General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration troubles

Calibration troubles in General Discussion
Flying Dutchman

    Before this game i was calibrated on abour 2000 mmr

    After i was still on 2000 mmr

    KDA 8 / 1 / 10



      111 lh 500 gpm, on medusa in 32 min game


      that itemization


      not even 400 avg gpm playing pos 1 carries, expects more than 2k mmr?

      almost no farm, no lasthits. eye bleeding itemization... those scores...

      it's like you were literally doing nothing except staring at the enemies for 40-60 min every game, and accidentally hit a creep once in a while

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      Flying Dutchman

        Remove people who boost accounts from calibration and my mmr be much beter. If boosters play in my team i cant get kill and sucks. If i play against 5-6 k players in calibration i cant do nothing.


          Op, what bracket do you think you belong to? 3k? 4k? dont blame the boosters, blame yourself for your own incompetence.

          doc joferlyn simp

            so proud of you my son. you learned the family technique of dusa deso well KappaPride

            Flying Dutchman

              So i need 5k skills to be 3k ! Thats nice!

              doc joferlyn simp

                353 on dusa on a hour+ game


                  If you had 5k skills, you would be 5k, if you were calibrated to 2k, that means you have?, :) but seriously just improve your gameplay, mechanics, knowledge of the game, and dont bother making another smurf hoping that you would get higher mmr, just git gud

                  Flying Dutchman


                    u have 69 last hit in 30 minutes

                    Flying Dutchman

                      Kelly i think Dota trolling smurf acounts!

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        even im ns and i can see your itemization is complete shit

                        deso negates your fucking satanic cuz orbs dont work together, except lifesteal and skadi

                        why get manta with no butterfly i guess your illus were used to kill the easy neutral camps at 1 minute?

                        why did you not stack with your hod. im not even sure if you know what stacking is

                        no dr to break highground SeemsGood

                        5 slotted bs more hd than you, a 6 slotted dusa on a 1 hour game

                        didnt consider BoT for waveclear vs tinker split push, idk even know how you held up

                        5ks could talk more about specifics of the mistakes you made, im ns and i can see you are supposed to be 3 digit mmr

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          guess what, solo offlane jugg vs luna and cm not so great. if you tried that youd prolly rage quit

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            y u neglect to see my green stains lmao this boi is just taking things out of context


                              @flying dude 69 lh with roaming support riki is lucky xD, maybe thats why i got to 4k, honestly the game just knows where you belong, it just depends on you whether or not you improve and grind that mmr.

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                              Flying Dutchman

                                Guys i didnt ask about my items. I ask why after win game in calibration with 8 / 1 / 10 game i was still in same group. I didnt go 200 mrr up to 2200.

                                If you have no answer please dont talk!


                                  300 lh in a game in 1 hour

                                  as a medusa




                                  deso on medusa

                                  + satanic

                                  + mjolnir

                                  lmao, talks about 5ks in 2k, the players you play against are as brainless as you are

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                                  Flying Dutchman


                                    is this medusa ok?

                                    Fuck off retard


                                      we answered your ridiculous inflated ego question you imbacil

                                      look at your score, items, game time, kda, it's pathetic in a 2k game

                                      Flying Dutchman

                                        235 lh in 40 minutes

                                        Flying Dutchman

                                          U didnt answer idiot. In calibration mmr go up and down. Why after one 7 th game i didnt go up ? Answer?


                                            that's god awful on a medusa,

                                            here's what an actual high mmr player looks like when playing in normal skill;

                                            i fuckin did answer you, you played god awful and your mmr didn't go up. it's just that your super inflated ego is blocking you from the anwser, thinking he should be 5k, and that his enemies are boosters?


                                            p.s 200 lh in 40 min is something to cry about

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                                            Flying Dutchman

                                              18 KDA ratio is awful ?


                                                to answer your question op, your mmr did not go up because you still played bad, that kda don't mean shit if overall your bad

                                                Flying Dutchman

                                                  I think im about 2800 mmr!


                                                    when you have that shitty gpm and itemisation, and such a long game

                                                    then yes, it's miserable

                                                    Flying Dutchman

                                                      Because i play with people 3k on other account and i know it!


                                                        and you calibrated 2k, super underperformed in one of the lowest brackets, and thinks he's 3k?

                                                        keep dreaming kid, you can only dream that you don't drop to 1k on this acc


                                                          2k just go back to 2k
                                                          4head u will never get to 3k with this shitty attitude, raising mmr is not just about KDA

                                                          Flying Dutchman

                                                            My point is solo mmr i stuped because u play with strangers and boosters! Nothing else! I play with 4 k people on other accounts!


                                                              lmao, the skill illusion so sad^

                                                              can't even win in 1-2k XD


                                                                play meepo and git gud ....even tho im a smurfing normal skill pleb
                                                                at least have some game impact lul

                                                                Flying Dutchman

                                                                  Im not 5 k player. Like i said im 2-3 k player. Its hard to have impact on game where you have strangers and boosters. I see incredibile noobs with 2400 mmr in games.

                                                                  Flying Dutchman

                                                                    Moust of games u dont have suport with 2 toxic idiots who argue all time who is mid. 5 k player cann do something in that game but its wery hard for me to do something.


                                                                      Be the change,Fill the hole


                                                                        a 5k would win a 2k game regardless of what teammates he has

                                                                        like he said, if you want change. then be the change

                                                                        you won't find good players in 2k, if they were good they wouldn't be 2k.

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                                        Flying Dutchman

                                                                          Why you not want to understeand Cookie. Impact of boosters exist and that people ruin calibration,

                                                                          They are - 500 mmr for sure every time i calibrate. They ruin 5 of 10 calibration games.

                                                                          This is not story of 2 k player think he is 4 k player.


                                                                            LOL. You need to learn how to farm effectively; especially on a hero like Medusa. Item choice, is questionable too.

                                                                   <---- I was a support this game btw.. and I have more last hits than my carries. Also note the amount of assist I have (indicating I was rotating every time one of my carries got ganked).

                                                                            Then again, who am I to comment? I haven't even been able to play rank. Meh..

                                                                            suck dick for pma

                                                                              1.7k mmr lol


                                                                                I dunno what's wrong about u, these guys clearly telling the right things. With that item and farm, my 40% wr anti mage will melt u.


                                                                                  This whole thread= a good laugh for being bedridden, wp bois lul

                                                                                  Flying Dutchman

                                                                                    its realy fun u guys all miss thing. Its not about items ... its not about farm .... Its not about hero .... I dont need to be high skill ... I just want my stollen 500 mmr at calibration.

                                                                                    U stuped or what?


                                                                                      With that attitude you're going nowhere
                                                                                      The game just knows that you belong in that MMR
                                                                                      The only way for a person be miscalibrated is by playing with ultra high ping,without keyboard,without mouse,or playing while drunk or while being high
                                                                                      Just grind your way to 2.7k if you think you belong there
                                                                                      Any real 2.7k would be able to grind his way up from 2000 MMR


                                                                                        I also thought that I dont belong to my calibraetd solo mmr (1.6 / 1.7k) and I climbed to 3300 in roughly 330 ranked matches (including party ranked)

                                                                                          Este comentario ha sido borrado

                                                                                            Op your amazing grammar and spelling makes this entire thread x10 funnier wp man.


                                                                                              ^^THis hate, but you're just a smurf with a ridiculously low winrate.

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                                                                                              #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                                                                                                Funny guy

                                                                                                #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                                                                                                  A normal skill player . hmmmm


                                                                                                    ^Another pathetic smurf.


                                                                                                      Considering these harsh words from these VHS 1337 club they actually do give strong advices