General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with account buyers

How to deal with account buyers in General Discussion

    Having one of them as teammate is like having a smurf as opponent, both bringing down your game to the different level.

    Less game sense, less awareness, feeding enemy cores cause always alone at the map. How to deal with these creatures? Of course we still have another 3 players in the team but what if him keep doing the same mistakes and didn't have impact at all the game? Any thoughts?


      Screw showing PMA btw, they dont even listen to our advice


        when you know the game is over just move on and think of your next game lol there are some unwinnable games there so don't be surprised


          Good point, seems like im trying too hard in this game :<

          Este comentario fue editado
          Story Time

            trying hard in a game made for fun :D irony of 21 century


              I know right lol (adding lol to make impression as a not serious person)

              Story Time

                lol (adding lol to make impression as a not serious person)


                  never let others affect you.Play your own game,report/mute,swap commends,move on.I used to get so triggered by bad and toxic players,then i become like them too,getting into lp often.Play for yourself only ! account buyers are rare,just report them


                    Cheer yourself up with the thought that you only have to play with them once but he'll be in all his games :)

                    Mad Scientist

                      i agree man, but losing 25 mmr still kinda sad for a 30 minutes game when you tryhard


                        join them, buy an account yourself


                          Or get a 500 mmr account and dumpster people

                          flourishing new leaf

                            Spam valve to do something about it. If they fucked the low prio/penalty system for nothing I bet they could at least try to implement some shit for this

                            flourishing new leaf

                              and remember to use Leddit


                                Cheers for the kind advices, appreciate it

                                Chilling And Winning

                                  Everyone tries hard to rank up to play with higher skill players and u just played with them without any hard tries so yeah u should be happy :D


                                    Whut? People buy 3k mmr accs?


                                      @sina yeah its just me didnt appreciate little things xd

                                      @abyss watcher nah they were 4k account, cant handle the bracket so getting down


                                        Why do you think games are made for fun? Games are not made for fun but for their purpose.
                                        Dota for one thing has competitive in its description, you can play it for fun but it wasn't meant to be for fun in the first place. It is made to gather a skillset and improve in the battle for your own Ancient.

                                        You have to get that games are here to simulate life itself, you can see life as a serious of games and the best one come out on the top, meaning the more merit you have to do something the better you will perform in no matter what game you play.
                                        That also means that not everybody is meant for every game
                                        to put it gamewise: you can be the best PUBG player and suck at DotA, that is why people should find games that somehow allign with their preferences and strengths to improve in them.

                                        The best way to prove that theory is to just see the discussions on this forum: you are literally trashed out of the conversation because you are talking about the game while there are others with some "higher social status than you" present at the discussion.

                                        The guys who spend their lifetimes talking about how it is only about fun are mostly the guys who are either to good to have any competition(the best players in the pro scene), or don't strive for competition(people like Sing sing or your average smurf) who mostly play under their own level to stomp other players who didn't play the game for so long.

                                        That is why account buyers aren smurfs are such a problem, they are cheating the system to avoid their competence level.
                                        For example no matter what you would think of Trump, not a lot of people would make it far if they were just given his money and business to run, that is why he has so much money.
                                        Or even a better example is that no matter how you try it, you couldn't substitute guys like Stephen Curry with anyone in the NBA besides maybe 2-3 people if they are having a great day.

                                        The same concept can be applied in gaming since it is also a game like business and like physical sport: you can't just take a guy out of his competition range and think he will act like the competition range he came in.

                                        The only real thing to do here is to regulate smurfs because they are what is creating the problem, but nobody cares because there is a person who is literally promoting smurfing every day and the game doesn't want to lose him as a autism promoter to his even more autistic fanbase.
                                        Tbf. I shouldn't try to trash rtz here because neither do I watch his streams and neither do I know his stances on smurfing in general, the things are just said are only used of opinions of smurf promoters on this forum.

                                        I do find it funny from time to time when the guys who smurf complain about not getting a match in time, yet I fucking wait 15 mins in a 3.5k game and that is somehow not a problem to wait for.

                                        The reason for them smurfing is obvious yet noone addresses it: they are running away from people they are destined to compete with to improve, because they know that there are people less capable off that they can trash for their own ego.
                                        Imagine this as the clips you used to see of a grandpa coming to the playground and acting like he can't even stand by himself, but 2 mins in he starts slamdunking on you. Now take away all the cameras that this guy made around himself to make this comedy scatch and imagine a guy who can play at a competitive level but yet goes on playgrounds to show his dominance over anecdotal children for his own ego and please elaborate how this person is not a lifeless jerk who should maybe set his priorities straight.

                                        you don't care anyway so why the fuck are you reading text?

                                        love scars / you hurt me

                                          get your head out of your ass. nobody bothers to buy or even sell 4k accs (ancient)
                                          ur just playing with bad players (read: your entire bracket, even you)


                                            Nobody. Sure.


                                              Think of it as if everyone is in the same level of understanding of dota, both teams have 50% chance to win. Now if there's a player who is worse in ur team or better on other team, he breaks the balance, let's say he makes it 40% for u abd 60% for them.
                                              What u can do is what ppl say "git gud". Which essentially means if u become better than everyone in that match, u will make the balance meet again, and if u become even better, u break the balance but this time on ur terms.

                                              Example is when u see ur mates heing bad and taking bad fights and feeding, every time they made a bad fight u took a tower. Now enemy has all the kills but u have the map control. Then u split them, kill them 1 by 1, take other objectives like t3s abd rosh. Keep playing and splittting until u kill a key opponent, then take rax. Do this a couple times and u snowball ur win
                                              Or win ur lane so hard that even if ur mates are terrible enemy comes to deal with u, making space for them, ehile u urself dont let them kill u and make them waste time.


                                                actually i want a 2k mmr account so I can play with my friends without them feeding to that 1 guy who is also ancient


                                                  @sia the strategy could work but if only you pick a hero who have the ability to taking towers easily. Its a different story when you pick a support or offlaner without the ability then this acc buyer go main core, which is the team need to pushing. Literally no chance to win the game.

                                                  @Knifepony been there done that. And the crusader guy from the enemy team is playing like his ancient friend xd


                                                    @shadow pool veteran: didn't you know that there are 1k players craving for 3k or 4k account? Im surprised you are playing in SEA and have no idea about that


                                                      I feel sorry for the people who think they will trash 500 mmr players. Given farm and the right heroes they can play like TI winners


                                                        There are many people who buy ancient accs actually, i have seen people post ancient accs for sale in fb dota groups.
                                                        In my case, acc buyers in my bracket usually take support role so i ask them nicely to stack for me, try to smoke and gank to pressure other lanes, however if they pick carry, I just try my best to zone out the enemy offlaner(btw, seeing them miss a lot of last hits is funny) so i try to stack for them. Oh btw if they pick core, pick a support that can siege towers, it greatly helps you guys to win or a roamer that can destroy early game. Just dont flame them as the game is still winnable at minute 0


                                                          To the guy who said 'who'd buy low MMR accounts?': People do buy 3/4k accounts because they're pretty cheap, around 12-35 USD. Me, I bought a 2k account for 10 bucks because I'm too lazy to create a new account and play bad for 130 hours. That account has a directly proportional relationship between reports and commends-- enemy would always report me for some reason. :(

                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                            I made a 3.5k account and traded it with a 400 mmr account games there are fun


                                                              @0420 yes i agree
                                                              personally for the exact reason u mentioned, i main on brood and clinkz, adding slark to the mix now. If im not getting core roles i go shaman cuz he has the toolkit to carry his team if his team cant carry him

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!