General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 3600 MMR

Stuck in 3600 MMR in General Discussion

    I cannot get out of 3,650 MMR - Like wtf is going on, I play the same but the teams get fking worse and worse as MMR gets higher. its suppose to be the damn opposite! The 2600 mmr teammates play better than my 5k scrubs I get. Damn account buyers, 5k but average 300 xpm on all games and only win in normal skill games he plays. You gotta be kidding me.


      Yeah there is shit I can do better but this is a damn team game, and when playing support with brain dead cores you aint gonna do SHIT, no impact in the game cuz the collective IQ of the 4 player is same level as a cockroach.

      *Rant COMPLETE!!!*

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      Use chatwhell=mute

        Me too 4k :(
        Btw i was reading 1 thing. The one thing stuck u is getting no pma.

        Use chatwhell=mute

          Sometimes its hard to not angry. Last time i was bh. I had a vision so we had a chance to kill him but noone wanted to gank. We was dire doom was jungle sk was ni bot enemy enigma was in jungle with 50% hp. Fuck these tards tbh.All they do is farming. It rly frustrated me tbh. Then 1 got 2 loss after that. It frustration affected my gameplay.
          I just hated these fucki*g russian motherfuc*ers. It rly hard to not getting angry. Same as gaining mmr imo.


            I only get angry when losing because nobody listens. If we are doing well and just got outplayed but teamwork was there then I'm not upset.
            My last game got me so irritated,
            The plan was to have won get 6, come bot and have LC duel Pugna or slark for easy Dmg with cm root and qop ulti...did that ever happen in the whole game ? Nope. My CM play got totally raped by SB slark. With no disable on the team to help me when he jumped me.


              The 3 games I lost should have been wins. That's the most frustrating thing about it. I just want to get to 5k where I hope people know wtf they are suppose to be doing in a game.
              But seeing this 5200mmr solo weaver jungle farm all game doesn't give me much hope.

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                take a break a few times then get back to it works a charm for me

                Use chatwhell=mute

                  5ks isnt rly good. My riki will rape them tbh. The main problem is im bad at laning early stages. Dota is very complex game. SoloQ depends much on ppls mood imo. If i got enough sleep +money(i mean nice environment)and happiness from this game i get rly motivated and i start play rly well then i start getting winstreaks. Btw im non native english speaker and im my english is not good. Its not autism

                  Raj Limbasia

                    Yeah my last few games I keep losing.


                      I cry but I know I'll be on a winning streak soon. As long as I win my double downs it's a nice day.
                      When I play windranger mid I tend to win very much but I get tired spamming 1 hero, sometimes I want to support or roam and nobody else I play with can win their lanes. ... besides one guy I had, best mid I've had in a very long time, name is BD got lucky cuz he was on my team twice on different days and supporting that guy is a breeze cuz he is on the same page when u gank. Easy to play with.

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                        u must be grateful the problem wasn't on team pick. in SEA with avg 3k everybody thinks that they can carry the game and then they pick ALL CARRY and start FEEDING, at the last, they start BLAMING EACH OTHER. it sucks dude, even most of 4k and 5k players admit that they stuck mostly in 3k avg.


                          You know there's a secret way to get good teammates in SEA. You play unranked and feed and lose 3 or 4 times in a row then u play ranked you will be matched with ppl who listen to you


                            You must be smart if u have a 5k in your team Dota is about how you play in a team which includes how you suggest ideas to them. Try and tell him nicely that he is making the wrong moves and that he should listen to you because you are playing support. Also Add him before game and ask him to see our match history which is all win.


                              Ask any 5k they will tell u 90% is about managing your teammates but they are all the same skilll and abuse the unranked thing to get good teammtsz. That's how they get 5k. And that's why 5ks are not that much better as you expected


                                Lol just lost another game to a 2.5k mmr bitch who talked hella shit. I serioulst canno help the team any more than I already do. I setup all the kills in the mid game, i setup all the wards and dewards, i mean the only thing next I can do is play carry but the mid player said if he doesnt get mid he will what the fuk...


