General Discussion

General DiscussionVHS with support hero

VHS with support hero in General Discussion

    I'm addicted to playing support hero recently, but somehow i just dropped from VHS to HS and now Normal Skill... lol, i usually buy around 4k or 5k worth or support items and i get 20+ assist in quite a number of games... any idea if you can actually get VHS with just support hero?

    Raj Limbasia

      watch my last game. i support my team to victory


        Yes it is possible, i play rubick all the time before, calibrated at high 3k


          Of course. U just gotta up your support play


            don't give up man




                Try to spend less than 2k gold in utility items.

                Story Time

                  is that a smurf? and why u worried about ns hs vhs anyway?


                    In normal skill theres is is usually solo supports and that will be you. play little greedy dont buy too much wards. ward places that are important and not the whole jungle your teammate will flame and ping you to ward whole jugnle dont do it. if they dont have brains to see enemy entering jungle or pushing deep into enemy side while all are missing then wards cant help them. buy utility items it counts for supp. stack camps while roaming


                      dont buy too much wards.

                      Don't play support ever again. Please.

                      Story Time

                        ^he actually means something else than just "not much wards" but you can not understand that :D

                        Este comentario fue editado
                        зачем я начал поиск

                          The system assigns ward-slaves to their respective bracket.
                          *Evil autistic laugh*


                            holy shit, what is with these silly threads ?!?!

                            "OMG WHO TO SPAM TO VHS"
                            "NEED VHS GIMME OFFLANE HEROS"

                            can we please stop with these stupid threads???

                            I mean how about you did something like this instead ...

                            " Hey DB forum, I am looking at supporting with X hero, I think its a good hero for these reason :

                            Point A,
                            Point B
                            Point C

                            can anyone offer insights into the specific problem being forced out of trilane, do I roam on the mid or just sap XP.


                            Look, a decent question!

                            Holy shit, so crazy right?

                            Otherwise, post shit and you get shit response.


                              One thing I've learned as a support player, don't be overzealous with support items. They only do so much and do even less when the team doesn't utilize their potential. I've had plenty of instances where I buy dust level 1 (start of the game) and predict an enemy Riki's movements to turn his ganks around on him. The safe laner will not react the way you expect him to and will bitch later when he dies to a 3 on 1 5 minutes later. Rather than having a midas and brown boots and being a straight up ward bitch, save gold from both and buy euls/force staff/glimmer, items I would recommend to almost any support hero in almost any situation.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!