General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy doesnt nobody want to support in 4k?

Why doesnt nobody want to support in 4k? in General Discussion

    After i climbed from 2-3k hell i expected much better teamplay....

    Mlada i Luda

      why dont you ?


        The higher you climb, the more cancerous that 30 percent of "shit games" becomes.
        Mark these words boi.


          Why should I? I support some games but then i get tired of losing because some 300gpm wanted to carry


            because it's pointless


              Those who want to win still pick support.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Like me

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  But just me

                  Potato Marshal

                    You don't want to support in 4k, trust me.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      Why should I? I support some games but then i get tired of losing because some 300gpm wanted to carry

                      well theres ur answer man))


                        Potato Marshal tell me man ,how did you make it? I see you are ancient 4 support so its possible to climb

                        Este comentario fue editado
                        afk offlane (old player)

                          I got from 4k to where I am now and I only supp in rankeds. I just felt I was better support than core and therefore it felt more enjoyable for me also


                            If you want to win, you learn to play pos 3,4,5 cause most people want 1&2.
                            If no one wants to play sup, learn it.

                            I got to 5.2k playing pos 3,4,5
                            didn't stay, fell hard.

                            Playing sup sucks ass when your losing. Its awful to constantly die ever time you leave base to try and ward.
                            Positioning is the most important thing and its difficult to learn.

                            It is very satisfying when the carry chases you, you kite and kite and will eventually die.
                            However your team dropped the other 4 heros. You get to type" Lol way to trade your team for a pos 5, ggwp nublet" and enjoy the flame war after.

                            Other then some clutch saves, you just aren't as flashy as a support.

                            personally I also find older players play support as well.

                            Story Time

                              I got from 4k to where I am now and I only supp in rankeds. I just felt I was better support than core and therefore it felt more enjoyable for me also

                              but you are still in 4k bracket :D wtf

                              Potato Marshal

                                Smh, always people with <60% support matches talking about how much they play support. I honestly kinda just lucked out on peaking at 5150 MMR, now I've dropped back to shitty ancient 4.


                                  another thread about a guy who can't support and blames the rest of his team for not supporting

                                  Story Time

                                    op is never supporting and yet complaining... mentally challenged i guess

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      If you want some advice, start with your ogre matches. Don't bother with phase, either go arcanes or tranquils, brown boots is sometimes fine too. Max ignite first usually, that's your main nuke you spam to harass and to push waves, it's range is incredible and goes up even more with multicast. Sometimes you want to level bloodlust first over ignite depending on who your allies are. Never put levels in fireblast over ignite, fire blast only goes up in damage, and it's only a measly 55 damage, which is terrible early game, even factoring the chance to multicast. Ignite is 400 aoe damage with massive range, fireblast is only 220 single target damage with terrible damage, and only 440 even you if you do multicast.


                                        if he goes phase on oger he has worse problems than not to be able to supp

                                        Tired & Dead Inside

                                          It depends on the region you are playing though.

                                          But I can assure you, SEA servers are usually composed of 20% supports 80% cores and it's always a 4 carry 1 support situation, so it's either you must first-pick core or you end up last picking a support, and mind you, they love to pick greedy-type cores that could only go online in 20 minutes and above.

                                          3 out of the 10 games I've played are cores that farm decently well while others (7 games) have virtually 0 map awareness and dies even when defensive wards were placed.

                                          So I kind of understand your concern here, but I would not lump the community as core-oriented as there are support players out there, and good ones at that


                                            lol i went one match phase boots on Ogre just to try it out.
                                            Thank you for the advice Potato Marshal should i learn AA he seems like a good support ?
                                            And for those who have noting smart to say go fu*k yourlself :).

                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                            Mlada i Luda

                                              se tonight 14 hours ago
                                              Why should I? I support some games but then i get tired of losing because some 300gpm wanted to carry
                                              well theres ur answer man))

                                              i was about to type this lul.

                                              isn'it that obvious bateman?!!


                                                Start by practicing earth spirit, im almost ancient 4 now thanks to my waifus(earth spirit and tuskar)

                                                also just maintain PMA all the time


                                                  Maintaining PMA is the hardest part :D


                                                    SUPPORT is out of META! OKAY?!?!?!

                                                    Chao Vritra

                                                      anyone who asks for support is shit. even if you are smurfing or truly better than your bracket you will win on a support.If you really want to be a dick and lock in core every game just pick it and be prepared for the possibility of no support. Play carries that can be left alone by themselves.

