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16 comentarios

    First, again


      2nd? I guess

      LILMAFYA #FreePalestine

        Second Blood I guess


          CDEC.AVENFER? With an F? lol

          HILMY KONTOL

            wow nice

            ikr0nic THE_durty_dingo

              6th blood


                DC fan here Feels Bad Man

                Lich gonna have your mama

                  awesome read, thank you for that. Good job!

                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                    been noticing for quite a while you guys even proof read your articles?....its like it was all in one take and then straight to publication....going thru the article doesnt take 2 mins yet it seems all dotabuff writers have better things to do with those precious 120 seconds

                    cant even take your stuff seriously with the all the childish mistakes



                      WHERE IS COMPENDIUM GABEN




                          Great read. I still think OD is being overlooked by the pros. Europe and the Americas played/banned OD quite a bit, the rest not so much. I think he's almost unstoppable if picked in the right lineup.


                            @Doofy I enjoy the fact that you are insulting the DotaBuff staff about not proof reading their articles, But your grammar is much worse lmao. You didn't capitalize a single thing and forgot every single apostrophe in your compound words

                            Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                              so smart of you to notice thuo.....but apparently the difference of my post being in a comment section versus the post im talking bout being a real public article, completely evades you

                              i didnt know i was being paid or noticed for dishing out comments.....kindly send all payment and transaction information to

                              BRENNA SPARXXX

                                earth spirit yay, so glad too see him in pro scene :DDDDDD


                                  If someone know how to play with chen its almost a gg