General Discussion

General Discussion[Suggestion] Best captain for CM games

[Suggestion] Best captain for CM games in General Discussion

    we are all interested about statistics and i think this would be a great idea to implement

    we can get all games from a player and filter CM games, then if they are captain of either dire or radiant this game will affect their rating... if the game is a win their captain stats increase else decrease :P

    i dont know how to express myself in words so let me try showing you in simple codes

    noOfGames = games.getGames(CaptainMode);

    //some codes to get each game
    //check to see if player slot = 1(blue) or 6(pink) in the game
    //if it is then check to see if game is a win
    //if it is a win then increment a value like "wins"

    //then calculate win %
    winPercent = (wins/noOfGames)*100

    something like this maybe?



      Este comentario fue editado

        anyone else interested with that???


          would be lovely tbh


            I doubt this value is worth anything.
            What if you play only 40% or less of your games in cm mode and even less as captain.
            the match making works accurate enough to keep most of players at 50% win rate -+ 5%
            now you pick out the few games that this person played as captain which would be far less than 5% for most players and try to get a statistical value about what exactly? True, it would be nice to get some feedback how well or bad your line ups worked, but even if you have 80% win rate as captain it still doesn't prove that you're a better captain than someone having 10%.
            Most people expect way too much just from seeing some numbers in statistics. If everyone had the same performance in every game your idea would work just fine.


              we just have to keep a value like minimum games playes...
              just look at the players page!!

              there are many players who got 100% win and.. yesterday i came across a profile and it was 26 wins 0 lose and its not in the players page... so we can use same method


                I think there should be a min. number of games to be considered in the top 50, otherwise everyone will just make a new account and play games for 100%


                  if you aim for the top, just lose 5 games in a row with a second account and some mates on their second accounts, play a cm, win easily, repeat that shit.... you'll get the worst of the worst enemies


                    for each 5 lose you get 1 win!! what a nice stats that would be.


                      100% win rate as captain in cm!
                      simply lose intentionally in ap and play with your underrated 5man stack against people supposed to be on your level.
                      how would you try to avoid these players in your top list?

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!