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The DarKNovA

    Actually, it's worse than Enchantress having infinite Impetus, since 1. you can't just get upclose and personal to minimize its extra damage, and 2. it drains serious amount of intelligence.


      i wanna CM back


        I got +500 mmr in this stage, from 3500 to 4000, like 40 games, I always drafted, even when I wasnt the captain, my captain always understood me, I lost when some scrubs refuse to ear me, I'm so glad to this, I was stuck on that 3600+/- 100, now I can have more decent games =D


          Why can't you select your pos in game settings like ap cm rd ( whwn you go carry you need like 15 min to find a game,but as sup 10 sek)like this you always have 1 utility core 1 mid 1 carry 1 roamer/4th and 1 5th pos


            No please, i just play Zeus if valve removes all pick ranked i'll back to 3k-2k cause i only can play zeus :P


              I would like them to add an all pick mode where you say what role you want to play before hand, or even like league games where you can find a team before and set your roles. It's kinda sad when someone on the team gets forced into a role they don't like or are not comfortable with, and you lose your mmr just because of bad luck when random team gets thrown together.
              Likewise if you get lucky and a team that all want to play different positions you have a much higher chance to win.
              I also hate the last pick random mid... that insisted on taking mid from the start of the draft.

              prt tm slmt fll tm prblm



                  im 10k mmr and i feel offended by this article

                  One Punch Man

                    If you lost mmr due to no all pick, then you should learn to play more than 3 heroes. That was the best week of my dota life


                      "...encouraged more teamwork..."

                      In reality it was like that: lets say I'm a captain and I want to play WR, so I pick WR, I pick Drow to give me damage aura, I pick CM to give me mana regen and of course I pick Dazzle to save my ass and heal me. Teamwork?!...

                      ТУПОЙ КУН

                        bad!!!!!!! delete plz!!!!!


                          Nicely done, Valve.


                            The problem is that so many people think they are the next Puppey or whoever but of course give themselves mid and then try build a strategy they saw work on a pro game or something.

                            The problem is that the strategy might not work at that level for any number of reasons, it might not be a good match for that line up or strategy and more importantly, your team mates might not know how to play or be comfortable with the damn heroes you're drafting.

                            Honestly, ranked Captains Mode should be one pick, one ban per player. I stopped playing captains mode simply cus I grew tired of these people thinking they were awesome leaders while not understanding the first thing about a TEAM game.

                            That said, I think All Pick is a friggin awful mode for ranked... it's awful in general but... yeah...

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              DISABLE all pick, DISABLE posibilty of random pick and.. uuuuuaaaahhhhh (angelical voice) we all have a better ranked games..




                                  I wish Valve would of kept it this way, i was able to get less toxic players (Peru) and was able to get other team mates who helped in the picking phase and throughout the entire game. Since all pick has been back i been spammed with nothing but "Viva Peru" and "Csm" in at least 1 out of every 2 games. I raised my MMR by +250 when we had Random Draft, shame it's back to the pick spamming and feeding again.

                                  Loop Bunny

                                    Ranked matchmaking is better without all pick