                                  I don't know man I just play spammed dota games like 2+ every day and got from 3.5k to 5k in 11 months. I spammed HC before 7.0 0 and mid after 7.00. I play US east

                                  주 롄양

                                    being supp is sucks, know why? coz everyone assumed mmr equal to stats, ha ha ha


                                      waah waah help im ranting about not being able to increase arbitrary numbers waah


                                        Cosmik gets lucky and get carried. He is same as the rest of us. you can't win all games on your own ESP when u play support with brain ded carry.


                                          I agree with the slug.
                                          Some people are luckier than others, I got from 3k flat to 3.8k while walking down mid every game, funny that I never got any reports tho.


                                            >5k but average 300 xpm on all games and only win in normal skill games he plays.

                                            This childish mentality and major lack of critical thinking that you have is why you're never going to be a good player, you limit yourself by having low intelligence and a high ego. Find a balance. You are where you belong, case closed, don't even think about arguing that fact.

                                            I mean, think about it. You're judging someone based off of his last 20 games, where he may have simply played a position 6 support, thrown on purpose for fun, had a long string of games where his teammates threw, hell maybe it was his little 1k brother who was on his account?? What if he does the right things to win, but has no gold since he makes selfless, logical decisions that are correct for the particular matches he was involved in? What if he wins every time, but his XPM/GPM looks 'trash'? Is he truly a trash player just because he doesn't appeal to your arbitrary standards?

                                            No. You need to shed most of your desire for superficial gratification if you're actually trying to overcome your opponent's logical mind. You want to be flashy 24/7, but you also want to be the next TI winner, choose one. You can be an ugly looking person but have confidence, and make people laugh and feel good and such. You can also be a very attractive person who has no confidence and makes people feel miserable. The ugly person wins but gets mocked by those with a lower awareness of the things that truly matter.

                                            Man up and take responsibility for your own lack of skill. You're just a loser who can't notice that he's a loser, that makes fun of people that are essentially yourself.

                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              If I had 8hrs a day of dota, shit id be 7k and have all the knowledge, why WOULDN'T you give good advice to help people. Doesn't make sense.


                                                That's incorrect, 7k's are talented. You'll notice, a lot of the very high MMR players get there fast. There's not that much advice to give, it's a lot of real-time critical thinking, reaction time, etc.




                                                    That quote was said by OP. Lmao


                                                      lmao, dota below 6k a team game

                                                      any other jokes?


                                                        Op would be 7k if he played 8 hours a day lol

                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo



                                                            Yeah I would, I already play better than the 5000 mmr people, this is the most frustrating part. I can play some heroes at a 5k+ level but only a few. Nobody wants to support me when I play my good shit cuz they all say "im higher mmr, im carry" and proceed to be trash all game.
                                                            And @Einhänder thats the dumebst shit ive heard all day today from anyone. Where I belong is 5k because I make decisions on that same level, I can see everything that people are doing wrong but im not going to sit there and coach dumbasses during the game cuz they will just rage and feed. I will give em advice like dont fight or get back but that doesnt change the fact that Im the smartest person in the game at any dumb 3k level.


                                                              @Diox got that right bro. If only I had the time... I try to do 2 games every other day but that shit sometimes doesnt even work. Then u lose 4 games in a week and ur screwed for that week.


                                                                this is my account in your shitty 3k bracket


                                                                keep dreaming kid, you're just a 3k trash who didn't come here to find actual tips on how to get to higher mmr, but rather to find some other pathetic kids to confirm with his disillusional ideas about how it's his team's fault and how he belongs in 5k++ bla bla bla.

                                                                Reality hits, no one is gonna agree with you because you're just another 3k trash out of millions.

                                                                And i can guarantee you when i say this: you will NEVER EVER get to 5k.

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                                                                  Yeah If I made a new accnt id be 65-70% wr too. Doesn't prove shit...your confused bro




                                                                      Bro just make a new account and first pick carry. All the 5ks do it that's how they can climb without being better than 3ks.


