General Discussion

General DiscussionAccursed? Matching Sucks? Valve Sucks? People gone retarded ? wtf is...

Accursed? Matching Sucks? Valve Sucks? People gone retarded ? wtf is this? in General Discussion
Fuck Dota 2's Devs

    i just wanna say WTF is this ever 2 or 3 games once i get a afker or abandoner in my team (not in the enemy side only my team)
    look at this pic
    invoker : sup left game at min 16
    luna: pos 3 afker and did't help us from min 20 and farm and got divin and feeded to enemy in min 45 (he just said we end in 20 mins or i afk)
    abandon: mider left the game at min 10
    enigma : at min 3 mider gave enemy fb and say GG and abandon .
    funny thing is enemy team only gets afker or abandoner ever 25 matches once or some thing like that.
    it is beyond unfair.
    it is not normal At all

    and this shit still go on and on and on.
    wtf is this shit free to play , Welcome Noobs lets Ruine every els game?

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      Because you went 0-28 treant protector in a game the game recognized that you fed on purpose and it dropped your behaviour score that it became so low that you have more chance to get retards/game ruiners/feeders etc in your team which happend here.


        F*ck off you sh!tty c u n t, complaining about other players while going 0-28 as tp, you deserve those teammates because you are one of them lmao.


          Kruelty plz shut, you censor ''fuck'' you silly kid lmfao feeding 1x on purpose doesnt mean shit but if you got to some profiles they feed 10 games in arow those people need to die.


            ur right and everyone making thread like this are right games are just super toxic feed trolling but not a lot u can do about that

            Fuck Dota 2's Devs

              yeha ppl are so so so dick head 10000 times say i go mid and i selecte mid first and in last pick evn every picked , some one pick for mid steal mid and just say " i go mid u pick sup"
              i dont Fucking wanna pick sup i never ever ever ever ever wanna play sup it is necessary boring shit role.
              they force me to feed but i did't froce my team to abandon of gave fb and say gg and leaves.
              ffs i got -A from Recent Matches Analyzed (still with trant games) which means i am not the problem for losing .
              all i mean there is no good penalty for afking or abandoning 5 match on lp is noting i get out of pl less than 8h.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                TIL u can download and play 5k games of dota without having a functioning brain

                Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                  first of all 9000 score is not low behaviour score my summary is green 80% times
                  go check
                  it's all like this
                  they steal my lane and i afk or feed
                  they leave and i lose
                  i play and i am only reason team wins cuz i am playing my role (most of times)

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                    I censored "fuck" because I thought it would automatically get censored. Jesus man.

                    Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                      is there any trick that stop ppl to force u play sup?
                      the just pick all cores and force me to pick sup like my nick name is " I PLAY SUP"
                      but i fucking hate play sup it is so so so boring and thats the reason makes me mad.
                      how you write "i go carry" and "i go mid' in russian and turkish?

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                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        what if other ppl hate playing sup too

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Who even willingly plays support under 7k anyway?


                            I do....idk why ppl dislike this role.....probably cuz they only think cm lion are srsly how is ogre supposed to be not fun...clubbing little schamll children to their death ...and wd with throwing imbalanced think it's not fun cuz you dont play fun play classic .supports like its an rpg where you need a healer to srsly play fun heroes not shit like tp/cm/lion.....list of fun supports
                            lich"winning is fun the hero isnt ;)"
                            dazzle"clutch saves are orgasm worthy"
                            srsly you'll never be better at the game by playing one role and insisting to play it even if it's game losing to do so...winning is fun so adapt to win and have fun.


                              If you want a trick tho
                              first pick....stop being a pu.ssy and go mid with whatever you want first pick and just win
                              here's another trick
                              change ur name u probably lose a teammate per game just because of that name

                              meteor hammer

                                supporting 4ks is gods work


                                  normal skill lul

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    I always play support now.

                                    Its fun actually

                                    And its harder.

                                    The one thinks play support is not contribute anything to win in ranked is retarded

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      I just play support because I can't last hit for shit.

                                      Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                        yeah i no sup role is much harder to play for sure it is hardest role , in same time u have to care about your cores , u have to deward and ward u have to gank and if your team ganked u have to tp and help and so many other stuff to do.
                                        it's just i dont like playing sup same reason 70% others player dont like play sup , it's like in fottball u be the goalkeeper.
                                        matching sucks cuz dont analyzed who is sup player and how is core then team them.



                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            What the fuck am I reading

                                            Surrender Hohols

                                              birds of a feather flock together

                                              Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                                thats not right i know how to play i am much more experienced 90% of teammates i get but yeah i feed , all i am sating pelanty for leavers and feeder and afker is nothing look at this
                                                80% winrate for me on lp (sd)
                                                it's tooke me less than 7 games to get out of lp , thats not a pelanty more like dota 2 tell u " go on take a break and back next day and kep feeding"

                                                Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                                  btw u talk like i was 2800-3000 mmr all time i just drop from 4100 to 3000-2800 in last 40 days (and it wan't for my feeding , cuz i was't feeding back then)
                                                  i start feeding for stealing my lane when i got to 3000


                                                    Not one of these threads again. smh.


                                                      Oh look another cry baby thread.


                                                      Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                                        lol yeah game is full of dickheads and assholes like u.
                                                        u most love dota 2 community

                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                        Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                                          3:13 pm got in lp 5 games won in row 8:02 pm got out of lp ( check dotabuff profile)
                                                          yeah lp (penalty for leavers afker feeder) look so decent
                                                          bite me :|

                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                          Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                                            2 games in row player abandon game before even it's get to min 8
                                                            fuck God wtf is this lucky Why all times abandoner is in my team wtf
                                                            this is insufferable


                                                              5k games still normal skill, maybe you could consider quitting and get a better life? you clearly as bad as me in this game

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!