General Discussion

General DiscussionAm help? Thoughts & Tips?

Am help? Thoughts & Tips? in General Discussion
Gabba Gabba Games TTV

    Hello, Recently I played AM for the one battlecup quest. I was pretty scared of playing him even though i know he's not very mechanically complex, because of the first game i played him back when i was 1kish and had horrible farm and was carried so hard... But after playing him for the quest i decided he was pretty ok so i guess i'm here seeing if anyone would be nice enought o give me tips and thoughts on AM...

    kinda like

    1. Good item timings

    2. How long should you farm (I recently farm first 20 or so mins and go in for a kill if it looks like it could happen)

    3. Is he still great late game or are there a lot better cores

    4. Anything else about him you'd like to share

    Thanks for your time.

    Ryan Gosling Fan

      Dont pick this hero...


        Don't pick this hero.

        If you do pick this hero. Just farm all game and hope your team wins. If your team is doing kinda okay don't help them. You must condition them to play better for 30 mins when they have to play as 4. Then you join them with 4 items probably because you farm slow and suddenly you'd make the difference in fights.

        If your team is losing. Then just keep farming anyway for the stats and luls


          I'll make it simple

          Go safelane.

          Farm fast like get boots and build bf your goal is to get it before 13 mins.

          Get manta asap.
          Then build basher for abyssal.

          (Bring tp always)

          2k Advice


            I never got bf at 13 mins. Still manage to win 2k games. Mid game farming speed and decision making is more important.

            Most Trash AMs I observe absolutely do not know what am is supposed to accomplish. You are not a farmer. Your first priority is to pressure lanes and force rotations. Abuse mobility.Then you farm jungle. If you just afk and "farm fast" you are playing the hero wrong.

            Este comentario fue editado

              1. 16 mins below bf
              2. Dont help team, tell them not to feed
              3. Good late game, not durable
              4. Gay hero


                I think AM is a good hero to learn because it teaches you classic safelane carry gameplay in its purest form. If you can play a half-decent AM you shouldn't have much trouble playing any other safelaner.

                For me BF timing is not key, the important part is having your manta at a good timing as that is generally the item that allows you to join 5v5 teamfights (apart from cleaning up or punishing overextended divers ofc). Usually I get manta 6-7 minutes after BF if I rush it straight and 8 minutes after BF if I go helm.

                When you farm you should always keep a scroll and one eye on the minimap. Your first priority is to pressure lanestower and force enemy heroes to tp back. Second priority is to farm areas your team can't easily farm like enemy jungle/ancient camps. Finally if you can't farm anywhere else take your own jungle. If you do this you make space for your team to farm themselves and buy time for yourself to get big before the inevitable 5 man push.

                Ultra lategame AM is extremely strong, however usually because people pick him with utility cores/early-midgame heroes to secure midgame during the 4v5 stage you'll often struggle against multicore lineups past 45+ minutes. Usually you should aim to end the game before this occurs, the easiest way to accomplish this is just by grabbing aegis and bumrushing high ground with your team behind you as AM is probably one of the best sieging heroes in the game.

                I usually go the -1 second blink talent so in ultra lategame you can afford to drop boots for another item and bf can be backpacked/sold if your team has adequate waveclear, between these two options and moon shard you have quite a lot of lategame flexibility.

                Usual item path: treads->bf->(helm if low pressure)->manta->abyssal->butter/agha/linkens->skadi-> game over ideally.

                Este comentario fue editado

                  In lower MMR I'd advise skipping the helm until you are ready to learn the jungle creeps and how to micro a unit or two effectively.

                  When you are ready for that, I'd practice Jugg or Luna.

                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                    First off, thanks for the detailed reply i really appreciate it.

                    Secondly, I'm going to try to take your advice next time I play (Assuming i'm able to get position 1 from my team :D) What I drew from your response is to farm efficiently, a good manta timing is better than a fast bf timing, keep pressure on enemy towers and perferably end the game before 45+

                    Once again i really appreciate the tips and will try my best to adapt them to my game <333


                      6k am god has spoken.bookmark this thread skrubs

                      MODE: PAGANINI

                        AM ez carry. Don't listen to them, you just have to play it properly.
                        I make you an example :
                        Spectre is an hard meta carry ( 56 % win rate ), if i farm fast, there is no way i'm 100 % sure to win with her, because has no strong pushing potential.
                        With AM i know that if i farm properly, i won the game even with my team under.
                        Just be smart :
                        you see them on map? split push, take objective, a way to farm and help the game.
                        You dont see them ? stay defensive, farm jungle. Power switching while blinkin each camp to farm.
                        Your goal is to have bf more or less in 15 minutes, then manta 20 / 22 minutes.
                        If you manage to have manta at this time, probably you win.
                        Do they have big target disable? Agh after manta is OP.
                        Have they invoker, storm spirit, ecc ? BKB no Agh.
                        Go abyssal, batterfly and tarrasque, sell boots sell battlefury and buy mjolnir or stuff.
                        Never buy Divine on AM since he doesnt scale with damage.
                        He's my favourite hero, and he's the hero i have the highest win rate in my pool since i'm noob.

                        Trust me, the late game for antimage is at 30 minute because the other hard carry reaches his farm 15 minutes later so you have a big advantage when you can 1 vs 5 everybody and finish the game by your own. Try to help in fight if necessary, but if they 5 man mid with strong team fight push other lanes, dont even think to fight and die because you are gonna slow your farm. Your teammates will blame you but this kinda move will get worth 10 minutes later or stuff

                        MODE: PAGANINI

                          There are games my lane is so shit i don't mange to close bf in time, and it happens i finish it at 20 minutes or so.
                          Don't worry , it's shit, but it just delays your presence of those 5 8 minutes.
                          Anyway never think to help your teamfights without manta, and with manta stay quiet safe anyway. But always check, if you see an enemy low hp or low mana, use your blink as advantage, if enemy is escaping then scout him and steal some last hits if it's a winning fight.
                          Usually don't pick am if your team picked farmers or jungler. You really need all the space possible to farm, if you see jungle clean and it's risk to push, you have like 1 2 minutes of doing nothing because your team cleaned the jungle, and this is really bad for an am. So if you see them on map, try to farm their jungle, if you have defensive items like aghanim or bkb, feel safe on doing it.

                          MODE: PAGANINI

                            Usually when enemy is pushing you, they are warding on your side of the map. So, it's "safer" to farm their jungle instead of your side. But it depends always by the situation.
                            Sorry multiple comments


                              you dont need strong push if all their heroes are dead


                                Dont listen to nevermore and always build treads before bf, even headress sometimes.

                                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                  Appreciate all the advice guys <333

                                  Graduated from RIZZ Unive...

                                    nah build mjollnir or echo sabre thats legit. lul. anyway 500+ games on AM with almost 7 KDA is legit


                                      avoid picking him regularly.. he is niche good

                                      <16min battle fury or skip it
                                      farm for 25min, no more
                                      he is EXTREMELY good late game, but deathball meta is so hard to beat with AM
                                      scepter is great, normally (not always) better that bkb

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