stumble upon requiem's damage and go rape them all.

          P.S. Tried this once and successfully won against 4.

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            like i said if you on a coordinated team, go fast mek threads aquilla bottle and push the tower and start teamfighting. he is fucking strong in early game with those items.

            if you not on coordinated teams i don't believe to do that i always fast bottle and boots of travel and starts farming from there to outfarm opponent. and sometimes try to get gank kills.


              Start: wraith, 2x branches, 2x shared tango. Ask ur team to secure bounty rune for you(this is critical) and buy a flask with the bouny gold.
              Next is bottle followed by boots and complete aquila. Although if your enemy midlaner is a hard nuker buy belt of strenght before aquila> finish PT. You may also consider magc stick.
              You should have these by 7-8 minute.
              Now is the time for your core item. I find S&Y best for sf as a core item in this patch followed by HotD. Once you got these(20th min or so) your hero can literally manfight almost everyone.
              From this point i usually go skadi/deadalus/bfly/bkb(note that its not good to buy a fast bkb because you will really need the 10-7 sec avatar later on).
              Note that i didnt mention blink/sb/mek/eul. All these items are very situational. You dont want to spend your 2k gold on a 10 minute blink if it wont pay off. If you do that you will eventually fall off real quick. SF is very dependant on stat items because he already has more than enough early to midgame damage thanks to his pasives.
              Other very situational items: linkens/scythe/ac/manta

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