General Discussion

General Discussionhelpful tips for climbing mmr

helpful tips for climbing mmr in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!

    The slark deaths are mostly in lane.. I tend to be over confident on slark.. I haven't played any slark on my old account..only these slark games.. So I'm kind of learning.. I mostly miscalculate his damage output.. I'll work out on that.. Thanks :) Regarding the other heroes anything?

    не говори по РУ

      You clearly never played in 4k bracket in EU


        hey guys what to do if i have 250 games on slark 350 on es and only 4600 mmr, should i kill myself?


          do you have any way to stop your bad attitude except not queuing and waiting until it goes away

          Este comentario fue editado

            smoke some weed, listen to some chill ass music for a while, watch soemthing funny for a while > then queue
            helps me


              or just lose next 3 games and want to k yourself

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                aimstrong, us 6k is same as eu 4k so i guess he knows whats going on


                  usually when i play a lot of games in one day (like 10)

                  i start queuing with good mood and win like 4 or 5 games in a row
                  then i lose one and i'm like "well ok i can still play one more and win to stay at my winstreak"
                  then i lose another two and i start tilting and want to reclaim mmr
                  then i lose even more and i either end up on same place where i started or even lower


                    thats the spirit of losing 1k mmr, i did just the same for like 1 week.

                    just play party if u still wanna play after you lost 2 solo q, czu even if i lose 5 party games im not as salty as losing 1-2 solo bad solo games

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      That's your problem then, you're greedy about MMR.

                      Swap Commends

                        - Dota is a 5v5 game not a 1v1 like chess.So all of the tips u given are retarded & flawed except the in-game mental & behavioral tips part which is a thing we already know.
                        - The fun part of playing the game.So where is exactly?Most games are one-sided.There is likely a "team goes full retard" case in most games.Sometimes its your team,sometimes the enemy team.I don't see any fun even when winning not Bcuz of I am very good at this but Bcuz the enemy team is retarded.U rarely find a match where both team actually trying to win & playing for win.
                        - U are also retarded.
                        - Also u are retarded.
                        - U are my n1 fangay.U got lit up.

                        Este comentario fue editado
                        Execute Order 322

                          ^ mad cuz bad


                            Honestly I feel like today was the first day I've ever had one of those bounty hunters who win you the game for you.

                            Ie rotating around, ganking mid top and bot and getting kills.

                            Every other bounty hunter I have recently up until has been like one of those 2k shitstains who sit in the offlane getting nothing done until they leech level 6 and by then it's too late to do anything and they just end up feeding constantly because the enemy has their jungle warded.

                            Like this one game the bounty hunter literally bought boots as a starting item, just brown boots - then went and sat in the offlane laning against a medusa (so who of course easily got all the farm in the lane) didn't rotate to help us out bot despite me asking about 10 times since we were getting wrecked by a lina/sandking/void trilane against sven/venge. Easy fucking loss.

                            But today there was actually one of those bounty hunters who fucking won the game for by creating so much pressure in the early game that we won all our lanes even with me jungling as enigma. Fucking baller.

                            lm ao

                              Lol nice post Kitrak +1


                                If you are low mmr just pick characters that can be versatile, i like earth spirit cuz i can go some games mid, safe, or offlane. I can choose whatever items i want to and gank whenever. I can easily change to support when needed, i can build to be tanky and go for blademail which is OP right now, or go greaves pipe and crimson guard and ensure teamfight... Whatever.


                                  Good read. Very helpful and well putted! Well done Kitrak senpai! :D

                                  Should be sticky for everyone to see..

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    U fokin wot
                                    Earth spirit if ur low mmr
                                    We know how that works out

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      Very insightful.
                                      I have worked on all those things over my 2+ years of playing dotes, one thing I really need to work on is not being so toxic which I have improved on a lot the last few months. Flaming never helps, and I highly realize that. That's actually why I dropped from 3k and have been stuck on 2.7.

                                      When I was 3.1 my mentally was "Finally! I should never drop below 3k ever again!" and when I had a 2 loss streak, I should have stopped but I kept going, and then got another loss, I rarely lose 3 in a row since 2 in a row is my limit. But the dread hung over me, and I was pissed, and upset, and took it out on my teammates next thing you know I was 2.9, and kept getting 1 win - 4 losses per day and kept feeling shittier, and shittier and then I hit 2.8, and I raged, and my teammates were stressed, and I just lost it.

