General Discussion

General DiscussionIssue with match result

Issue with match result in General Discussion


    I recently played a match where I dc'd for a brief period. I reconnected when I could and we came back and won the match however when I checked Dotabuff it had the match recorded as a loss on my profile ( - Match ID 74076851) however selecting the match clearly shows a Dire Victory with me on the Dire side. I assume this is a bug? but if it isn't then I would appreciate some feedback about how to avoid this in future (for example did it have to do with my dc?).



      After you've dced for more than 5 mins, it is considered an abandon. You may want to check your abandons in game.


        Ok, it happened again (I know, I need a new computer). shows that we won the match but on my profile it says I lost.

        I'm going to assume that its got to do with my dc'ing but it just sucks that despite making an effort to come back to the game I get punished for teammates not pausing the game. :/


          You get a loss an abandon both ingame aswell as on DOTABUFF.

          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!