                                                      But honestly you are what is wrong with dota


                                                        legend 1 giving advices gtfo,i dont need your 3k opinion

                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                          Because it is very possible to be blamed for retarded reasons when playing as support, such as not ganking mid, core dying even when defensive wards are around and they still flaming you and using Arcane Boots just when the stupid teammates moved out of range to get to the farm.

                                                          It is extremely frustrating to find yourself farming an empty lane after the enemy have been evicted, and then the carry goes jungle or heading offlane to gank because they think it is better.

                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                            Take offlane role might , bully their safelane make their support always focussing on you


                                                              tbh i like playing support alot but watching goons how they lane makes me want to pull my hair out one by one


                                                                becasue every1 gets to 4k with core


                                                                  Because the worst experience is being yelled at by 4 babies who blame you for everything because you are the support. The absolute worst is supporting 4 super gankable cores including 1 jungling asshole who jungles with heavy roamers on the other side.


                                                                    no one want to supp because carry is braindead


                                                                      Because everyone is a better carry than everyone

                                                                      Forget me not

                                                                        Cause they don't know how to play support maybe.

                                                                        Forget me not

                                                                          "becasue every1 gets to 4k with core"
                                                                          I experience this as well, then I learn to play supp my MMR is dropping but i feel myself is better playing support than core.


                                                                            Because there so many ppl who think they great while playing core and end with lose.

                                                                            Especially sea server. Toxic server where supp role didnt exist. Based on experience :D maybe they exist but it ultra rare like puck new set.

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            Player 345996680

                                                                              well coz playing support has a lower chance of winning than playing core, because you rely on your team.

                                                                     look at this game, im hard supporting on venge, i win all lanes, i stack lots of neutrals, but my shadow fiend safelane goes magic build against multiple bkbs, viper, and omni repel, we lose the game because we dont have any way to kill heroes through magic immunity.

                                                                     now look at this game, my team barely draws the lanes, loses the midgame, everyone is flaming me for picking carry and "being bad". but i still win because as a core, you dont rely all on your team to perform, you can have winning impact just by yourself or with a single competent teammate (as in this case, i had a teammate sandking).

                                                                              self-explanatory, really.

                                                                              i myself prefer to support, but its really inneficient to play it in this low mmr of 4k.

                                                                              as seen by my losing streak previously, im not even that good on core role to overcome feeders and intentional ruiners in the team.

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                Well, lower MMR makes supporting sometimes very frustrating. Just go for supports, that transition well into lategame. Support silencer for example can work, or roaming WK/CK. Hard supports like cm tend to fall off, so you stay irrelvant. Problem with high 3k, low 4k is, that ppl cant play objective based and almost every game becomes a 40 min farmfest. So no matter how hard the early game lead is, you grant your cores, the chance of them throwing it is always there.


                                                                                Pudge and me granted Medusa a 4-0 lead in 6 min, by killing offlane necro 3 times and void 1 time. We then proceed to kill mid one time and crushed top.

                                                                                And yet medusa was able to go 0-3 against a void, who was 2 lvls below her, cuz she didnt skill ult, didnt skill shield, and died to chrono 3 times under tower.

                                                                                In the end you can only "raise" your chance by winning a game, if you pick heroes you are good with. Good means 60-70% winrate. Yet you gonna lose 3 out of 10 games with them. Losing games a support just feels more painfull, also winning games might not feel as "good" since your score will be low, your farm will be low etc.

                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                  Because the worst experience is being yelled at by 4 babies who blame you for everything because you are the support. The absolute worst is supporting 4 super gankable cores including 1 jungling asshole who jungles with heavy roamers on the other side.

                                                                                  thats the most disgusting scenario to play as a support , (which a 60-70 % of the time). on of my recent games we have sf mid ,enemy have broodmother and 2 roamers , rly heavy deathball line up in enemy team , our last pick carry went for alchemist safe lane . thats the momment when i regret im playing this game , completely waste of time . 100% predictable scenario that both of carries will feed tilt and go afk, and you cant do shit about it as a support. i dont even know what or who they were flaming , since i muted all incoming chat for that game , but i know for sure it was a retarded shitfest entire game , after isaw the russian text wall in post game XD.

                                                                                  honestly have no idea how this guys are 4k + , i guess they are the next 1-2k mmr players of the future for sure .


                                                                                    I've been pushed to support multiple times, only to see my cores fail miserably. Others have probably seen similar. That's why nobody wants to support.
                                                                                    Yes I'm low 3K, but think of it this way; 4Ks are 3Ks who got out of the trench. ROFL


                                                                                      Your point is moot ETdAWESOME, since that can happen for anyone of any role preference.

