General Discussion

General DiscussionTotal KDR

Total KDR in General Discussion

    Can you put a stat that shows a player's total KDR for all the games he or she has played with other humans only?


      EL bumpe

      Este comentario fue editado

        All our statistics are with humans only.

        What purpose would a total KDR statistic serve though?


          The game is about more than just KD. People with good KD ratios wouldn't be good players, but would probably just be people who KS heaps or rarely play support.


            I agree with pu12e,you guys must show general KDR, KDR by Hero and etc... You can do lots of things with KDR. Compare the KDR of determinated heroes...


              You can already see the KDR by hero (for example here: ) by using the filters in the top right


                Dear Tharuler,

                Asking for the purpose of knowing a players KDR ratio is opening up a who nother can of worms. I just want to know if you can provide that statistic on your wonderful site becaue me and my friends have an interest in knowing our Total KDR. I feel like a lot of the community would appreciate this feature as well. I am currently using an excel sheet to capture my total KDR. Kinnda tedious.

                Thank you,



                  bumping this


                    would like this

                    Jackie Chen

                      Although KDR doesn't determine a person's skill level, it's just a nice thing to know. :) and it seems it wouldn't be too difficult to just have a script that add's up all the numbers.

                      Autoscooter Talahon Fahrs...

                        With KD stats you will see more freaks playing Zeus Lina Lion who will killsteal all game the carries just for their own KDR

                        Autoscooter Talahon Fahrs...

                          be happy that there is no KDR system it would ruin the game like it happend to HoN


                            I strongly disagree that it would ruin the game. Thorough statistics, not only KDR, but every stat like in hon deepens the non-game, your profile as well as your progress. Not having statistics and not being able to see not even win/loss in peoples profiles is a very wrong decision in my opinion. It makes the game a casual, uninteresting thingy where people cant compare, where people dont see how well they do and where bad players never realise how bad they are. This is what ruins the game.

                            Dont get me wrong, but those "freaks playing zeus, lina, lion who will killsteal all game" will most likely lose the matches and therefore should be dumped into lower skill pool of players. However, no general skill rating, subjective or not, is present and you cant even know whether you are amongst the better players or not.

                            This current policy regarding transparency of peoples performances in dota 2 is really troublesome and i bet a lot of people will be dissapointed if they dont implement something to track your performances once the game is out.

                            In my opinion, there should be every statistic that you can think of. Xpm, Gpm, KD, KDA, wards count and their percentiles so that people can compare. And saying that it would ruin the game is really shallow and narrow-minded, because you clearly dont see the bigger picture. The ones who would pursue a specific goal like achieving higher KDRs are the same players that are willing to ruin the games even now so there wouldnt be that much of a difference.

                            Autoscooter Talahon Fahrs...

                              i played in hon in the 1800mmrs with a 1.1 kdr.... and guess what in public games there were 6 KDR suckers getting totally destroyed by 1 of our support player 1800mr 0.4 kdr with an allround hero... but the host switched the 6kdr noob on his side his own fault.... KDR is an insignificant size


                                i dont agree either with KDR . and prAx`hon were ruined from the start. fail copy

                                Devin Townsend

                                  It isnt too surprising that a guy with a HoN t-shirt is asking a KDR statistic.

                                  It was painful and frustrating to play HoN when everyone was trying to increase their KDR just to have a feel that they accomplished something in life. Games where pathetic even at 1800+ KDR where everyone blamed another just for their profile, even before the game started.

                                  In dota2, we got guys that love to support, guys that if they have to, get a support and buy wards, suicide themselves constantly if it needed to win a fight thus game, with no fear that it would backfire on a stupid profile.

                                  If a KDR statistic would be shown in a future, the willing to support would start to decrease drastically. The WIN-LOSE % is enough at this moment to make pub players to try-hard. THEY CARE ON THEIR WIN-LOSE RATIO. If KDR comes to profiles, even just for personal use, every1 would start to care about it. Even I, and i just hate it. It is unpleasant.

                                  Atm, at a high skilled lvl we have games that are like scrims, and its working wonderfully. KDR would end this, and then it will be no difference in playing HoN or Dota2.