                                      Emotion is huge. I normally play when I'm stoned, and I do notice when I saw funny things it puts the team on ease. I don't flame, but I do lose it when two people argue back and forth and instead of playing they stress the rest of the team out and make terrible decisions.

                                      I'm not perfect, we all make mistakes, but when the same mistakes are repeatedly made it frustrates me. Now all I do is mute the flamers, the shit talkers. Any little distraction = insta-mute. It's highly distracting, and highly impacts the game. This guide is very nice since it's true. The biggest thing is emotion, and level of stress, if you get too stressed just stop for a bit. If you lose 50 mmr in one day (a total of two losses) just stop for the rest of the day, do some unranked, watch your replays, pro games. All things I have done, except for the replay thing since I honestly know what I did wrong, but I may try that one day when I have nothing better to do since watching replays bore me to death.

                                      me, government hooker


                                        is this a word?

                                        me, government hooker

                                          seems like it is

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Don't pick SB into Dazzle 4Head


                                              this is an extremely insightful thread, thanks everyone.

                                              My problem was probably calibrating too early on and then tilting tons before i understood the whole concept of it. Learnt a lot from playing with close friends who were exponentially better mechanically and intuitively; at this point of time all of us are probably at the same skill level (the better ones float around 4-5k.)

                                              Nonetheless, climbing out of <2k mmr in SEA servers where the atmosphere is toxic as hell, it becomes near impossible for a person to not tilt most times. You can definitely see the skill disparity when everyone is just auto attacking non stop, diving tier 3 at min 10(?) for a mid invoker kill and anything hilarious (and sad) you can think of under the blue sky. I can live with myself if we lose because we were outplayed, those are beautiful games and I respect that. That happens 1 out of 20 games i play.

                                              At this level though, maybe less than 10% of the players understand the idea of when heroes peak, and it gets so bloody stressful when your teammates are always out of position (normally the guy who calls out mid and picks lc, or first picking ember because why not?)

                                              Positioning is non-existent, the blame game is rampant. team speak is incoherent because hey, lets all speak 5 different languages and head back to the jungle to farm when we just wiped the team under their tier 2.

                                              I just want to climb out of this mmr rut so I can properly support/offlane/carry in games which actually require skill, and not just 5 manning all the lanes from minute 20 to minute 50 to win the games(why buy tp when you can run everywhere? Literally everyone here)

                                              Its a long climb, to all those players out there fighting a hard fight, dont give up \m/


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                                                  Really liked the post! Thanks for the effort. I know it might be the wrong place to ask this, but I'm in a paradox. I'm able to carry games in High skill matches (mostly slark and void) but when it comes to normal skill games I tend to lose most of them. I've tried all the roles in these matches from 1-5. Something doesn't work. Can someone help me see it?



                                                    how the fuck do I play life stealer this patch? what do I build, tried some shit, but it seems fucking garbage... Do I get something for farming, maelstorm, midas, any other shit?

                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                      well putted WutFace its put

                                                      Swap Commends

                                                        50% wr smurf
                                                        I just loled

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          @Space bound yeah, I love the dota music, it's nice, but just recently I put my music volume to 0% in-client, and play Trance and other EDM. That, or I play with only game sounds and no music. No music and muting distracting players has improved my game-play.

                                                          Execute Order 322

                                                            @Solo yolo
                                                            2500 games, still normal skill. kys.


                                                              personally after ive queued 3+ games in a row i just get tired of it and stop on my own because all my key pressing seems forced and im not really into it, so i go and watch tv or do some work or something. i dunno how else to do it but if you can learn this youll end up thanking urself a ton as the next day you'll be really happy u stopped.

                                                              id also recommend listening to upbeat music and stuff

                                                              it's pretty difficult to stop by myself when i'm on winstreak, but when i lose one, i want to bring it back and i lose even more
                                                              but i'll try to force myself to not queue next, thanks

                                                              shag bro

                                                                Thanks for the advise! I'll bear them in mind. Meanwhile I really have to ask, I'm a better support player but I play cores because I have players that can't farm fast enough or can't snowball (I'm in 3. 5k sea and i can't seem to climb). I have put farmed my opponents carry in multiple games and I usually win so my question is should I continue picking supports since I'm better at them?


