General Discussion

General DiscussionLost power during calibration

Lost power during calibration in General Discussion
The Screed Gamer

    I was playing one of my calibration games the other day and my entire are got a power cut, obviously i got an abandon as power didn't come back till the morning. Just wondering if anyone knows if there's anyway I'd be able to get this game back??


      nope there isn't
      that's -50 mmr for you


        Wow! Delete account you are screwed!

        Why do you people take calibration so serious i mean its just 10 games, what are you doing? Calibrate account get badge and then leave it for 6 months? ITs not life making choice its just a fucking calibration! You are not getting married get real for fuck sake...

        Story Time

          ^if you think marriage is serious thing for life, try to get children - then you realize what serious means :D


            Abandons don’t count I think. And Harold, what he’s worried about is the people he’s gonna be matched with I think, not bragging points for his medal. I’ll gladly be Archon if my games are good and they have common sense.

            But they don’t lol

            SASA POPOVIC

              ^nothing makes sense in normal skill but if you are good you can get out, if you depend on your teammates being bad at the game and you need them to be good in order to win the game, you are right where you belong, because boosters they dont care if their teammates have 0-20 each they will win the game, because they dont belong there.

              IF bracket where you are matters and you are chained to it, then people would hold it, they wouldnt drop or rise above, but thats not the case i have seen 5ks drop to 3k, 3ks go up to 5k, your skill varies over your lifetime its not a constant problem is realizing this and working on it.

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