General Discussion

General DiscussionThis comic speaks the truth

This comic speaks the truth in General Discussion
    Couldn't said better myself.
    If Valve wanted a rating system they could have added it by themselves, but they did not for a reason, and you should respect that. But I guess you just want to make money.


      Bitch plz this is a competitive game, if u don't like that dont play it. the fact that there isnt a ingame ranking already is beyond joke. go play minecraft..


        Thats odd because pretty much every single game in history that could be accessed by a 3rd party to produce more indepths stats has done so.
        Oh but we cant do this for dota, we need to protect the terrible players so they can fester and destroyed the more skilled portion of the playerbase until this game goes to the dogs.

        Dota is a competative game, even in pubs, dont like that? PLAY COOP OR INHOUSE WITH 9 BOTS.

        Truely pathetic you try to argue against having public ranking.


          It's sad how fanatic some people are, you guys are an example of things to come.


            It just angers me when people like you try to ruin the game my self and the majority of the player base loves. If you are scared of ppl seeing your stats dota isnt a game for u. no competative games are -_-


              Okay, so basically a bunch of numbers is the reason as to how players are going to be judged their entire play of a hero, okay, lets see how numbers can describe as to how likely it is that I can still dodge an arrow from mirana and not cause me to die with numbers.

              Its really annoying how everyone is going to be judged by numbers now.


                "Its really annoying how everyone is going to be judged by numbers now."

                U mean like in almost every aspect of real life?


                  well the numbers will show a over all statistic not just one game that u playd vs ez Bots and u think your any good cuz u " dodge an arrow from mirana"" :-O


                    "U mean like in almost every aspect of real life?"
                    >Real life
                    >Dota 2

                    Some people want to have fun playing games, even if they're competitive. But some people might take the game too serious, and ruin the morale of the game with their whining, just because one of their teammate is not as "good" as them.
                    However, I think this BDR can be a good idea, IF they'll make it otpional. (Like it's been mentioned in this topic:

                    Sacred Relics

                      OK, it's competitive, but it's a 5v5 game, everyone will just act like in every Hon game: "stupid... look your K/D, why you pick a carry?!"
                      I really don't understand you guys... Just go back to Hon..


                        To play dota2 you should send a copy of you ID card to show them you are at least 21 yo.
                        Only kids give a fuck about ranks and win/lose ratio.
                        Iam high/vh skill bracket in Valve matchmaking opinion.
                        Sometimes you will win other lose, but why rage about losing?
                        Only kids or mental kid's adult do this.
                        You play for fun, you are not win any award and cash prizes.

                        JUST GROW UP.
                        @^ in HON i've got support account with max mmr 1800+
                        but its true when i drop down to 1650+ every1 saying shit about me picking carry by 0.8kdr support player.

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                          ^^ This.

                          If I played well and I lost, whatever. Big deal. You win some you lose some. Sure, I rage pretty hard when a team wins because Drow Ranger is fed, but that's about it.


                            "U mean like in almost every aspect of real life?"
                            Which aspect in real life do you mean?
                            I can't even think of one atm Oo

                            La Pucelle

                              Grades and inccome are two good examples. Of course those are private.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                And these are public in your country?
                                Here in germany they are both private


                                  By the reply they gave you can tell what kind of people they are...a very childish reply.

                                  bmw m3 gtr enjoyer

                                    dear lord the stupidity on this forum...

                                    no doubt dota is a competitive game. but public games are not competitive. they are competitive in the sense that your aim is to win, but it stops there. this game is a team game that is not often played as a team game, in the sense of public matches. in these games, teamwork is rare, and one player can easily lose the game for a team. 1 good death at the wrong point when you're holding 5 divine rapiers is a good way to get your whole team fucked.

                                    is a vital mistake like this portrayed in your dotabuff rating? is it even encoded in the stats that are displayed on your typical dotabuff match page? neither. you can end up 14-1-5 and you carried the game but you can objectively have lost the game, even if your other team mates played well.

