General Discussion

General DiscussionI have one week to work on being a better player.

I have one week to work on being a better player. in General Discussion

    Suggestions on what I could do to improve myself besides last hitting? That's gradually improving on my own effort. Can someone please take a look at how I play invoker for the first 15 minutes? I used to be able to get aghs around 13 mins, now I usually get it at 18-19 minutes. And my winrate is finally increasing :) It was 38.9% when I first started off in db forums. I really wanna improve to be able to stomp NS games and move on to HS. Please highlight other ways I can improve my farming patterns. I would honestly read cookie's 1-5k guide, but it's not up. Fuk u cukie.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback useful or not or whether it's from someone lower mmr than me.


      Play solo ranked matchmaking


        Hahahaha, okay. Im just playing pubs to feel confident about myself.


          ^ play ranked and then get winnable games like this
          @standin am 1k so its up to u to listen for what i say or no but thats all i got from asking ur exact question
          -kick the opposite laner find a way to harras him out of the lane
          -keep tracking on the map you see a fight that u can secure kills on straigh tp, lost fight ping for them not to fight hopefully they listen and stall the fight while u split pushing to take objective dota is about destroying the ancient not killing the more enemys
          -learn how to position your self find the safe spot to take the kills and dive if you can survive / escape if things go wrong
          -try to cordinate with your team dota is 5v5 not 1v5
          those all the tips i could get while looking around also sorry for my bad english.

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            I think, I should take down this thread. Guys I know all of the above ffs...


              focus on farming and keeping your gpm up
              nothing worse when you snowball and then have ur item progression stuck for 15 mins because you were hungry for kills and didnt do shit or fed


                advice by spunki ©



                  This is what your acct looks like with relevant filters applied to ensure accuracy.

                  Basically what you need to do is work on all your basics as you're right where you should be in terms of performance consistency.

                  You need to play a LOT more games for one thing. 33 games in the span of an entire month is not nearly enough. Your winrate looks decent but that's also probably because of such a small volume of games being played. You will likely find it slopes down towards 50% if you keep playing the way you do.

                  If you have a serious week like I do now and then, you should actually manage to play all 7 days consecutively or its not a real productive practice week. You also should be managing about 10 games a day bare minimum: optimally 15 or more.

                  Overall you need more games for us to get a real picture of what's going on. Right now all I can give you is some decent guesses based on what I'm seeing. Its likely to be correct but I can get far more specific with more games to go off of.

                  Basically your farm is too slow and your impact on the enemy team is too little. Your wins, especially with invoker, are basically you getting carried. Out of all 33 games played in the last entire month, you have had only 4 games that could be considered "stomp material" Out of these "stomps", you barely stomped in any of them. The amount of hero damage you did in these stomps is very low and sometimes you're among the lowest on the team. At the same time you're not managing tower damage in any of these low hero damage games so you can't even use "I was split pushing" for an excuse.

                  As Invoker your early game is going to be slow and any kill potential is limited to an enemy making an incredibly stupid tower dive mid or a sunstrike kill. With alacrity opener being pretty standard these days though, its weird your first 10 minutes of last hitting are consistently bad in every game. If you open 3231, you should have as strong if not stronger last hitting power as a shadow fiend that has done well meaning around 80 last hits at least in every game by 10 minutes. In no games in the last month has your early or midgame been strong on any hero. Your opponents either made continuous stupid mistakes or you got lucky saves from your team in every game I checked.

                  I know this might be hard to hear, but you are very far from ever seeing the high skill bracket much less calling it home at the moment. You ask for advanced help but you aren't ready for advanced help. In every game I looked at, your basics are what are failing you. You don't understand creep aggro management. Your last hitting is CONSISTENTLY bad and you almost never attack your enemies until they have farmed up an equivalent amount or they just outfarm you. Your patterns are also bad and you sit around doing nothing / in base far too much.

                  Now I know its not what you asked for and you'll probably reject it, but I'll tell you what you actually need to hear: Improve your GPM and XPM with increased knowledge in last hitting and fighting techniques ESPECIALLY in your early game (first 10 minutes). These are your issues. You will not increase if you do what you currently are doing.

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                    just dont play invoker pls,watch replays and try to do the right thing,if u are any good u will improve,if not u will play normal skill forever and u cant do anything if u arent able to learn.

                    all role player

                      dota is sad game.
                      u play like 1000 hours in the game yet people tell you, you fail the basic ....
                      your most played hero is not 50+ winrate yet...
                      edit : wtf op why u lose invoker game in 6.86 ????

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                      all role player

                        back then (6.86) i cant hit a fvcking single combo and still manage to get 70%wr as invoker
                        qw invo and only using 3 spell

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                          Everyone has a starting point . Oh wait .....


                            Playing support basically improves your map awareness, decision making(where and when to gank/ward), coordination with teammates and general knowledge of the game, why not try playing support?


                              @[A]BOVE Okay, must agree on most of it. but right now, I lack the knowledge of how I can learn those things besides creating a different topic for everything on DB.


                                Really wish Cuki's guide was still up I'd literally just link you. EVERYTHING I'm mentioning here was covered extensively in that guide.

                                Lester, Moe

                                  Focus on making good decisions

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!