General Discussion

General Discussionshadow's linkens rush in the grand finals as void

shadow's linkens rush in the grand finals as void in General Discussion

    i understand that against doom, doom can be a big problem (keepo) but why did he still get linkens 2nd item in game 3? there isnt much targeted spells in DC's draft but i guess curse/burrowstrike can be a problem... or is linkens rush just the thing on safelane void?


      Ye he has done it before


        it solves his mana problems, give gigantic surviveabilty, fine stats and damage (+30). If you can guarantee free farm it's a great way to spend 5k gold on early, it's makes him to walking chrono without him ever retreating to base, in the down times void can just farm his damage up.
        Personally it's not suitable for pub games, as it's to hard of a buildup for your first item, and pub games aren't team games you can't make use of your constant chrono without damage

        M U R D E R

          Linkens rush is not that uncommon for Safelane void as far as I've heard.


            Wings Gaming tends to ALWAYS get a linken's on their void



              does shadow always play void or does faith bian play it sometimes


                Every game Wings have drafted Void, Shadow has played it.


                  and he pretty much always goes linkens wether its particularly good in the game or not


                    how is blocking burrowstrike and winters curse nothing lol. how else are they going to kill him.

                    he just ran around hitting people throughout the fights because nothing stopped him and he got perfect initiations off on the clinkz every fight more or less because u cant stop him once he has linkens.


                      does burrowstrike still proc linkens even if you dont actually target void?


                        as long as it goes through him


                          i thought it was kinda like sprout where it wouldnt proc if you just targeted the ground


                            it won't proc if it's a ground target but if void is specifically targeted then it would

                            M U R D E R

                              Nyx impale pierces linkens, unlike Lion spike.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                burrowstrike always procs linkens as does lions impale


                                  Void is similar to Morphling, Medusa, Storm, or Ember in that he can escape almost any gank and turn nearly any teamfight initiation as long as the first spell does not disable him. Therefore, linkens every game.


                                    so whats the best build? vlad < linken ???


                                      shadow did treads into linken in both games


                                        Treads > Linkens > Blink > Cuirass > Situational

                                        is Shadow's most common build


                                          Way too expensive, different Much harder playstyle needed compared to vlad. You Can go for it if You are safelane but its still risky.