                                    this is just one variable and one point as to why defining player skill as just one number is flawed.

                                    a common response of players who are for the DBR is that you can just "report and mute" flamers basing their insults at your poor DBR. this is all very well and good but this doesn't just correct the problem. what it makes for is a very toxic community regardless of the fact that you can ignore said flamers. besides that, it can have other effects such as players feeding because they got matched with a load of bronzies. did reporting and muting a feeder correct your game and make it more fun? not immediately.

                                    please settle down and realise that a public DBR is a stupid idea. the only people who are mildly interested in a public MMR are egotists who think they're good because they can go 20-0-4 in a pub as lanaya. good job.


                                      I miss DotAlicious like hell, everything was and still is public, roles were given by the captain of the team, whether blue or pink, and im not talking about captains mode, its just blue/pink is always the best player in the match, who must carry, who must solo mid, all this was given by the blue/pink, or just discussed with him, and no one flamed there because of the so fucking amazing reporting/ban system there, report is much more reliable there, almost all the time acceptable (by me), and bans were rly terrifying, not like this shit valve which i dont know how the hell its MMR works, or the skill lvl, or the report/ban system, or the drops after game system, its just so damn retarded, everything is hidden, even obama's CIA dont know shit about it..
                                      the game is public, its not like u need close the door before playing as if u r pissing in the bathroom..
                                      in DotAlicious everything was public, and its the best platform to play on, so sad that u need like 10 days to find 10 players to play a dota 2 game there :/

                                      this shit ^ is copy pasted from another thread, some things might be out of topic :D

                                      feminism owns

                                        Valve seems to agree with the comic


                                          Idk although the stats would make the game more competitive..that comic is completely correct. Those stats go to people's heads. They start to think they're above others and in-game feel the need to talk down to them because of these stats. If there was a way to make it so we could have the stats and no shit talk i'd be in full support but im still 50/50 atm. esp with the patch valve placed.

                                          Sacred Relics

                                            I just love Valve SO MUCH

                                            KILLAZ !/!

                                              I Don't know what is this anyway :/

                                              Shampoo My Ass Hair

                                                Wait a second, if MMR was working properly why would you be paired with a silver player if you are bronze? Or someone really that much higher than you unless you waited 12 minutes for a game?

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                                                Dragonus SEVERUS

                                                  Find anything said by ED^MapzOr on any thread and you know EXACTLY why stats are the crime against gaming and valve just saved us all. His entire reasoning is that numbers tell you who plays what role ad you have no call on that. People like him is what I want to see away from this game.


                                                    The only reason people are fucking worried about stats being shown is because Valve hid them since the game began. None of the babies cried on starcraft, none of the babies cried on warcraft, none of the babies cried on any game with visible stats and rankings. Now the noobs are crying because their shittiness might become public.

                                                    Valve, the new Blizzard, except they are destroying their game before its even released.

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                                                    Dragonus SEVERUS

                                                      On those games you can also easily make a second account without sacrificing a huge friend's list, which is something that I DID see people complain about on this very site they wanted to do. Let that sink in: People would rather smurf on other "competitive" games for the sake of appearances than play a fun game with their friends.

                                                      Deal with it, it's not just people hiding their "badness". It's also a major part of assholes using a meningless number as self justification. About time archaic games learn to change that faulty design, and if it takes a MAN company like valve to do it, so be it, Blizzard and Riot and all others can keep sucking the "muh prostats" part of the community's cocks like the bitches they are.

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                                                      Sacred Relics

                                                        Valve cares, Valve listen, stats on will encourage people to create more accounts, one for playin with friend, one for solo queue, one because Dbr went down causa bad streak of games, this is what you call "COMPETITIVE"? Hon teached us a thing, money and public rating can destroy a game. DBR killed Dotabuff, not Valve

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!