General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the All-hero challenge(AHC) got the worst out of me

How the All-hero challenge(AHC) got the worst out of me in General Discussion

    Due to some factors I decided to make a new account and to try the all hero challenge to see how fast I can get it done and to force me to play all heroes again in a row and to learn the heroes I am not so familiar with.

    The Idea behind it was to first beat the all hero challenge in normal and then take it to ranked and beat it again and maybe later if I still have the will power to endure all the torture that pub gaming puts upon someone I could go on again and get the all-hero ch. 10 times(cca 2k games if done in a row).

    I played dota for years and switched to dota 2 due to the fact that the dota 1 community is basicly dead so I am pretty familiar with all the heroes but still have some that I really never got the chance to play and didn't really play since they changes were introduced(basicly every hero got changed at least once since I started playing).

    Basicly the only time I didn't play a hero who is in the que was when it was already picked/banned or I fucked up by missclicking or sth, the rest were all games in a row until I had a evidented win with the hero.

    Pros for this:
    - you play all heroes and can see what one heroes weakness and strenghts are
    - you can see how people act about picking a certain hero and adapt your playstyle to it
    - you can get a clear feedback on how a hero acts in the current meta and mmr level

    Cons for this:
    - you are forced to play a hero that might make you surely lose a game because of the lack of cohesion of with the rest of the team
    - since I started this account from zero there are a lot of people who instantly flame you for picking a hero they are bad with
    - there might be heroes that you are not really good with

    my weak spot is lone druid, I simply don't get how to use him even after watching a lot of pro games by actually good players with him, another hero I am really bad with is alchemist and life stealer and I don't really know why
    not that I am extremely good with all the other heroes but those are the heroes with that I play really bad and have low game impact in general

    There were a few heroes that I actually play very good with and got losses out of them for the teams sake or really stupid nonforced missplays from my side and sometimes the match making got me losses by putting me in the same team with a player who wants to test a hero in ranked for no reason whatsoever.

    Pros looking back at this:
    - I am happy it got the 2 times in the pocket
    - I learned a lot and got some information that I forgot during the time I stopped playing
    - I got good feedback on what I can and can't do in the current meta and what heroes items are basicly useless(like NP with aghanims against heroes who farm a lot)

    Cons looking back at this:
    - It takes a lot of nerves to handle this kind of stress because the game stops being fun and starts being a pain in the ass for most of the times unless you play heroes that you really enjoy playing
    - I wouldn't recommend doing this in ranked if you get a relatively high mmr after your first 10 games(I got 3k so it was not that hard)
    - You have to face a lot of flaming simply for the fact you picked a hero, even before the game starts most of the time

    Now I consider going for the next run(the 3rd AHC).

    My stats so far are:
    overall: 437 matches 52.86% winrate
    ranked: 226 matches 51.77% winrate
    normal: 211 matches 54.03% winrate

    all matches were all pick(so i can actually play the hero)

    Dire 243 matches with 50.21% winrate
    Radiant 194 matches with 56.19% winrate

    Europe West 312 with 54.49%
    Europe East 108 with 50%
    Russia 17 with 41.18%

    I actually stopped playing on russian server after the first 17 games since the comunication problems kill of the game vibe and thus made me lose a lot.

    Advice to the ones trying to do it? Life is to short to do this, play the heroes you like.

    Mother Russia



        Great insight man! Was enjoying reading it. I always wanted to try the all hero challenge but never had the balls or patience to do it :D

        If I ever decide to try it Ill remember your advices lol


          i suck at more than half the heroes already


            the point is to get better at those heroes you are not good with, that is why you play them until you win

            it might be that the win was lucky once that is why playing the AHC a few times trought might be a good way to reduce the "sucking" with those heroes

            that doesn't mean that you will become a pro with those heroes but you will higher your mmr with them for a few hundred points and with it your overall mmr

            for example, you can play a cm at a mmr of like 4k and still play a meepo at the mmr of 2k or even 1k

            my lone druid would be like 2k mmr for me but some heroes I could go with 4k mmr

            it is all about practice

            It might be that it works for me because I really enjoy playing support heroes, but I don't really think it matters that much


              Nice man I wouldn't find the dedication to do that


                I was actually hoping for someon to share their own all hero challenge experience.
                Seems like there are not much people who take the time to do the AHC...

                Preap Sovath

                  Used too stuck at Leshrac 12 times now stuck Troll 2


                    About lone druid, i was really bad at him, then i watched bulldog's guide to ld and he quickly became my favorite hero, he actually isn't that hard to play (only 2 units to micro and it's always the "same" units unlike chen for exemple). Talking about pro players playing him, except bulldog i feel like pro players are really fucking bad playing ld, they just picked him a lot because it was meta and now no one actually plays him. That explains why you didn't learned anything :P

                    Good luck with the AHC, after 1.7k games i am at the third hero :(

                    Este comentario fue editado

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!