General Discussion

General DiscussionWitch doctor question

Witch doctor question in General Discussion

    I thought that WD is a greedy kind of support and needs fast glimmer+aghs to be effective. Given his high attack dmg he looks good as offlane pos 4 support who doesnt buy wards, saving gold for items.

    Am I wrong? Can u play WD as pos 5 and get late glimmer/aghs? And when WD is a solid/bad pick?

    Dire Wolf

      He's fine, all his skills are super strong team fight skills so he can work as a 5th position if needed. He's very good in lane with another disabling carry, use cask to init, other carry disables so you get maeldict off, dead offlaner. Really good on push teams if you max heal first.

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          ^ highly appreciate high mmr responding

          Is aghs not worth it anymore? And whats wrong with malediction? They were buffing it last patches if Im not mistaken

          주 롄양

            3rd skill+dagon kappa

            Potato Marshal

              You don't need aghs on WD, and you can get a glimmer in like 20 minutes, even as a pos 5. WD's problem is that he has terrible cast range on his abilities and an unreliable disable.


                wd is normally played as pos 5 and you hope to make aghs? lmao maybe if you shitstomp the enemy but highly unlikely
                its better that you invest that 4.2 gold into utility items rather than aghs


                  He's one of those supports who can do a lot with some items but is also able to do his job with very little, so he works as 4 or 5.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    +2 cask bounces or +90 dmg?


                      what do i do if i skill maledict on lvl 1 or 2 for fb
                      just go 4 1 1 into 4 4 1?

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        in that case i suggest sticking with it, going 1-1-4 and then running down mid

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