                                                                  Can you explain it in 20 words? -_-

                                                                  SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                                                    Nice thread, ty :D

                                                                    SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                                                      ^^ Git Gud? :v


                                                                        Thanks for the motivation. So can u guess what mmr should I be after my calibration ? if I keep play with my skill of course .


                                                                          Picking support to avoid others pick jungler. This is so true and the person is me. I feel so stupid for doing this zz

                                                                          shag bro


                                                                            At 3.5k, I feel having a jungler is more beneficial than having 2 supports in this patch. However the only jungler I only approve of are lc enc and enigma.

                                                                            Eternal Meow

                                                                              I wish people wouldn't queue for a game when they're pissed. Anytime a game starts with someone raging at the loading screen it's a guaranteed loss. I wish there was a way to get out of these games without an abandon. I think they are mad because they believe they are good and their team mates ruin the games, but really it feels like they are wanting to lose with the way they play and yell at others the whole match.

                                                                              I think if you are in lower mmr brackets you are better off not playing mid heroes that often just because everyone wants to fight over mid. I think everyone has read somewhere that if you are better than your team you should go mid, and everybody believes they are better so they want to fight over mid.

                                                                              The reason people want someone else to watch their replay because they really don't have a clue what they are doing wrong. Sometimes mistakes are obvious and you know after you screwed up you shouldn't have done that. Sometimes you can watch your own replay and see what you did wrong. But typically, if you are CONSISTENTLY doing badly you can't really tell what you are doing wrong otherwise you'd quit doing it. It's a psychological effect that causes people to believe they are good at things when they are really bad at them. If from your own perspective you did everything right and see no reason why you lost anyway, then you do need someone else who understands it better to point out what you're doing wrong. This is the primary reason everyone thinks they are better than their team. They see others' mistakes, but are blinded to their own. Most people don't understand this and just type "GG REPORT TEAM" and keep making the same errors perpetually.

                                                                              For instance, I know that I am terrible with certain heroes because I have a terrible win rate with them, but I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I really don't. Something is wrong with my play style, or build, or maybe I'm picking them in bad line ups. But I really have no idea and I probably won't be able to figure it out on my own. Sometimes I know exactly what I'm doing wrong and I try to improve, but if I really don't know then trying to figure it out is a lost effort without insight from someone better than me.

                                                                              Eternal Meow
                                                                                Este comentario ha sido borrado
                                                                                Execute Order 322

                                                                                  THAT'S FUCKING IT.

                                                                                  The idea is that watching your games' replays is quite useless due to the reason that you always see your mistakes as soon as you have fucked up in the game. If I watch the replay, I will not find any new mistakes made by me since I have spotted every mistake i'm capable of spotting (due to my skill level) exactly after I've made them in the game. What about recognizing other mistakes - I'm simply not competent enough to spot em.

                                                                                  That's the good reason why asking some high mmrs analyzing your replays is a good idea - they ll spot your mistakes immediately while u are absolutely unaware about them.
                                                                                  At the same time, watching your own replays by yourself will barely show you something new.

                                                                                  Calling some high mmr boy to answer that

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                    ^i watch my replay and realize my mistake. Tomorrow i will make the same mistake again.

                                                                                      Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                                        Kitrak i wanna play with you once :P

                                                                                        Can i?

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          Kitrak can i have a favor pls

                                                                                          Can u capitalize the first words of your sentences, especially when youre writing huge paragraphs? They look less than walls of text when you do it, they look more comprehensible and youre doing a favor to people with vertigo and migraine like me :^)

                                                                                          You can do it fast with autocorrect in any word processor btw

                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            Referring to original post, if you prefer writing like an undergrad retard/tinder denizen in your other posts less than 5 sentences and actually helpful advices im fine with it

                                                                                              Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                                                Mayb i can learn somethings from you? :)

                                                                                                as a mid tier 3k-4k player.

                                                                                                muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                                                  I always appreciate any thread which contains guide to be a better player even though I already read them somewhere else, anyway thanks for spending time on this kitrak :D

                                                                                                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                                                    Anyway, can I play with you kitrak?, I need someone to teach me.I watched a lot of pro player replays and watched a few replays of my own games. I can only play at SEA :( . I have 300+ ping on any other server, is it possible?

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                      you the real mvp. thanks for sharing