General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I the only one

Am I the only one in General Discussion
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    Who doesn't look up to pro players, but rather looks up to pubstars?

    I mean... I barely give a fuck about pro players and their picks, with a very few exceptions.

    Instead, if I need to learn something, I just look at the Opendota/Dotabuff ladder and find top players for a hero, individually pick them off, steal their builds and playstyles, etc.

    Or just a random 5k+ with a high winrate on a particular hero.

    E.g. if I wanted to learn some SK, I'd watch Cucki replays and then would just roam around the SK top ladder w/high games played to winrate ratio and 5k+.

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      i mean i guess?
      why not both?
      pros can also have valuable pub info


        In terms of playstyle yes. Even better than them are the boosters who play at our brackets. you can learn way more from them.
        play with a party of 5 and try leading them to win. then watch the pro plays and you will be so amazed It could bring you to tears.

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            Idk, I can't help but feel like 5x5 CM mode is super different to "fuck you, I won't support", "FEED", "eat shit, I am going fucking jungle" pub heaven.

            Raj Limbasia

              You can look up to me if you want. I play a solid broodmother and could probably teach you a thing or two.


                Who said anything about CM that's just awful.
                I once solo queued a Captain mode and ended up with a party of 4. three of them were really low MMR and one was very high MMR. so he ended up as the captain and picked. later I realized He was the worst among them and they were only using that account to make sure they get to be captain themselves. I was left with the support hero.... God that was an awful game.

                Get a couple of friends to play with you. they don't have to be good they just have to be fun and listen.
                Leading is hard though I advise you to NOT do it if you're the carry XD

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                  Feel free to do so, if I hit 5k and go in top 100 ladder (nevur habbenin).


                    Idk, I can't help but feel like 5x5 CM mode is super different to "fuck you, I won't support", "FEED", "eat shit, I am going fucking jungle" pub heaven.

                    pro players play pubs too

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                      They get inflated attention and inflated hero rankings.

                      Sure, many of them are really good, but I can't find a single pro player, from which I would want to borrow anything.

                      That's it.

                      By "pro players" in this context I primarily mean tier-1/tier-2 pro players.

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                        but ywn is a proplayer


                          I did the same
                          Pretty sure anyone else who actually want to improve at a decent pace and have a working brain would do the same thing too

                          Mode : TOPSON

                            you are not the only one
                            i watch proffesional to know what will be the next meta and counter it
                            if i want to get better at specific hero i watch pubstar


                              yep, basically that's the same thing i do

                              except i watched pirate instead of myself XD

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                              mr. rabbit

                                no youre not

                                i watched bipdongoe and another unknown brood booster to learn brood, also watched 6.5k sb spammer

                                sadly i still suck at brood because of not playing xddxdxdxddddd

                                mr. rabbit

                                  thing with pros is that they rarely spam heroes + theyre waaaaay to good at the game. no matter how i try i just cant find any patterns when i tried to watch EE (EE WHY?!?!?!?!?!) alchemist. everything is so random


                                    I wanted to analyze cookie AM games before and ended up not doing so because it turns out he's a big pu55y who never pick AM on solo ranked games :)))


                                      I read dotabuff guides


                                        ofc i play AM in solo games

                                        it's just that i don't play solo games


                                          oh wow, my 20ish sandking games are copied from pirate as well. but I could never capitalize on it. I felt like the "advantage" I created could never be used by my cores, but at the same time I never did much to keep the momentum up either. Also I died to much lmao, no reason too die with that hero.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!