General Discussion

General DiscussionFever Clan recruiting players from all around the world

Fever Clan recruiting players from all around the world in General Discussion
Chain Once Again

    Ever wanted a clan where you can play with your friends or with mature people who have a good gaming experience? Than wait no more, fever clan is an international clan where you can play games like Dota 2, Call of Duty, Battlefield, World of Warcraft and many many more with people who you will have lots of fun with. We are a mature gaming clan that places an emphasis on creating a casual gaming atmosphere for our members. The number one thing that Fever looks for in its new members -- is the ability to have fun. We place a high premium on competitive play, but at the end of the day -- the friendships we have within our community are worth far more than the score at the end of the round. For this reason absolutely NO CLAN DRAMA or CHEATING is tolerated.

    In addition, our members take pride in contributing towards our online community. This creates a very laid back yet fun atmosphere for our members to play in. We are always looking for new members to join us. Player skill is not important, whether you're a casual noob, expert, or someone in between -- all are welcome to join in our fun.


    FeverClan is currently recruiting mature players meeting three basic criteria --

    1. Players must be of 16 years of age or older.
    2. Players must be in our hosted Teamspeak 3 server while playing with other Fever Members.
    3. Players must be active on the forums.

    Our forums is extremely active and the clan has over 1600 members from NA all the way to EU to SEA, so no matter where you're from, you will find people to play with. That's not it, Our Teamspeak3 Server consistently has 100-150 Fever Clan members on it, and can hold up to 500.
    Fever Clan is constantly creating new teams and we're working on a Fever only League.
    Fever Clan hosts regular Inhouse Tournaments with Clan rewards.

    Come visit us at and take a look and than judge if you should apply for the clan or not. Applying for the clan is not that hard, you'll just have to fill out an application and one of the leaders of the clans will check your application and tell you to meet him on teamspeak for a little interview to know if you've read our rules or not.

    If you have any questions or have anything to say, add me on steam or leave a post


      FeverClan is recruiting, FeverClan is a mature gaming community, we do inhouses, tournaments and much more.

      if you need any help
      add me on steam:

      Recruited by Annihilator

      Chain Once Again

        Come join us any time guys. It's fun and its great in the clan, and don't listen to this guy, it's recruited by TheChainBoy :D

        Este comentario fue editado

          What about playtime?
          If player usually plays in range of 20:00-23:00 UTC/GMT 0, did he suits you?

          Chain Once Again

            We have people from all around the world. We have from US, EU, SEA and Australia, so no matter what time you play, you will always find people to play with and teams to join.


              @chainboy how to get interview?

              Chain Once Again

                We have 2 new tournaments arriving soon at! Hurry up and apply for the clan so you can sign up and join the fun. All you have to do is make an application for the clan, and wait in our Team Speak 3 server till a Leader comes in to interview you.
                Recruited by TheChainBoy


                  Just a few times you get to play with good players like solomon and Booyah, but the inhouses are fun over all.

                  Chain Once Again

                    Come on guys, we have a DotA night today at 5 EST (9 GMT)pm. We play CM, AR, Recerse and 5 v 5 all mid! Hurry up and sign up for fever so you can join us today.
                    Recruited by TheChainBoy

                    PICK MORE SH!T PLZ

                      This clan is a scum to get cash from ppl. Just check Awards and SHOP ... pathetic

                      Chain Once Again

                        lol your such a poor creature. No 1 forces you to buy anything, it's just items if you wanna support the clan, if you don't than don't buy a shit, so before you come and cry, get your facts straight

                        Mr. Floating head

                          You say you do tournaments, what kind?

                          Chain Once Again

                            5v5 tournaments as well as random team tournaments where you and 4 other random clan members form a team and play against other random teams. On 9th and 10th there are 2 tournaments, 1 of them has a 25$ prize for the first team. Add me on steam if you have any questions.


                              Join the Pandemic!

                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                can i join?

                                BOT Adam

                                  I want to join. I apply trough your website?

                                  Chain Once Again

                                    If you have any questions feel free to add me at anytime. :)

                                    BOT Adam

                                      Alright, you play 2night?


                                        we currently have Sat and Friday nights for Dota 2


                                          Recruiting is still on.

                                          be part of our Fever Family.


                                            Join us on Saturday 23rd 1pm EST (18:00GMT)
                                            for a tournament with items prizes.

                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                              added your team leaders. nobody seem to respond


                                                A lot of events is going on this month, Join the clan and be part of our fun times.


                                                  To anyone in this topic and especially the FeverClan please go and check out my tournament and register. And if you do not have a team there is also individual registration. There is prizemoney potential sponsorship from various companies, etc. There is also various youtube personalities casting this tournament so if you do well your team will get lots of exposure.



                                                    Join the Pandemic!

                                                    add me to help you: