General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero should I Spam?

What hero should I Spam? in General Discussion

    Hello, I've been playing Dota for about 6 months and wanted to get a decent grasp of the game before I started ranked.
    I was wondering if any of the heros I play would be good for spamming in Ranked.
    Thank you, and have a nice day.


      Sniper mid harass and deny creeps as much as possible without sacrificing last hits as long as you farm up and your sure youll be able to get kills. Sorry if this sounds really basic but people in our skill level just dont know what to do against a farmed sniper because theyll pick melee carries that cant deal with him late game.


        Sniper is both rlly good and rlly ass cuz pa and pudge r in almost every game and sniper has a hard time against them, at least 0k snipers do. I wud just spam pa, if u know what ur doing people just feed compulsively to her. My last 2 pa games have been incredible stomps. Buy raindrop btw.


          I've versed 3ks mid and crushed them in unranked in several games am not autistic and 0k
          Ik they were not "Trying" and would like to ask heros from my hero pool are the best for climbing
          Sorry for misunderstanding and thank you

          R A B B I T !

            Supports: Rubick, Lion, Warlock, Lich
            Offlaners: BB, Cent, Nyx.
            Carries: LS, Jug, Spectre, PA.
            Mid: Invoker, TA, SF.

            These heroes are really common.

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                Would it kill you to play a support every once in a while.


                  play your most confident heroes or the one that counters your enemy is the best in ranked


                    it would kill his plays if he's not a good supp player


                      dont spam 6 months in. at least a year of playing every hero to understand how he/she gets countered and what items does he/she build and how's her/his playstyle so when u wanna start spamming u know how to play around the enemy heroes and synergise with yours


                        bad advice sia^ all you need is 1-2 games on each hero, and just SPAM SPAM SPAM one after that

                        look, if you wanna spam a hero either pick a top tier meta hero or just spam whatever you won't get bored with.

                        some people tend to get bored after 5 games on 1 hero, i don't get bored after 50 because i enjoy playing the heroes i spam.

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                          Whatever the fuck you like


                            the only hero i liked spaming was venom and sniper.sniper cause i like to stay away from fight and pew pew pew mofo. actually ive shity computer and in fight i get like 10 fps and so i find easier to handle this with sniper.

                            Venom cause he is just cancer. ican easily create huge space for my team to farm but since new patch its getting tough ending games in less than 40 min and post 40 min its gets reaaaally tough to do so.

                            i tried np last night now il spam it. i liked the hero but it was bad earlier. plus he is a good offlaner in certain lineup


                              well if u wanna play all heroes 2 games it'll be 220(?) games and lets say he's played 2/3 of them already enough to know how they work so like 70ish games to play em all. then spam a hero??


                                yep, that's pretty much it

                                there's heroes that i haven't played in 2-3 years


                                  Spectre Luna juggernaut sven


                                    lets see. played visage twice stopmed once. played chen 3 times did really good but game took more than 40 mins and i was a creep+mek then we lost min 70 or smth. played aw idk how many times built book3 sb divine and won. io twice both 0 20 5 or smth xd

                                    mr. rabbit

                                      i think i actually play chen once during my entire life


                                        Do you recommend picking around my shitty team or keep spam like if I am a safe lane spectre and we don't have a support do I go visage or another support or do I stick with my spam hero?


                                          all heroes are good if you know how to play them decent, and all heroes needs experience so you could play them decent

                                          mr. rabbit

                                            u first pick the hero ur spamming so that doesnt become a problem

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                                              One last question after looking at my recent games were do I think I belong?

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                prob mid to high 2k

                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                  Don't spam a single hero but select around 10 hero your most comfortable with. Don't spam carry heroes. Theres already a lot of wannabe pro carries so learn to be a support in order to climb mmr.

