General Discussion

General Discussionwhy pro players buy butterfly over daedalous?

why pro players buy butterfly over daedalous? in General Discussion

    hi guys
    i usually watch a lot of pro matches (via client) and i was wondering why they in most cases buy butterfly over daedalus as damage item on almost all non- naix/sven carry.

    -is daedalous not that good item or it just butterfly outclass it ?
    -also sometimes i see sven/tiny going for butterfly but i thought that AC kinda of better on str cores, is there some benefit that i miss?

    thank you in advance guys.

    casual gamer

      bfly does more for u than just give you damage. and it gives you more damage vs towers. and it has an active

      it is especially good if you know they will not have mkb for a while, or can push or something right after getting it


        The choice mostly depends on the nature of ur hero's damage 'steroid'. Bfly is a good damage item for illusion-based heroes (tb, naga, pl), low BAT and manta heroes (jug, am), heroes with %- abilities (sniper, troll) and simple attack modifiers (slark, spectre) Generally speaking, agility is so good on these carries because it gives attack speed, damage and armor for the same price. However, daedalus offers more 'sudden' damage when the number of hits is limited (ta, kunka, ember). Btw you should also consider buying bloodthorn on those possible daedalus carriers, to me bloodthorn seems even better choice (imagine guaranteed aoe crits on sven)


          thank you so mush guys for helping

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