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13 comentarios

    What bout ma nibba team solid?

    tiny airlines


      no animals please

        How is secret in the bottom half? Do you know what half means?


          Eggs, you need to practise writing up articles more. You need an introduction to draw readers in, for new and experienced players alike.

          Content quality can always be justified, but it always helps to have metrics to compare and contrast the teams, especially for a data heavy game like dota 2. For example, you could mention Team Secrets top placings in the first half of the dpc to show their dominance, while their placings in the second half fluctuated due to inconsistency (or just better teams in that time). Something like that.

          Keep practising, and don't give up!


            Fnatic 2016 with EE pie ? ROFL nice article


              When will you guys do the review of my boy Artour's team EG


                The 2016 Fnatic team was Mushi’s.


                  xaxa i need mmr

                   uhm

                    bruh newbee ain't the only team that hasn't shuffled since ti7

                    mongolian uncle



                        TI 6 Fnatic was Mushi's squad, not EE's. Mushi,343,Ohaiyo,DJ,Midone completed the roster.


                          Wining EG is not the hardest thing to do. My bc team wins them in a bo5


                            Wrong info for Ti6 fnatic roster. epic fail..