General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some help with Clinkz playstyle

Need some help with Clinkz playstyle in General Discussion

    Hello there! I've been spamming clinkz from quite a while now. I have so far seen two different playstyles:

    1. Ganker
    2. Farmer

    The Ganker Goes Treads> Medallion> Orchid>Nullifier>Bloodthorn>Mkb/BkB
    The Farmer buys Treads> Soul Ring> Medallion> Desolator> Hex/MKB/Daedelus.

    So, what the ganker generally does is, he lanes for 10 mins, gets Treads + Medallion and goes around the map ganking heros. I've also seen players go 4-2-4 in this build for extra mobility. He roams lanes and gets towers, this is also very risky.

    The Farmer lanes for 14-15 minutes, gets his Treads, Soul Ring, Medallion and Desolator. THEN goes around farming the map and getting easy pick offs. He mainly roams around his lane eg Clears creeps at mid lane> goes ancients> hard camp> medium camp> comes back to lane.

    The ganker hardly gets 550-600 gpm at the end. But the farmer gets 650-750 GPM. One more thing that I've learnt playing both play styles is that the ganker is risky. If he fails some ganks, worst case scenario - dies, then he can no longer continue this play style as the enemies get powerful and get defensive items like cyclone/ghost scepter/blademail. However the farmer doesn't need to gank aggressively as he can safely farm and get pick offs and start acting aggressively once he has his deso/hex. But this really deletes the concept of picking clinkz. That is to provide insecurity to the enemies. If the enemies know that the clinkz is gonna sit in his jungle and farm, they won't have any fear of dying and will also farm aggressively.

    So my question is, which of these builds and playstyles is better? My mmr is 4k, legend 4

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      TBH the item builds for Clinkz varies from game to game. Mostly depends on the disables the other team has (Treads,aquila & Soul ring being the common basic items). I've seen people own with a blink when the opposition has weak supports like cm/ lion. Clinkz does a lot of physical damage even with just the basic items until the 20mins mark.

      Personally, I don't prefer a safelane or hardcore farming clinkz. This hero has same impact or even a higher impact on the game while roaming. You could go mid or offlane & create space for another core to come online. Clinkz is one of the few heroes this meta that can control the tempo of the game by ganking or taking towers all alone.

      Let me know if any of these tricks work for you. I'm learning too!!!

      Cheers & GL!!


        my clinkz is none of those two. im more on pushing. i prioritized tower before i roam. i do gank but only when safe, for eg. 2-3 heroes shown on the other side of the map, so i have potential to gank whoever in those dark area, especially if i knew that he doesn’t have much potential to solo kill on me. after successful gank, only two things can happen.

        1. push tower or
        2. enemy team will respond, i will immediately tp on the other side of the lane, knowing that their tp’s are cooldown, and the only possible hero that could respond is the one i recently killed or maybe some support ?

        if lucky, i can kill the one that i killed recently if he tp back to that free lane, or else ill put pressure on their tower... then farm to jungle, recharge with clarity and repeat the process.

        whenever there is a teamfight, and im near to it, its either i go for tower or ran to backline and ambush retreating enemies.

        my playstyle could be different from the others and may not apply in your bracket.


          why dont you gank and farm at the same time.

          i dont even understand what "ganker" means.

          ganking means showing up in another lane during laning phase and attemptinh to kill the enemy hero in that lane.


            @Calm and @MckJohan, Thank you for sharing that precious info!
            @Benni yeah I mean't roamer not ganker. Sorry for that!


              Please for better dota quality - dont give any tips to filthy Clinkz spammers !


                @Lex, haha! If you play like 50 games of clinkz, you can easily counter him. But if you've never played against one, then get ready to get rekt :D


                  how to counter clinkz. Group up, have disables, and always have sentries.


                    also whats the reasoning behind medalion. I've gone it a few times but it feels weaker than just getting deso to me. Maybe its just because of my innability to hit buttons quickly but it just never seems that worth it to me.

                    absense of mercy and empathy

                      You should always get desolator UNLESS enemy has heroes on core position like Void that you can't let snowball and farm. Also orchid is a no vs AM early game, because he usually farms jungle at 80% hp and your hits with deso/medallion take like 30% HP per hit, which makes it that he doesn't have time to react. OR you can find him, let him blink, and then start killing him.

                      I go desolator mainly because you're easily farming much faster if you aren't very successful with snowballing and killing enemy team. Bring you're self a clarity once in a while and you're good.

                      Also hex is not a viable option since orchid/nul.

                      I usually go mid with wraith band / 2 tenge / branch / fire -> aquilla, blight stone, soul ring, boots of speed, medallion, blight stone x2, power threads, deso, nul / orchid, bkb, bloodthorn, skadi/mkb/butterfly/hex/rapier


                        kill_yourself you degenerate shitlord


                          Yea orchid vs item is shit on clinkz, better deso

                          Samwise Gamgee

                            i try maelstrom once for farming tool and is great with his Q that now give you insane AS, but is weaker than deso and cost only 500 less than deso but is better vs heroes like DK who have high armor coz is magic dmg


                              Haha I dislike hero so I send death threat ECKSDEEE
                              Why don't u just play a hero who doesn't give af abt strafe Dodge and kaboom clinx is not that good


                                i go maelstorm if against PL, 2 bounces can help me distinguish the real one, and orchid to disable him.


                                  go for orchid nullifier, unless vs slark where deso hex is better, you need bkb after that. medallion and PT game dependant (aquila soul ring are not imo) . you need to play off map with the hero, farm ancients when not going for kills.

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    speaking of clinkz counter there are few which gave me nightmare occassionally, and who can play very well.

                                    1. Slardar, (dagher, bash and his ult)
                                    2. Axe. (dagger, natural blademail carrier)
                                    3. Void (surprise chrono)
                                    4. roaming or mobile heroe like tinker, ember, bara.

                                    items that i scared

                                    1. good sentries/wards
                                    2. dust
                                    3. blademail if i have done my nullifier
                                    4. atos + burst damage

                                    my recent game:

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      never played this hero alot,but ist goign aquila first then threads is better?


                                        yup. aquila, soul ring, threads, then orchid or deso or medalion, depends on the phase of the game.


                                          U have to be careful of going orchid imo with this hero.


                                            Time to go clinkz or carry or mid

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