General Discussion

General DiscussionHas the reporting system changed?

Has the reporting system changed? in General Discussion

    Does everyone now get 8 reports a week now?

    Also am I just a toxic fucker now or is everyone else getting reported more now...? :-D

    Pale Mannie

      c o n d u c t s u m m a r y


        I'm aware of conduct summary which is why I know I've gone from 0<3 reports in 25 games and having 3 reports to use to having 9 reports from my last 25 games and 8 reports to use.

        I suspect valve have upped the available number of reports and seeing as people know the reports actually get shown to the reported then they are being used more. However I am extrapolating from a single example and thus the question...

        Pale Mannie

          Since i use every aviable report to send russians to hell i dont realized this improvement to the report system if its true

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