General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you guys counter visage and arc warden?

how do you guys counter visage and arc warden? in General Discussion

    im confused this shit hero, i cant even win


      Visage - stuff that kill birds fast are good vs him i think - sven(E adds armor as well), earthshaker. Anyway he is quite broken when played mid and deserves some nerf.
      Arc Warden - no idea really.

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      mid or safe farm

        2 retarded heroes,if i had lastpick vs them i would go meepo and feel somewhat comfortable.Dont know other heroes that are good vs these broken shit heroes.


          Illusion heroes in general destroy Arc. CK/PL are his worst nightmare since they both have ways to easily close the gap and Arc doesn't have Aoe damage except Mjollnir. Aside from illusion heroes, would be Viper in laning and Slark (really strong chase vs Arc).

          As for visage, heroes with strong DoTs like Venomancer destroy him.

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          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

            I go like skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka
            Skibiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom
            Skya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun
            Poom, poom, you know

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              veno doesnt destroy visage. against visage you need mobile heroes. anything else he can deal with really. against arc warden meepo is really good (but most people dont play him), anti mage is also good.


                arc warden loses to pl, ck, meepo, all of these r not affected by flux, and can rush him easily and get into magnetic field

                meteor hammer

                  arc warden- in lane get a hero who is impossible for him to kill, ideally someone who is tanky and melee who dgaf about flux or his right clicks and can deny everything. legion commander, for example. i personally pick bloodseeker or ursa

                  later on he sucks against people who can stick on him and have huge physical damage, ideally melee so they dont care bubble. once again, lc ursa bs slardar+ls etc. keep in mind a lot of heroes are countered if they DONT GO ON HIM, ie lc clinkz and the like are useless against bubble if they dont go on arc first

                  meteor hammer

                    yeah am is fucking obnoxious later on although you need bkb on the am eventually


                      mambos said once on stream that aw is almost unplayable against am


                        visage can be countered with phoenix ez :) he just melts his birds and he cant do shit


                          hmm phoenix thats good :D


                            there are so many counters to arc. the main thing is destroy him during laning and end before 30 mins. lots of heroes have really favorable match ups in lane against him such as brood, meepo, lycan, pa, druid, and lc. and for late game counters go with pl, ck, slark, or AM.


                              pick lich, press r


                                Visage is countered by veno, and like said before sven for his high armor and anything that can kill the birds. Underlord can root them I believe.

                                As for arc. Gank him early(pudge and lc do well) and any hero that can get in close before he can ult. Usually end the game before an arc gets 6 slotted.

                                meteor hammer

                                  "end befor ehe gets 6 slotted"

                                  but hes like one of the top turtlers of the game xd

                                  meteor hammer

                                    get glimmer capes and glimmer whoever th eclone goes on it cant carry detection

                                    lotus displs hex AND thorn

                                    u can also kite th clone with euls or whatever

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      I almost never met a Visage or Arc player in my ranked games


                                        The easiest way is to learn to play them. If you really want to win vs AW, it's actually super ez. Pick Brood/PL, it's pretty much impossible to win vs those heroes if you get them in your lane. Visage is a little bit tricky, hero is broken & it's super hard to deal without team's help. I see you pick a lot of SF, he sucks vs those heroes, just don't pick him vs AW/Visage. Also keep in mind that there is a big probability that you play against boosters, AW & Visage are really common boosters picks. If someone is really good at those heroes, he can't be 4k mmr.


                                          For arc warden Brood/pl Invoker huskarr i think???

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Arc gets cucked by mobility


                                              arc shud shit on huskar

                                              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                arc doesn't do well against illusion heroes and heroes that can get on top of him and burst him down like AM, slark, sven, storm etc


                                                  yea i just good at 1 heroes, i fuckin supprise when i raze visage my damage was so fuckin low
                                                  and then i got fuckedup entire game


                                                    brood shits on both arc and visage

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                                                      Idk who TF suggested huskar but that sounds like one of the worst picks possible


                                                        I'm so triggered by this huskar suggestion


                                                          it's to tactical feed


                                                            Arc warden spammer here with a few tips to counter the AW. Ganking an arc warden early is important, but always do it before his level 6 so it doesn't end up as a slaughter for both sides. Glimmer capes prevent AW from solo killing with double- unless he dispells glimmer with diffusal. Pick heroes in lane that can block or dispell flux and wraith. Pl dominates arc's lane just as much as brood and terrorblade, with invoker being a very weak counter (you can midas the forge spirit). In mid and late game, jump on the arc at the start of the fight, AW really wants to counter intiate fights by walking in and machine gunning people with bubble and double when they are far away. If it gets really late (AW has bloodthorne and sheep) you are prob doomed, if you group up you will prevent solo kills, but allow AW to rat, and if you split, arc has one of the highest solokill potentials in the game.


                                                              ^i mean if u have jump potential on aw then aw can literally always be hiding and use double
                                                              with octarine u can have massive clone uptime


                                                                get insye the bubble rye?


                                                                  No one mentionning PA to counter aw ?




                                                                      Just gank before they hit lvl 6.
                                                                      Viper does not really counter arc, more like arc counters him.
                                                                      Earth spirit, sb, pudge are all good roamers to play if playing against arc, visage
                                                                      Just use euls on the double, render the clone useless by disabling it with short cd disables


                                                                        ^How does AW counter Viper? Viper shits on AW, can dominate him really hard in lane. He has some kill potential at lvl 6, but if Viper plays correctly, he should be 1 lvl over AW & at least 20lh ahead, so when u get lvl 6, viper is probably near lvl 8 + has Treads+Aquilla, gl killing him. How does even AW contest last hitting vs Viper? Viper will massivly slow his Midas timing & in many games that's enough to win.


                                                                          aw has huge range over viper
                                                                          he just needs a decent block and he is hard to kill
                                                                          if u use bubble properly u can completely negate harass


                                                                            ^I wouldn't call 50 range difference "huge range over viper". Magnetic field has 35s cd & 3.5s duration at lvl 1, so it's not like you can constantly trade with him. Problem with Viper is not that he will kill you, but will deny a lot of creeps (has better dmg & animation & u can't harass him well because of his passive). ,


                                                                              Arc - Brood Mid or Gap closer - Meepo (even safe lane), SB etc.

                                                                              Visage - safe lane sniper, maybe casky from wd dunno

                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                im prietty sure visage can absolutely rape sniper if visage has a brain

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                                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                                  get ur free mmr now visage nerfed in 3 days


                                                                                    i thought viper was shorter range than that my b


                                                                                      Was playing against a russian kid who spammed visage to 5.3k. The hero is broken.