General Discussion

General Discussionhow long does it take to go from 4k to 5k?

how long does it take to go from 4k to 5k? in General Discussion

    im 4.5 right now, how long do u think will it take me


      i was 4.5k one week ago, went down to 4.1k, good luck with that


        1000 memers from 4k to 5k

        or 500 memers from 4.5 to 5k

        jk, usually takes me 2 days


          U will get 5k when u truely deserve it. To reach 5k u have to be better that other 5k (not 4.5 k like u are now) players more than 50% of times, because:

          - late in the evening u will be often matched against 5k+ players (even 6ks sometimes)
          - 4.8-5k is elo hell, u will meet both tryhards that are tryin to get to 5k, and people desperate not to fall back into 4k, so it makes games extremely instensive
          - u have to get used to skill level of 5k players and after some significant amout of time and experience start to play better than them at every aspect, including using their mistakes to your own advantage

          I think it will take like approximately 500-1000 games for a person that learn with an average speed. Some people never will reach 5k even if they tryhard very bad, cos they simply are not talented enough, or does not improve/see their own mistakes.

          I think its simillar to getting out of 3k for the first time. U admit that u suck, and try to improve where u need the most. Shorten hero pool to 3-5 heros, and try to master them. The only difference is that u have to have that cold blood/winning attitude - no panic in teamfights, outplaying enemy with confidence, hitting time windows for specific hero (thats why mastering 3-5 heros is the most important unless u are miracle)

          And the last one, and most important - dont tilt. Even if u get 20 min bf on AM.

          Este comentario fue editado

            range from 6 months to 5 years


              Sorry to dissapoint you lad ,it doesnt only depend on you.
              Unless you are super good on some hero ,evenso it depends more on how willing those fucking russians matched with you are willing to win.
              I used to play naga but fucking Icefrog made this dogshit patch where radiance was nerfed on illusion heroes etcetc


                Lex dude ur funny really.
                You think 5k is like 7 or 8k ur really funny.
                5k is no different from 4k its just the retards % is lower.
                Seriously this isnt 2014 when if u were 5k+ u were supposed to be good.
                The sample is bigger these days.I ve been to 4970 and to be honest games were pretty stupid there.
                Morons went for unconventional carries (such as riki or bs) and yes u guessed it.


                  ~40 games


                    i can feel the four kay blood in the number guy^^

                    Russland only plz

                      4-5k was like 85% wr for me so mb 2weeks

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        OH IT'S THE OLD 4K AFTER 6K GAMES GUY
                        how ya doing man?


                          LMAO just noticed. 6k games SeemsGood
                          more games than mmr xD


                            Took me a week?

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Check the OP account.
                              HE IS OR BEEN TO 5K U ALL BEEN JEBAIT!!!

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                                  and if u spam a hero 4ks cant deal with


                                    if you are a 4.5k player depends on how fast u get better. if ur 6k+ player u can prob have 80% wr on that bracket.


                                      "5k is no different from 4k its just the retards % is lower."

                                      by the same logic:

                                      4k is same as 3k ,
                                      3k is same as 2k,
                                      therefore 2k is same as 5k PogChamp

                                      casual gamer

                                        it depends on ur emotional state and if you can play a broken hero well


                                          What Abt that necro spammer that made it in like 2 days with 15 low priority games in between? Just pick a hero you do well with and pick him, when he's available


                                            i can tell you how long it takes to go from 4.9k to 4k like me


                                              Salza I just want to know how long it took you from 3.1K or whatever to 4K when I first met you/saw you posting on forums lol.


                                                depends on how many calibrated smurfs will you get into your or the enemy team


                                                  Salza I just want to know how long it took you from 3.1K or whatever to 4K when I first met you/saw you posting on forums lol.

                                                  Well I was around 3700 for around a year. I was kinda just playing with friends at that point and sometimes played solo ranked on the side to see what happened. I tried to improve myself and I immediately shot up to 4.2k. So I was in 3k for about 2 years


                                                    @Lex Some people never will reach 5k even if they tryhard very bad, cos they simply are not talented enough, or does not improve/see their own mistakes.

