General Discussion

General DiscussionViper build in this meta

Viper build in this meta in General Discussion

    Hey guys, I played a game of viper and did well, but I could not go late probably because of my item choices and ended up losing to a Luna. I was playing against a pa, slardar, tinker, Luna, and darkseer. My team consisted of storm, witch doctor, medusa, and chaos knight. What should I have built?

    Johnny Rico

      should got a aghs, 10 sec cd on ult, to deal with pa isntead of mkb, and maybe bloodthorne, silences at 2k are op, removes the miss chance from pa, and with your dmg the soul burn is pretty gud.

      I think if you got at least Silver Edge, Bloodthorne, pike and Aghs you could have won the game.


        mek>hurricane pike>aghs
        I think this is the best for viper

        Your team comp looks bad though so maybe Viper wasn't a good idea that game

        Visita Hari Danta

          gg boots > veil of discord > aethers lens > dagon >etheral > bloodthorn gg ez


            something along the lines of hod dlance mjollnir bkb

            as always hoods an optional item if theres a lot of magic dmg

            Este comentario fue editado

              Why build mek when helm of the dominator exists. Don't build agha Viper actually scales really well if you can manage to keep your farm up and don't fall for trap items like aghs.

              Este comentario fue editado

                who buys mek in 2k17 on viper


                  dont build mek!

                  Fee Too Pee

                    tbh its your medusa fault tbh, 16 minute PT , 25 Minute Linken. u make space for nothing


                      If you snowball really well get a 9min sb and kill everybody then tranlate that to a push. Get dlance pike butter and you should be able to end the game at this point.

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Hurricane Pike is a must because of Viper's slow ms and goes good with his tank needs. But if you took all the CS early and doing well, you should get a Shadow Blade as soon as possible to roam and get EZ kills then you can upgrade it into silver edge and buy a manta for slardar and tinker.

                        FUCK THAT 26 min Battlefury Chaos Knight triggers me a lot, did you report CK!?!?!? He should get hand of midas even if he wants the GPM
                        You should really flame him the instance you saw him building that shit
                        So the game isn't entirely your fault
                        But you should really really get that Shadow blade if you got lasthits in lane.

                        जय श्री राम

                          Go. Bf. . . Lol


                            lol. mek and aghs for core viper in pub game. haha. do un not the know the power of early yasha viper?

                            . . . ?

                              skip the dominator since it doesnt give lifesteal anymore you can get just a morbid mask would suffice.

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                Apparently I am the only certified Viper player around. There is no definite build for Viper, except for RoA, Wand and PT. Just adapt to the game:



                                  Your Chaos Knight bought Battlefury and Abyssal Blade. That is GG right there. No stat-heavy item on a hero that relies on illusions.

                                  In all honesty, the core build for Viper in this patch is Silver Edge and Hurricane Pike. Extremely mobile and extremely annoying to deal with. That you went for a MKB so early is a mistake. PA did not get BKB until minute 47. If you had a Silver Edge, you could have shut her down completely until that point. Also, Silver Edge is very good on Luna because it reduces her ult damage by half, making it survivable in solo-ganks.

                                  Other than that, you did well. Your teammates were rather awful, but that depends on the toss of the coin.


                                    Don't listen to all of these kids in this thread. I haven't been picking Viper since Drums was changed because Drums was pretty much CORE on Viper so you could get kills early or else everyone would run away from you in a fight. Drums is now trash. Dragon Lance doesn't give you speed and Phase Boots on Viper are horrendous. The hero is pure garbage right now and the few games I have tried him in during the new patch have been decent with the Helm of Dom into Mek build, but you can't win the game with a mid Viper unless your team will push early. If the game is going anything over 30 mins, it's GG. I spammed Viper for MMR for 2 years, so trust me. AGHS on VIPER IS HORRIBLE, NEVER BUY IT. Always buy YASHA and if you are doing well, go straight for Manta, or SNY if you need an item ASAP. Don't believe me? Look at the best Vipers in the Player Rankings. The only items Viper should ever have are: Mek, Dragon Lance, SNY, Manta, MKB, Butterfly, AC, Hurricane Pike, Bloodthorn, Moonshard, Silver Edge if you need to break passives like Huskar's. Other than that, never buy AGHS, just trust me.

                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                      Drums is now trash

                                      why tho? the new mana regen-enhanced drums seems good for viper, who always starve on mana.

                                      anyway i agree on not buying aghs on viper. 10 seconds cooldown sounds amazing and all, but viper cant sustain the mana consumption.


                                        Viper has over 50% wr with mek and under 50% without it (mek only averages 47% wr so that's pretty good)

                                        "anyway i agree on not buying aghs on viper. 10 seconds cooldown sounds amazing and all, but viper cant sustain the mana consumption. "
                                        Aghs cuts the mana cost in half and I think a lot of people forget that it doubles the range


                                          where are you getting these stats from

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I think aghs viper is pretty bad tbh. He needs move speed but phase isn't ideal, so probably treads, pike, manta, but silver edge in your game would be ideal. Manta to drop tinker laser, silver edge for pa and luna.

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              jesus can you people stop quoting dbuff item winrate stats, they are completely meaningless

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                Ew mek?
                                                Just build Dragon Lance early on and either tank up, or do damage or a balance between the two depending on your team and their's.

                                                Pike is nice on Vipes.

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!