                                                                                      Pos 5 player: "I've been pushed to non-5 multiple times, only to see my 5 fail miserably." Not enough consumables, or too many consumables. Terrible ward placement/timing. Terrible positioning, terrible fight initiation and/or terrible rotation timing.

                                                                                      If you consider yourself as most competent at X role and someone takes your preferred role, you're likely to be critical of their performance as when they make a mistake "I could/would have done that better," will cross your mind.

                                                                                      A core with shit supports is just as worthless as a support with shit cores. Any role can carry, it's just about how well you personally fulfill your role's duties.


                                                                                        Yeah, but factor in that people generally have more fun playing cores than supports.
                                                                                        You get pushed into supporting, despite wanting to play core, AND THEN you see the cores fail. Regardless of mistakes you made on the support role, you only look at the core player's mistakes, and zoom in on them. Badabing badaboom, you wouldn't want to play support again, fearing that someone who took your preferred role fails. Amplify that, and you get your standard 5-core pub.


                                                                                          a core can solo win games, a support cant basically.

                                                                                          Il Separatio

                                                                                            It happens in 2 k (Normal Skill) too :D :P


                                                                                              noone can solo win a game
                                                                                              and I don't mean the player from VP but literally no person can win a game solo

                                                                                              you failing to see it is just your short sight


                                                                                                you also get 300 gpm when you play carry... lul

                                                                                                the gpm shows on profile doesnt actually tell anything, i have 400~ gpm on profile because im recently playing position4, but i used to have around 600~700 gpm on profile back when i spammed carry.

                                                                                                I dont know what's the point of your question, all i can see now is that youre one of those "Im better than anybody in my bracket, everybody else sucks, Im the best, I should be 10k but my teammates are dragging me down."


                                                                                                  I don't want to burn my cells reading all these shitty posts but I can tell you, supporting requires more skill than playing cores. Playing a support(pos 4/5) requires map awarness, your ass to rotate and help the other lanes, to place wards in places where your team needs vision etc.

                                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                    ETdAWESOME your point is equally as moot here. Your issue is a lack of perspective, you're assuming that everyone else perceives the game as you do.

                                                                                                    "Yeah, but factor in that people generally have more fun playing cores than supports."

                                                                                                    According to whom? Is there some kind of study that proves that people have more fun playing cores? That's a 100% subjective statement. Obviously a core main would agree, while a pos 3/4/5 main would disagree. I know plenty of people that find that focusing on last hits and farming patterns is very boring and thus resist being placed in a core role if at all possible.

                                                                                                    "You get pushed into supporting, despite wanting to play core, AND THEN you see the cores fail. Regardless of mistakes you made on the support role, you only look at the core player's mistakes, and zoom in on them. Badabing badaboom, you wouldn't want to play support again, fearing that someone who took your preferred role fails."

                                                                                                    And once again, your statement can be applied to any role.

                                                                                                    You get pushed into core, despite wanting to play support, AND THEN you see the supports fail. Regardless of mistakes you made on the core role, you only look at the support player's mistakes, and zoom in on them. Badabing badaboom, you wouldn't want to play core again, fearing that someone who took your preferred role fails.

                                                                                                    You need to expand your perspective and see from other's point of view. Anyone who has a role preference is going to be miffed when their spot gets jacked, and will then be overly critical of someone underperforming in "their role."

                                                                                                    M u r d e r

                                                                                                    No role can specifically solo win games while the other roles can't. And really, no one actually solo wins games. Even if you win via solo ratting or something, your team is still contributing by at least keeping the enemy team occupied even just by feeding. When you get that 1v5 kill as Sven, or with a big AoE ult SK/Enigma/ES style, that wasn't just because of you. It's more than likely that the positioning of your own team drew the enemy team into a vulnerable position enabling your 5 man wipe play.

                                                                                                    And there's probably been more games where I've identified a pos 3/4/5 who is the primary reason the enemy won/held onto the game for so long over a core player. Pos 3/4/5 are the initiators and counter-initiators, they control the flow and pace of the game.

                                                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                                                      "You get pushed into core, despite wanting to play support, AND THEN you see the supports fail. Regardless of mistakes you made on the core role, you only look at the support player's mistakes, and zoom in on them. Badabing badaboom, you wouldn't want to play core again, fearing that someone who took your preferred role f" when does this happen?


                                                                                                        ^ it happens to me ocasionally
                                                                                                        I see my supports being useless POS and just want to micro 2 heroes at once

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!