General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa 40% winrate on 5k+

Medusa 40% winrate on 5k+ in General Discussion

    Meanwhile i win over and over again LUL wtf.


      But you are not 5k+


        But you are in 1k mmr bracket dude...

        basement :)

          You play in random draft, which makes the Medusa pick less punishable.


            Almost 900 matches of medusa. That's madness


              mask of madness

              Story Time

                900 games with medusa, is it autism or a genious?

                Dire Wolf

                  Medusa is good in pubs cus they don't know how to push advantage and end games early so she always gets her items. Kinda like spectre.


                    Her winrate is so low because Diffusal blade has been buffed repeatedly to the point that ever agi hero can buy it as well as several non-agi heroes. Specifically the manaburn component of it has been increased for heroes several times which makes it hurt her a lot more.

                    Additionally, comeback mechanics and highground defence have also been nerfed over the last few patches and intelligence now gives less mana per point (the spell amp barely affects her at all).

                    Her talents are mostly underwhelming (I mean lifesteal at 25 is horrible on medusa but its better then the super-unreliable stone gaze stun). the farming nerfs also hurt her considering shes pretty much more gold reliant than any other carry.

                    Most of her counters are also decent at the moment and with the importance of early and mid game, other carries are generally better than her.

                    TL,DR: basically every aspect of the game has been changed in a way that negatively impacts her in the last few patches.


                      And she sucks in lane


                        With her snake she's not as bad in lane as say a spectre or an AM, but yeah she's fairly weak in lane too and has no way to escape from ganks apart from ult once she's 6

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          She is strong. Her only weakness if there is a AM, or if her whole team is losing, thus they can end it before medusa got her core items. But if she can farm (which is easy coz her lvl4 snake at lvl7 destroy all creeps if done right), she can be a tank plus aoe damage dealer. Plus a BKB piercing ulti as the icing on the cake.


                            ^ the problems you listed is the reason why she can't rly win tho