General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting muted just results in more reports -_-

Getting muted just results in more reports -_- in General Discussion

    I probably get more reports being muted which results in me getting LP. I constantly get reported over nothing. 5 minutes in 2-3 players have reported me for not being dead most of the time. Don't even have to say anything and I get reported. I will win the game and I still get reported


      I'm in 1k MMR and never get reported, maybe you're doing something wrong? If you get flamed, mute is your friend....


        That's not the point.

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          have u tried not getting muted


            I don't even say anything and I'll get reported for com abuse


              Have you tried turning it on and off again?


                Hahaha teach me master. What do u do to piss ur teammates off so much? Usually unspoken things like shit items or off meta shit really gets people going

                Professor Dog

                  Dagon blyat cyka says it all


                    Do you spam chat wheel, when you are muted, like well played when they die and such shit, had this kind of guy in my game not toolong ago, and yes he got 4 reports again.


                      Causes of being reported:

                      1)You are toxic (communication abuse)
                      2)You are playing ranked in very high skill bracket (5k and more) and you pick heores like Techies
                      3)You feed on purpose
                      4)You make notable mistakes that have a huge impact on the game
                      5)You use your ability to damage your team mates
                      6)You don't speak english or you speak a language your team does not understand knowing they don't understand you
                      7)You insult people with voice chat
                      8)When a match finishes, you type "gg wp" or "ez"
                      9)You insult the other team

                      These are just some examples.

                      ASSESS Product

                        ggwp is wrong to do?


                          Do you spam pings over my hero while I'm trying to use the minimap to estimate range?

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            The first step of healing, is admitting you're toxic as fuck.

                            We all are at some point. All of us. Who ever says they aren't are bullshitting.

                            I can find a match for you where I raged super fucking hard in all-chat if you would like.

                            I used to constantly get muted for flaming.
                            In fact, about 3 - 5 weeks ago I was muted for 156 hours.
                            Yes. Not 24, not 48. ONE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY-SIX hours, m80.

                            The best way to not get reported is to stop getting muted.

                            Git gud, 16 year old kid. :dac15_cool:

                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                              I always report voice chat and chat wheel spammers and its such a good thing to wake up in the morning with 5 fresh reports.

                              but heres the most annoying things in solo dota 2 that can get you muted

                              -someone dies from your team and you spam well played - instant 4x report
                              -speaking/typing on dif language
                              -using chat wheel for things like "Get back!" when u are the lowest mmr - ez 4x report (nobody likes captains in public, especially if they are the least skilled)
                              -using voice chat (unless all 5 of you agree to use it you dont spam with ur 18 y old voice when all of us are listening to music and trying to chill if u want tryhard, go get 4 and tryhard in teamspeak or discord)
                              -type "gg wp" or "I go afk" 10 min after the game started because u had a bad lane or something (typical 4k fighting spirit)
                              -blame someone for losing (classic, everyone who says that at some point of his life he s lost a game only because of a teammate/s is rly bad at this game and deserves lp, end of story)
                              -pinging on the minimap frequently

                              some of these things doesnt seem like harassment but can get you a lot of reports

                              I have ~3500 games and I've been once in LP (cuz of abandon) and twice muted (24 h) so if you are not cancerous to your teammates and you are not doing the few things i said above there is no way for you being permanently in LP or muted.

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                              lm ao



                                  I once get 14report and get in to lp
                                  And muted for 24hours
                                  Best way to not get reported is not curse and trash talk or flame and insault enemy or teammates


                                    If you are a Sir, you never get muted. try being nice to people instead! It works wonders!


                                      Even if you're nice to people, you get reported for picking a support.



                                        "I don't even say anything and I'll get reported for com abuse"

                                        If you're constantly getting reported, there's obviously something you yourself are doing wrong. I communicate with my team mates in one of the most toxic servers and I haven't been reported/been muted at all.


                                          @Look at me. I'm captain now : yes, I find it very hypocrt. The fact that everybody types it justifying it's for "sportmanship" when they don't even know what "sportmanship" means confirms that they type it just because everybody else does.
                                          For me, if you want to be polite, type "thanks for the game" or "handshake". If you know the other team is beaten down because they lost, you dont say anything for a matter of respect. But this is useless, we can't change people.

                                          Johnny Rico

                                            EZ GAME = EZ LIFE


                                              It's tradition to spit in your opponents face when they lose. Trash talk defines dota. Gg ez. 45 min ez? Of course.


                                                Since u say "reported me for not being dead most of the time" I can just assume, that in fact when the want to gank or take a team fight you are not there with them, which means you don't understand team play very well. Just a thought ...


                                                  razzledazzle: Yes, I know. This, howewer, does not change the fact that it's very rude and hypocrit. That's my point.

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                                                    When I report someone for comm abuse he has to be a total dickhead, and absolute toxic idiot. So OP sorry, but change your attitude.


                                                      I'm not dead because I know limits like not diving tier 3 towers when they got tier 1 still. Change my attitude how? I dont chat in game anymore.

                                                      My last game I got called a dickhead and shit even though I won the game and at the start of them game where Lc would pick bad duels he called me noob asf, as I proceed to win the game I say "What's that LS is noob? he still calls me shit and a dickhead


                                                        There has to be something with your attitude what u dont see yourself. Maybe u quarrel too much ?


                                                          do you read? how can they judge me if I dont say anything


                                                            U were muted for 1 day. What about the others ?

                                                            TBH u can get ez report not being able to defend yourself.


                                                              That's the reason I got LP ^


                                                                com abuse - chat wheel spam, ping spam. I think this gets you reported straight away.


                                                                  Once I was muted for 140 hours xD
                                                                  Now, im still flaming the funny letters that russian people are writing :D

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                                                                    My Maximum was 26 Reports in 10 games and I didnt get lp or muted for it.