General Discussion

General Discussionbalance

balance in General Discussion

    i have 3,2k and i have enemies and allied like anciet 1(my last game ultra noob acc buyer)and i even had medium size noob faceless with divine 0 where is the balance? or des that mean they 2-3k mmr? what the hell is goin on

    Tvrtko I

      git gud my friend... or spam underlord

      Este comentario fue editado

        I prefer spamming underlord

        Manhattan Cafe

          Like singsing said, ranked is very toxic this year and noobs with higher medal is really a serious problem here. How did volvo evaluate those player and how the hell did they manage to get that medal?


            How does git gud help with getting teammates/enemies that maybe significantly outside your MMR range?


              Is it not more likely that they Smurfed/boosted to a high medal and are now down at your mmr rather than matchmaking mixing people up with a big spread of mmr?


                P A R T Y M M R


                  whut, its normal man, I get matched with divines too

                  Manhattan Cafe

                    Just play? I dont care about those meal.


                      Click "strict ranked solo matchmaking" in options. It's possible that they are party queued. Or, they might have previously had those medals(either boosted or legit), then had a VERY bad losing streak, ending up in your MMR level. They retain the medal(medal shown is the highest achieved for that season, always), but their MMR is now down to yours. That's a possible explanation.


                        Some valve issues. The difference of party mmr is very huge i can confirm that. Sometimes if i party with an archon i will be the only legend player in the team while our enemy is full of legend(idc about this tbh) but i dont think the huge difference of mmr in solo q which you guys mention happens often but i recently got a game where 9 players are legend 4-5 and 1 players is ancient 4(still climbing until now maybe he is now ancient 5) and yeah sometimes that happen. However, this rarely happen and if you actually see this happen most of the time its account buyer and loses almost everygame

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