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      No you are lying






            I wanna learn how I can communicate with people at my's quite impossible.


              Good Luck for you all :)

              Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                dragon lance?


                  I hope 6.86 will actually be about hard carries and not some goddamn nukers again...

                  Trevor Flux

                    ez . . . . .

                    Derp's missing tax files
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                        Mango new meta 2016

                        Derp's missing tax files
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                            >he forgot dragon lance

                            losestreak gang

                              komanda musor win!

                              [IR] Culverin

                                see the healing salve's price reduced to 100
                                and also dust getting cheaper 180 is expensive for a couple of dusts. it wd also b good to b able to buy dust and sentry one by one and not as a packs of two (2sentry=200 >> 1sentry=100)


                                  resolution, main account climbing to 4,5k. (support role)
                                  and this account calibrated at 4k+ (carry/offlane/ganker role)
                                  wish me luck lol. I'm so noob at this game.

                                  apes strong together

                                    I wish to calibreate 3k + on my new account. I know I'm good enough for it.


                                      nice changing


                                        My aim is to get to 3.5k mmr from my lowly 1600 mmr lowpoint after I had a terrible 2 months (dropped from 2.4k mmr after I returned from a hiatus) - I'm already back at 2050 mmr so wish me well! :D


                                          My aim is to get to 1k mmr from 0.01k mmr. XD just joking.

                                          Dendi's dad ( after his  ...

                                            ahahahhahah 21th thats me :D


                                              I reached 4000 mmr 2 weeks before 2015 ended. Now I'm looking to go even higher, so I'm setting my goal for 5k. Best of luck to everyone else trying anything remotely similar and a happy new year full of exciting dota! :D

                                              The Auslander

                                                Alright boys 4.5K mmr after only a few months of playing. Sooo ez wish me luck. 16 hours a day.

                                                Mbeju Volador

                                                  I just wanna get to 1k mmr from 543, wish me luck..


                                                    ppd bride

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      stop playing so much dota, that's my new year's resolution

                                                      Wuff Time in Dota 2

                                                        He forgot Huskar in 6.85 as a pocket pick. :P All the top captains were saying he was a top priority pick/ban - not necessarily first phase, but second phase for sure unless you had an AA or something against teams that would pick it. OG won a lot of games at the Majors with Miracle Huskar, and Secret cheesed their way to second place with a similar strategy (although they'd trick their opponents by picking Support Tiny).

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                                                        an eggsalad sandwich

                                                          PPD looks like the beaming and radiant bride of EG.

                                                          Thomas the assault engine...

                                                            Keep climbing. I was 1.4k solo and 1.6k party only a bit more than a year ago an now i am 4.2k solo and 3.9k party, so.... Fucking 5k boyyyy.

                                                            Legendary NexO

                                                              Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 31.43% win rate. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due . KAPPA