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    This time I am him


      I am the most loyal dotabuff reader


        Do not try to disturb my place


          Adding HoN into DoTA would be the greatest thing to happen to the game. There were somewhere around 90 unique HoN heroes (who weren't dota dupes like devourer/pudge etc). If they released a new hero every 2 weeks that's over 3 years or monthly additions- and all those heroes already have skins. I'm sure one dedicated guy could do that in no time at all. It would constantly be changing up the meta and I would love that. Also, some of the items from HoN have made it into DoTA. I was like "I recognize that!" whenever Revenant Brooch made it into the game. Very hopeful for this merger to happen!


            More rewarding fighting posts around the map ! Keep those bones moving...

            Brünk Hüll

              Finally someone highlights the biggest problem with Dota: Skinny Storm Spirit.

              I honestly HATE the updated version of Storm Spirit. There was so much character to the old version. His jovial voice has remained, but his personality is hidden behind effects, bloom, and far too much stuff hanging off his clothes. It's like that scene in The Orville where the guy thinks his jacket has too many zippers (it has 46). Give me the plain face, the simple hat reflecting his life before being a god, and that untied belt letting his belly show.


                The best thing would be to finally have a normal matchmaking, not this fantastic 50% oriented, vomit-flavored thing. Apart from that, I think there could be a little more items in the game, and maybe new neutral creeps. I always welcome map changes. And what would be the best, instead of the normal matchmaking: duo/trio game modes, or one of them, or an event similar to Siltbreaker, I would also really like it.


                  Every "normal" matchmaking converges to 50% for the 99% of the playerbase, that's what it's meant to do find the rating at which players are in balanced matches (aka they have 50% chance to win any given match).


                    Yeah, I would say that on EUW/EEU/Russia servers the matchmaking works well for 90%+ of the playerbase. That said, I think Immortal draft should be reworked to at least allow parties to stay together (or rather force them to stay together), but it's not a system I have problems with personally at the moment, after stupidly pressing the re-calibration button -_-

                    Hexy Rose~

                      Adding new heroes constantly to the game won't do any good. the main problem is "how hard it is to invite new friends to dota 2". they start playing it, seems too complicated and will leave it after hours. the player base is still the same old player base and new players won't come for this complicated game. this could be made easier for new players.
                      another big problem: match duration is going higher and higher with every patch. games take up to +50 minutes in my crus bracket and probably +40 mins in most of Immortal games. I miss old patches in which games would end in 25-30 mins total.

                      Now a days turbos take 20-25 mins long same as normal games in old patches.

                      Hexy Rose~

                        One of my friends stopped playin this game, I asked him why, he said it sucks to sit +45 mins behind your desk trying hard and losing at the end... compare that to other similar games and you'd be surprised how much effort we put into this game.


                          I think Valve can do more work with facets - there's a lot of potencial. For example enable choice for heroes, that can be played only on one lane, create facet, that can improve them to be playeble on other lanes. If you talk about Storm spirit - some facet make him more tanky and edit his talent tree to be strong for play offlane. And there is many more exaples.
                          Btw. Sorry for my English.


                            a special slot for detection plz volvo sentry/dust/gem. 9 slot carry can't kill sup due to invincibility (invisibility i mean), even supps does not have enough slots for detection in late game


                              akionka just buy Nullifier on core, good stats + big kill potencial against defensive support items

                              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                Make a blogpost explaining how Lich is a successful position 5 Hero on Pro Dota now despite his rare (awful) Mana "administration" mechanism please 🙏


                                  Bot_DavidPL, nullifier is good against glimmer, but can't do anything against shadow blade, unluckily