                                                    This is absolute bullshit. It depends on how u play, If you are striving to win and improve you will get to 5k it is even possible to get to 9k. But, there are things you need, dedication, love and never willing to give up. If you can do, you can do. To all the guys who think it is impossible because, u think it is.

                                                    Don't judge me because, I never had the time to play and I am willing to improve. But If you want to willing to climb, just climb. Don't post threads for how to climb and how many days will it take, instead ask for tips to improve.


                                                      @Lex judging by his profile .. He was 5k

                                                      LIL KASALANAN

                                                        Over 9000 games, namsayin?




                                                            u just need time



                                                              U surely never watched Benao stream kappa

                                                              No one say 5k is very good, but playstyle starts to be completely different comparing to 4k. Its only slightly better than monkies kek, but anyway I know a lot of tryhards that just cant climb no matter how hard they try.

                                                              Even that monkey 5k lvl needs some minimal predispositions, what most players dont have.



                                                                I really never watched any streams except arteezy and sometimes sumail.

                                                                I am saying it is not impossible, it is possible man, you think it is impossible because you are lazy enough to not try hard.
                                                                No offense. It is not about easy or hard, it is about your hunger to do it or not.


                                                                  srsly tho dude change SOMETHING if u played 9k games and still are 4.5 arent u doin smth wrong????

                                                                  right now all i can say is watch ur own replays u gotta get what u doin wrong srsly dude :|

                                                                  basement :)

                                                                    I am at 4.35k on my only account. I will report back when I reach 5k. It will probably take 1.5 months. Maybe 2 months because Australian Dota is harder higher up.

                                                                    Road to 1K

                                                                      I was 4k5 and now 3k5 in 1 week. Thanks for all shit teammates
                                                                      Good luck bro.


                                                                        rofl how is that possible

                                                                        fear is the mind killer

                                                                          ^ its not possible


                                                                            @cookie what was the mmr of ur smurf when u calibrated ?


                                                                              I once got that number guy in a game and he was the lowest MMR by far and everyone in the team told him not to go carry cause he was gonna lose it super hard and sure enough....


                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                the chat in that game is golden

                                                                                fear is the mind killer

                                                                                  yep, he's a huge retard


                                                                                    Lmao dat all chat



                                                                                      I was hoovering between 4.7-5.1 k , though I quit dota now.

                                                                                      Typical delusional normal skill scrub that thinks if u just tryhard u will be 6k in no time.... Pls dont say anything. Why do normal skills have always the biggest experience in VHS games ?

                                                                                      5k+ players is 0,02% of whole dota community if yasp is correct. I think the percentage is even lower due to smurf accounts.

                                                                                      Also that "Pls dont go carry as the lowest mmr" - and he picks anyway. Sometimes i think the difference between 5k+ and normal skill scrubs is having a brain or not.

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        took me just a week from 4.3 to 5

                                                                                        23 dec to 12 jan and im 4.3 to 5.4.


                                                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                          please guess when this account will surpass shitty cookie 5596 mmr.

                                                                                          calibrated fresh @ 23 Dec

                                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                            ^Why keep smurf?
                                                                                            Already reach your player skill cap?


                                                                                              It will take very long to get from 4.5k to 5k. There was a period that I got tilted so hard and dropped to 4.4k. It took me like 1 month to get back to my 5k+


                                                                                                Heres the secret. Ready. 4.5k players are good enough mechanically, but they still suck at the broader concepts of the game, in other words you can still easily outsmart them by drafting the right hero to buttrape them and then outsmart them by being prepared for timings and where to go on the map.

                                                                                                When you learn to draft better will go up


                                                                                                  Long have we waited


                                                                                                    now we


                                                                                                      just play, mmr is just a number

                                                                                                      anw my answer to your question depends on how you play and how your team mates play glhf

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!