C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\replays
put here (my computer) where you installed
and open game write console
playdemo replays/18720268.dem your replay name =18720268
Merry christmas
When i type in the following into the console:
"playdemo replays/86805777_1716649561.dem.bz2"
I get the following error:
"] playdemo replays/86805777_1716649561.dem.bz2
ReadDemoHeader: replays/86805777_1716649561.dem.bz2 has invalid demo header ID.
Failed to read demo header."
86805777_1716649561.dem.bz2 is the file that I downloaded from DotaBuff. ("https://dotabuff.com/matches/86805777" is the link to the replay)
I have placed the file into the (i believe) correct path (E:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\replays), and was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out here. Thank you in advance :)
I managed.. I did not know that "...bz2" is a file archive format, and that the content needed to be extracted. Simply extract the content using a program such as WinRAR or 7zip, and use the beforementioned command in the console. It works, thank you :)
@XcyTheR_za I had the exact same problem just now, and your solution helped me. Thank you so much for actually posting again when you figured it out!
hey guys
i open console then typed playdemo replays/92910117_2125351955.dem
pressed ok
then nothin happened
when i try to watch my saved replay i get this error
CDemoFile::Open: couldn't open file replay\pk.dem for reading.
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1396 sounds
plaese help me
my email p.kannemeyer@yahoo.com
When i try to watch a game on my work, it gives me the error that the right program is not installed.
Is this reffering to steam or dota itself? wich program must i install to be able to watch games
You watch games through rhe dota 2 client. The game. Only the game can generate all the...well...game.
Install dota 2. Load dota 2. Click watch. Click downloaded. Match details. Watch replay.
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how can i watch repay ? . I download it and i don't know where should i put this file ?.
and if i want to upload to YouTube how can i make it video .
thanks all