General Discussion

General DiscussionNecro New Immortal

Necro New Immortal in General Discussion

    I Badly want the New Necro Immortal I offer My diffuser(Spectre) for that... Just comment down below




        just a side note , nobody will ever , like ever accept this trade , not even close , you cant trade 10$ item for 50$ one


          I give you ultra rare from siltebreaker sub chests for diffuser. (kidding)

          Este comentario fue editado

            I also have am hair of the survivor just incase but if will not find anybody i just wait 2018

            주 롄양

              the price wont drop below 40$, and diffuser wont even up beyond 20$

              Why So Serious?

                i have from immortal 1 tresure rare brood and very rare lifestealer


                  Dudes just like the other immortals I will Dramtically low when its marketable.. Just like previous TI immortals., Well I just looking for that person.. srry for bad english


                    Necro immortal is around 30 USD, slark immo too is 30 USD, and both are available in the steam community market.