General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the best semi-carry right now for duo-queue ranked

Who is the best semi-carry right now for duo-queue ranked in General Discussion

    I am low MMR, but dont underestimate people at my MMR.



      Not trying to sound like a cocky asshole. But just picking any hero you're comfortable with is enough to pubstomp in your bracket. Just go full yolo and snowball the game.

      Well to be fair I think you can pubstomb on any bracket, but it is more likely that the enemy is able to punish you more the higher your mmr goes.

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      4pos pudge/grim only

        viper. works best below 2k bracket

        Optimus Drip

          Viper veno lane has gotta be cancerous to go agaisnt


            I agree, but they get focused hard in fights and die off lategame. I'm looking for someone who can carry a team through midgame and potentially lategame, even when losing the early game.

            Ideally, the hero should beable to recover fast from a bad lane, or a feeding team

            Ty for responses By the way..


              Can someone fill me in what exactly a semi-carry should be?


                Say "Im semi support roaming jungle wk".Then transition into semi-carry=Profit.


                  Legion commander can come back with a few duels.

                  Slark cause people don’t ward so it’s free hp Regen.

                  Sven can also disappear into the jungle 10min and fuck shit up at that bracket.


                    Ok ty, my issue with sven is that he is melee, so he cannot high-ground which is something i fins myself having to do a lot


                      I’m having trouble in thinking of a ranger carry that can comeback easily.

                      When I think of high-ground I think of Sniper and Shadow Fiend though.


                        Riki seems to be the bracket favorite right now. As soon as you get your diffusal you can crush the supports and they won't be able to afford the vision. You can also easily get solo pickoffs on enemy team's HC like a juggernaut or PA before their core items allow them to BKB/Manta out of your smoke. It's been a pretty consistent 2/1/2 pick with offlane riki last hitting til phase boots and then roaming while the other hero takes over the lane. I've seen rikis single handedly carry the game while the HC farms away

                        unbreakable spirit

                          Pick sven, free win, with somewhat good positioning you will always win the sven since in your bracket they don't know how to kite sven much


                            See, that's the thing, people underestimate my bracket. People know very well how to ward, kite, stack, pull, etc

                            The main difference between high mmr and low mmr is that High mmr know when to pick fights, push objectives, and farm effectively.

                            Basically what i'm trying to say is that once sven's stun is used, he can get kited so hard


                              You underestimate how terrible people at your bracket are. Laning in your bracket is so easy just get strong laners and shit on the enemy.
                              Try PL I doubt anyone knows how to counter illusions and probably pick ES and think It's good enough to counter you.

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                                at ur mmr just pick bristle back and buy vanguard -> blademail and ull win


                                  pick lycan-> ez lane, cant be kited, high damage, fast pusher, two shotted their support for mental damage. he doesnt farm pretty well tho


                                    or just go with void


                                      no void please

                                      hes guardian 2 do u know what these people do to faceless void


                                        idk lol
                                        what does these people do to void? , im curious



                                            I just wanna get out of this skill bracket.

                                            It's full of noobs who lose us the game


                                              work on your farming and spam one hero, thats what i do to climb from 1.5 to 3k


                                                BTW as a response to lycan, I am not a fan of micro managing so I could only see myself playing right clicker.

                                                Is od still good?

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                                                  Concerned carry mates, how many last hits should I have before 10mins




                                                      well if you look at my last lycan match, i dont even use my wolf.
                                                      60cs at 10 is good, i myself get 50-70 depending on how my lane is going.
                                                      edit : im not a good od player, but he cant destroy towers so i dont think he is good hero to spam

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                                                        I just lost against a fucking 4k sniper wherein his 2 supps keep ganking me as sf, i say pick strong laners like dp, ta, viper or od

                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                          See, that's the thing, people underestimate my bracket.

                                                          I just wanna get out of this skill bracket.
                                                          It's full of noobs who lose us the game

                                                          Which is it?


                                                            Ok 60 cs is not unachievable I hav got it a few games, ty for the advice.

                                                            I also agree with what you said about OD, i used to main him however I stopped due to his pathetic tower damage.

                                                            I could try legion

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                                                                1k mmr


                                                                  Cheap laugh guy

                                                                  Basically it is a mix, sometime I get some trash of a team and play against pretty good people or vice versa.

                                                                  I just want to reliably win my games by playing a hero who can push well, fight, and recover well from tough lanes. i dont mind having to practise playng the hero either so it does not have to a super ez hero like viper, or sniper


                                                                    Elder titan is a sick carry

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      Sounds like Dragon Knight


                                                                        I'll try dk

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                                                                            What about razer


                                                                              Jugg is all u need


                                                                                Seriously, dont spam sniper or viper, you wont improve by playing the easiest braindead heroes


                                                                                  I think I'll play razer, Ty for all your advice!

                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!