                                    I'v got met with one poor guy which had good KDR due to playing "only mid, only carry, I wont stand in hardline, I wont go easy line, I wont play anything else, look at my KDR and shut up" so:
                                    -1 to KDR stats.


                                      agreed. kdr would be relevant only when you have a team. but if you're just solo matchmaking, it just ruins the atmosphere of the game. It makes people more self conscious and more elitist. Besides, you can know that a player is good only when you've played enough games with a person, not from looking at his kdr.


                                        KDR is important!!! It does play a role in analyzing a person’s skill


                                          It doesn't. There will be a better way of measuring a player his skill, but KDR ratio is not the answer.


                                            plz show me my total kd!


                                              Despite your opinion Tharuler I think you should list a players KDR on this site.


                                                And a total of K/D/A ratio? Would be good.


                                                  lol I want to watch the show


                                                    Bullshit. I play support most of the time. If this crap is released, be prepared for everyone to make a 5 carry team. -.-


                                                      Only selfish players want kdr on this game. It will ruin the game all of us will be conscious with our stats. I have 1750 mmr in hon but only 0.6 kdr, people make fun of me and if i try to play mid they mock me saying i don't deserve to play mid. I play support always and ofcourse i tend to die alot just or the sake of winning. Dota2 should not put kdr it is irrelevant.

                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                        KDR did not win the Vietnam war!



                                                          Hahahaha. Burned.


                                                            The U.S. entered the war to reach an objective. That objective was to stop communist expansion. The goal was not achieved, therefore, the U.S. lost the war. True, there were more casualties for the North, but that does not determine whether or not they lost, considering the superior tech and training of U.S. forces.

                                                            The Vietnamese won the war. The Viet Kong defeated the Americans with only a limited amount of guns and artillery. They used systems of underground tunnels and death traps to capture American soldiers.


                                                              But this is different. I think DotaBuff should include K/D ratios for those that are interested in viewing them...


                                                                KDR ratios are a bad idea. They distract from win rates, which is what matters in a team game.


                                                                  Im with Pu12e on this one. K/D ratio should be added and aslo total k/d/a stats.

                                                                  I know a lot of players that would appreciate it aswell.

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                    ITS KDA for dota

                                                                    and KDR for fpses ..


                                                                      It's decent, but I do agree with some people in that people use it to brag about how their KDA is better than yours and how yours is so low therefore you're an inferior player and human being. I can't tell you how many times in HoN people would check my stats and randomly say "ROFL OMG UR 0.8 KDR??? GTFO NOOB" a few seconds into the game.

                                                                      However it's slightly different since players will have to know about Dotabuff to even check your KDA since they don't have the convenience of doing it in-game. So even if it is implemented here, as long as it's not an option in the game itself there should be less idiots harassing you about how low your KDA is.

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        KDR doesn't mean anything for the person pulling lanes and planting wards. 5 roles on a team.


                                                                          My dota 2 KDR is 2.63.

                                                                          Total Kills Total Deaths Total KDR
                                                                          7014 2669 2.627950543


                                                                            Where did u get these numbers?


                                                                              Total KDR ratio shows player style. but i against Kd ratio too because it dont show realty. I know people from HoN, who always run away from team fight. Cuz he afraid to death. So its not good. But overall K+A/D ratio wuold be good


                                                                                Go fuck your self, necroing asshole


                                                                                  The ironi is that you already have this feature and all you have to do is add it up not saying Kda matters it clearly dosnt.


                                                                                    Why Necro...? :,(

                                                                                    Hex Sigma


                                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                        KDR get implmented. Suddenly postion 5 player tells postion 4 player to buy wards cuz his KDR is higher than player 4, cuz dotabuff like on HON. A week later everybody just hog their every spell for KS. Lina, Lion gets picked 200% moar.

                                                                                        I remember back in HON the zues & lich equalivent arguing who should buy wards solely cuz of kdr stats. Then argue who get's last hits when they are in same lane and such... Funny thing was we was in 1500 tier aka. starter trash tier.

                                                                                        Or player A who thinks he get 10000 kdr plays lich and make dagon 5, why? cuz he's carry, relax bro he's got this!

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