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Cherry Tea

    Nice One


      support ck honestly seems like a great idea. if his passive was changed a bit and maybe if his ulti was changed to perma aghs except with longer cd, i think it would be one of the most op supports in the game. hes like a venge+ dazzle kinda hybrid in that sense.


        support ck honestly seems like a great idea. if his passive was changed a bit and maybe if his ulti was changed to perma aghs except with longer cd, i think it would be one of the most op supports in the game. hes like a venge+ dazzle kinda hybrid in that sense.


          id recommend support ck in normal skill bracket , so simple and straightforward but very powerful also, some hero will think twice before solo killing you.


            ck is one of the scariest late game heroes..


              Support CK or more of a roaming kind... He sure can work as a roaming hero. He has good solid damage, is quite durable. Has good movement speed and a solid stun and an ability to pull an enemy in to hit it... So this type of a hero coming in for a gank is really dangerous. But I wouldn't really try this as a slot 5 support... I think CK can do the slot 4 ganking/roaming type as he has great setup for kills...


                what you said about solo's drow is so wrong.
                They misclicked their picks and solo ended up with drow instead of brew.
                If you had searched a bit you would have find many things about it.


                  CK will be courier in the next patch


                    Yeah yeah miss clicked like swaping isn't a thing


                      i saw singsing play ck roams long time ago

                      UNRIVALED SUPER HOTTIE

                        They still need to nerf PL and's so boring to always see them in almost every match


                          Just abandon every match, this game is dead


                            Low pri dread. Lol

                            He really dose abandon.


                              patch soon boys


                                Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Alliance play, and won with, Taiga CK on multiple occasions before TI? Also MidOne played Dazzle mid before Gambit even had a team, no?
                                And as stated above, the Solo Drow Ranger was a misscllick.

                                2k Prisoner

                                  You are right. Need to add that Lod[A] played CK too (before Taiga obviously).


                                    @6epe3a pyccka9I
                                    Yes but Loda played carry, Taiga is pos 4 and played pos 4 CK.


                                      Ogre Core best...


                                        Icefrog bring CK back to meta ... he's been abandoned since TI3 when he used to combo with IO .


                                          I love using CK as a support, more than as a carry


                                            drow was a missclick wasnt it? their coach mentioned it


                                              it's ben 4 days already
                                              can your fix this post ffs ?

                                              κάππα [Loy]

                                                if u abandon every match. you'er dead after 2 matches