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43 comentarios





        stop shit chating wtf

        by the way


          4th haha

          Worst amongst the Best

            That's because he's just a ball of damage. Squishy yet kitable despite being a fucking range


              Ez 5th

              Engr. Errell Jan

                6th =D


                  when will you add underlord to dotabuff?
                  They should change gyro - maybe rocket barrage with passives from items, or change weak scepter?
                  I bought MKB and scepter for him and i couldn't stun enigma in black hole.
                  Maybe ability like smoke rocket- which u will shoot this in line, for long distance and give invisibility under it?

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    9th who cares

                    plin plin plon

                      Delete that idiot commend pls (1st 2nd)... Btw im 10th


                        damn, i'm 100th

                        кароче стример

                          12 hello))

                          Pepper & Salt



                              Gyro aghanim was never good. The ult one seemed kike 4200 wasted. The new scepter is slightly better but still not great.

                              getting bj'ed and distracted

                                previous gyro aghs was good, what are you talking about? Works well for a support gyro and works even better as an alch gift-consumable. The new aghs is certainly in no way better(an extra passive attack that attacks only once per second and you cant control where it attacks LUL)


                                  gyrocopter is wasted


                                    ^ stupid still on the 7th count. 7th!

                                    Lucy fear

                                      Sf anyone?


                                        wtf !? nvm 20th

                                        [IR] Culverin

                                          admin write abt pitlord

                                          Derp's missing tax files

                                            All right, moment of truth - if dotabuff has patience for number spammers, does it have the patience for mangoes...

                                            Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 38.79% win rate. It is our duty as fellow gamers to give the wondrous item the respect it is due. Please take up arms in this attempt to avert this tradgedy.


                                              doom should recover (at least) his normal BAT, tusk should be a bit more tanky (more str grow) and gyro.. dont know, i think gyro most be reworked like faceless void few patches ago

                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                              Gifts for the cat

                                                URSA POWER!


                                                  They just need to introduce the new KOTL and DOOM combo. Doom Echo-Sabre and KoTL chakra magic reduce cooldown. And a S&J + Deadalus. Echo Sabre for Mana & Stats and Two-Hit ability. S&J for Stats and Mov. Speed + Slow. And Deadalus for Crit + Damage. Doom Ult = 1 Kill. Burning Sword + Crit + Echo + Chakra = 2 Kills. Good use of Doom skills plus right click attacks and good positioning/fighting = 3 Kiils. KoTL nukes and mana drain to help in this battle = Ultrakill. Battle Fury as 4 Item = Rampage all by yourself. And so on.


                                                    HI MOM IM A PRO DOTA PLAYER NOW

                                                    aikyu3 SuBi ♪

                                                      carregador wow 2k comment and analysis! NICE NORMAL SKILL BRACKET AHAHHAA


                                                        this is a shitpost

                                                        Child in Time

                                                          You said 'quite frankly' twice in your essay. Other elements in your writing style are too flowery and difficult to read without cringing.

                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                          Tarog Skwela Undangi Nang...

                                                            Current Meta: Tanks and Long Range Hardhitters
                                                            Gyro: Very Short Range + Spell Dependent + Squishy
                                                            Doom: Still Viable
                                                            Tusk: Still Viable in the early stage but there are more useful supports to pick compared to his offensive arsenal


                                                              i lost interest on him when they nerf the ss with agha


                                                                Doom is still a viable offlane core. You really don't want to run a support Doom with its abysmal mana pool. It will have constant mana problems even with an arcane boots. Better run him as a utility core by providing multiple auras to the team.
                                                                Tusk is still a viable hero as a support and a utility core but frankly there are other heroes much better than it in both positions like a Vengeful Spirit or a Tidehunter who both provide strong stuns and have good initiation potential.
                                                                Gyrocopter is just irrelevant these days. Granted a Dragon Lance gives it some survivability and attack range but you still have to go closer to the enemy to land your rocket barrage and you still need an early BKB for it to have an impact in teammates because a few spells and it will just evaporate. Frankly a Vengeful with a Dragon Lance does a better job at being a core than Gyro these days.

                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                Local Insomniac

                                                                  I feel like one other reason that Gyro is out of the meta is because this is a meta that favors heros that have at least some kind of mobility. Nearly every hero in the game builds a blink dagger or a force staff in at least some part of the game, some heros even building both. Other heros like Terrorblade, Luna, and Alchemist build Manta Style so that they could fight from far away.

                                                                  While Gyro does sometimes build Manta, his Manta illusions don't really do as much as the before mentioned hero's illusions. He's mostly just a sit and fight tank that gets his tanky-ness from building items. The only ability which makes him a carry is his Flak Cannon which has a really long down time.

                                                                  Bow to Your New Asian Ove...

                                                                    All right, moment of truth - if dotabuff has patience for number spammers, does it have the patience for mangoes...
                                                                    Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 38.79% win rate. It is our duty as fellow gamers to give the wondrous item the respect it is due. Please take up arms in this attempt to avert this tradgedy.


                                                                      Rofl @carregador
                                                                      Why go for right click doom when you can get carries that FARMS FASTER than doom,becomes online much faster with less items,and more relevant in the late game?
                                                                      Even picking gyrocopter gives you more edge than that pub build


                                                                        EZ 1488


                                                                          37th F U!!


                                                                            9999th WHWHHWHWAOAAAAA YEEEHAAAA


                                                                              39 FUCKING GOD

                                                                              JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                                                                                I've never thought Gyrocopter was strong. It's just that these pro tournaments nerds picking up 2 or 3 supports and 2 ranged low hp cores it was easy for him to clean up the lines. He's kind of ok. His stun is nice, because its range. Allows him to and his team to put up some nice plays, easily. But not more than this. He was just ok. If they'd stop picking 3 supports and 2 ranged low hp heroes, as it kind of happened this TI, he would disappear as I predicted.


                                                                                  Gyrocopter is really bad right now. I think most of it is to do with his appalling base attack damage; 37-47 damage with an attack animation on the harder side to use makes him lack harrass/farm ability early in the game.

                                                                                  The hero barely has 42% pub winrate right now and has very simple mechanics. I think that speaks for itself.

                                                                                  A group of amish goat mil...

                                                                                    I still hope to see doom get back to the meta


                                                                                      why my fave gyrocopter is out of the meta? strong blink dagger heroes, blademai and l early on, his ult not going threw spelll immunity anymore, a few minor things like mana dependency early and etc. but honestly all he needs is the flak cannon cooldown reduced from 30 to 20 or 15:) seconds and he'll be back