                                                                        I don't want to lose all my items ... is there a way to transfer them all to the new accnt? Some sht I have can't be traded or sold.


                                                                          ahh sweet denial, how delicious.

                                                                          Isn't it just so hard to admit that you're wrong, that bitter feeling of self doubt and fear.

                                                                          that crippling depression deep down in you that doesn't let you admit it, maybe opening another thread somewhere else or finding some kind of a counter argument to find another excuse for yourself will help fill that emptiness?

                                                                          here's another example of an account that i boosted from low 3k to 4k

                                                                          only 3 losses during the boosting period ;)

                                                                          just to rub it deep in, apply some lemon on the freshly cut wound.

                                                                          You're not the first on this forum to complain about his teammates being the reason for his mmr, nor will you be the last, so take my advice and just quit dota. You'll be helping yourself and the world.

                                                                          And if you're looking for an excuse as in ''i'm playing support, you're mid''

                                                                          don't bother, i originally got to 5k by playing support.

                                                                          i've played every role up to 5k on new accounts, just for the shits and giggles, you'll never get to 5k.

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            I probably will quit dota.
                                                                            And I wouldn't be so salty if it was my fault for losing.
                                                                            There's a handful of games where I fed away shit maybe 20-35% so I should be winning at a 65-70% rate. Games get irritating when I'm losing easy fking wins games.

                                                                            Probably going to go enjoy actual relaxing games like Persona 5, game is on fire.

                                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                              cuki do you play osu?


                                                                                Cookie ur a dumb troll. I would be 6k it I had the time, this game is simple as hell, I don't get why it takes everyone else 10 years to learn it. Last game WK had 5000 games played i think ...and he was completely worthless with no actual team input just afk farm jungle then proceed to feed...


                                                                                  Dota isnt really supposed to be relaxing, because most people only care about mmr


                                                                                    nah, my reflexes are shit slow, i'd be terrible at osu.


                                                                                      @cookie on a side note u can't had 5 losses but that doesn't change anything since u still won a shit ton.


                                                                                        Yeah I'm quitting ranked play. Gonna just do a pudge or windranger
                                                                                        game once a month and use my time elsewhere.


                                                                                          Have you tried clicking the circles?


                                                                                            Im too busy with school stuff, and playing dota along with studying is difficult


                                                                                              Same, I work full time 45hrs+ a week, go to a University and got a baby, not enough time for this.


                                                                                                Ahh, might as well add in some salt to the wound.

                                                                                                i had 5k mmr before i had 2.5k matches.

                                                                                                it took me about a couple of months to learn the game and grind from 1k to 5k, considering that i played about my first 1.5k matches with a friend, i was under 1k skilled and we just played casually party for fun. i only started trying to win after he quit dota.

                                                                                                IT's just that it's soo hard to admit that you're just way too stupid for dota.

                                                                                                Here's the difference my dear, in none of those accs that i presented i went full tryhard

                                                                                                if i went full tryhard, i could grind an account from 1k to 5k with a maximum of 15 losses.

                                                                                                In the same games you have those useless teammates, i don't care about my useless teammates because i killed the enemy 5 times in lane and i'm taking the highground by myself at 20 minutes.

                                                                                                the whole enemy team can't stop me.

                                                                                                Here's my favorite ever 3-4k mmr match that i played


                                                                                                my teammates were the definition of useless, they literally had a sum total of 5 kills up to 50 minutes into the game, PL got his first kill literally before the game ended.

                                                                                                No matter how bad my team is, i'll win that low game 95/100 times.

                                                                                                p.s yes i can count, those other games weren't played by me, i have a very specific notable playstyle

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                                                                                                Shadow Moses

                                                                                                  I never believe with my teammate mmr even its high.. Exprience is better than MMR (<5k)


                                                                                                    Im going to college in two years, i hope that i wont be too busy there like i am now so i'll have time to play dota.

                                                                                                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                                      Exprience is better than MMR



                                                                                                        Cuki 3 hero pool retard confirmed :thinking:

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!