General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips for Morphling?

Any tips for Morphling? in General Discussion

    Morph is a hero that I would like to play for a long time, but never tried to put an effort in it.

    Tried 3/4 matches with bots, but when I went for casual, got soul crushed (as you can see on my profile).

    Any tips, tricks or advise that could help?


      know ur limits, it takes practice to know when u can dive with ur 500 hp hero or when u need to play safe, when u can survive, when u can turn on a fight, etc
      using the ulti right
      attribute shift reflexes and instinct


        not a hero for low iq players


          ^i feel sad for u

          As for op, try finding as many morph related free guides on internet first, they won't be totally good or rught. But they will get u started.

          Then start watching morph games everyday. See the stuff they do. Normally if u arent highly skilled u wouldn't really see the macro gameplay but u still can see the way they micro the hero.

          Play some matches, be okay sucking and losing cuz nobody was perfect from the very first match. Just start getting more comfortable.

          Keep doing this process. The more u play urself, the more situations happen in ur games that u can be like "i wonder how pros fix that issue) and as u watch, u get more answers out of their plays. And u'll start to get better

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            U preferably morph enemy carries
            If you are pos 1

            That being said, support morph is trash, get Rubick instead.
            The point here is to steal the enemy carries' base stats because they're usually high level so they are tankier and you want to use their skillset to amplify your dmg output.
            I never really mastered the new morph though. Just watched pros play it and they really like Morphing into carries.

            Este comentario fue editado
            La Dz

              Dont tilt, use every little sec u have for farm. Sometimes yyou need to get yasha or dragon lance first if u cant get linken so you can fight early and sometimes maybe even a morbid mask if they have lot of silence or you are low hp often. Just dont tilt and feed like a retard


                Thanks, guys. Started to watch some matches from Miracle and Ramzes and it is getting some nice insights. My biggest problem right now is how the F* I stay alive, but with time i guess I'll learn.

                Thank you all for the support. :)

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