General Discussion

General Discussiond2 should have recalibration

d2 should have recalibration in General Discussion

    With so many smurfs around there, and taking into account those 10% people that really could benefit and get where they belong in a much easier way.
    So it just looked like a nice idea to have the option to recalibrate, ofc with some criteria like once every 6 months, on accounts that have "x" games. I think this would bring some renewal to the ladder instead of the low prio ranked the compendium brought.

      how about no? if you belong somewhere higher u will climb there and if you belong somewhere lower u will drop.

      Pale Mannie

        there is a recalibration already in form of TI ranked


          recalibration is for people who don't play ranked and have played many unranked games after their last ranked match to the point where their unranked mmr is vastly different to their ranked mmr. e.g. someone may have calibrated at 1500 mmr, didn't touch ranked for a year, and then played unranked and then improved at the game till they got to 4000 hidden mmr.

          if you play 10+ ranked games a day and you still are the same mmr it's because you are evenly matched against your current opponents, i.e. you are equally as skilled as them therefore your mmr is accurate.

          if your displayed mmr was not close to your actual skill level you'd reach your actual rating anyway with enough games played because you'd either be so much better than everyone else that you'd be winning games solo, or you'd be much worse than everyone else that you'd be losing games constantly due to making your own team 4v5.


            I already take a shit in that ranked, its worse than Low Prio.

            True, most of you what say is the same I think about MMR, it's almost a fact. But I still think it would be interesting to have a recalibrate feature. If you belong really higher than were you are in MMR (I know that this happens very rarely), grinding is fuckin painful, specially depending on the main position you play. If a given player deserves higher MMR, I don't see why he would have to grind thru painful brackets with trash teammates, instead of a well balanced possibility to recalibrate like once a year.

            That is my point here, I just want to have the shortcut possibility, if you recalibrate (which won't be anything close to spammable) you'll climb without the pain of bad teammates, or just drop avoiding some pain to higher players.

            kysses for you too <3

            I really don't think i'm saying anything stupid, this game has a huge learning curve, there's players who will be in the same point for ages, and some others that can learn very quickly and let's say, jump from 500 to 2500 in a short time. This kind of player will create new acc ofc, try to grind from 500 to something "healthy" and I'd call you sensei.
            And last, would be an interesting thing for party MMR.

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            sin blyadi

              miracle to 4,8 k? 100 times more subhumans asking to predict their mmr

              sin blyadi

                Many ppl dont ever play normal all pick after calibrating. For example a guy achieved 2 k, raised to 5-6-7 in a couple of years. Suddenly , he must recalibrate. His calibration starts at 2 k as calibration is based on ur normal all pick mmr


                  Wait, wtf ? Recalibration was not a MUST, but an option with very limited use.


                    In this account, I'm always get normal skill even on TI ranked, but when I create a new account, my skill bracket is on High Skill, idk how that TI Ranked recalbration is work

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                        Calibrated on 2.3, opened at 1.9 x'D


                          If it had that then everyone would always be in wrong mmrs