                                                  Heroes that are good for me are:
                                                  -Earth Spirit

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    2-3 hero pool is way better. u can even make do with just 1 if ur not spamming a popular/meta hero

                                                    role doesnt matter as long as it's the role ur willing to put time in to

                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                      some people tend to get bored after 5 games on 1 hero,



                                                        he'd know which hero just needs to look for one that he both likes and can win the games solo. means gotta be able to fight, splitpush, farm fast, survive and be tanky enough, have escape, and etc.

                                                        i would suggest am and slark for starting. slark more than am since am cant be as aggresive as slark if u arent a real good am player also considering team is always bad at lower mmr

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                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          some people tend to get bored after 5 games on 1 hero, i don't get bored after 50 because i enjoy playing the heroes i spam.


                                                            Which of following do you think is the best



                                                              You belong exactly where your solo mmr is


                                                                Haven't calibrated yet sir


                                                                  lol just answered above before u post this :))


                                                                    Then go calibrate and find out


                                                                      I find my best strength is farming and getting farmed fast on heros like meepo, jug, and am


                                                                        Will do Mr.Cookie just want some knowledge on what heros to play


                                                                          play slark/am , first pick and mark safelane asap, mute everyone since in 1k/2k you wont hear any good ideas/strategies and they either give stupid ideas which loses u game or flame. if u play slark pick ppl off with sb and then ping a towe and caps lock tell team push ppush push till u win and if u are am care about enemy positions and push the other side of map. they either go missing whichu tp im between trees and w8 till u see them in map then decide next move or they are tping in ur vision then blink to trees tp away or they are retardedly doing something or fighting with ur team which u drop at least one tower maybe 2 till they have to come back. dont fight with team if u know u cant rely on them and u dont have enough items or if u ont fight and push can take a t3 or rax


                                                                            Dont be afraid of calibrating low, ranked is all about winning and learning how to win

                                                                            You can calibrate 3.5k and never move cus you never leaened to win.

                                                                            Or you could calibrate 1k and grind to 5-6k like yours truly

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                              Alright, thank you guys for all the great tips.


                                                                                cookie climbed didnt smurf like yours truly PogChamp

                                                                                also gud luck

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                  Good luck


                                                                                    if you are new play the easy heroes with high winrates. wraith king, abaddon, crystal maiden. just go and see the high winrate heroes in 1k. and play those. dont listen to some of the suggestion here that suggest hard af heroes to learn and play in 1k.


                                                                                      I wouldn't say am super new and have a okay grasp of the heros


                                                                                        I would suggest you practice heroes for certain roles as so you can adjust to the game, if ever you pinged mid and someone suddenly picked mid hero you can pick your comfort carry/offlane/support.

                                                                                        As for me I spam heroes for certain roles.
                                                                                        Mid: TA, SF, Storm, Invoker
                                                                                        Offlane: Axe, Slardar
                                                                                        Carry: Slark, Jugg
                                                                                        Supports: Ogre, CM

                                                                                        I can play almost all heroes but these are my comfort heroes for grinding.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          Try viper. Straightforward and effective. Some find him boring is only issue.

                                                                                          white boy summer

                                                                                            am is basically the best to learn farming patterns and such since he's the fastest at clearing camps, u just have to learn how not to miss a single lasthit (or miss a few if u go kill) and after battlefury just blink farm every camp and eventually get solo kills with abyss/before fight breaks out position yourself to the nearest farming place to your teammates


                                                                                              Ive never played a small handful of rlly hard heroes (visage, chen, meepo, ld) and wd cuz the hero looks boring af. But i understand how they work so i shud just start spamming my 100% winrate necro right? I just get bored playing the same hero, idk if i can handle the spam.


                                                                                                I rlly shud start muting, i get some insane dunning kruger shit like "necro is a great support u shud support" after i mark mid, then that same person picks pa and goes battlefury. However i dont mute initially, but if they say anything remotely retarded, tell them u called it first if they r conflicting with u, or ignore them, then immediately mute.

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  best spam by far:


                                                                                                    damn viper is actually good rn gotta check it out myself


                                                                                                      I spammed Troll and Weaver then finally AM. All of them are fun to play. However, NP is really good now, might want to give it a go.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!