General Discussion

General DiscussionFuture of DotaBuff? Assume worst-case

Future of DotaBuff? Assume worst-case in General Discussion


    Your name fits your posts so well :)

    Papa Het

      Every fucking shooter like Battlefield 3 or Bad Company used and uses public stats, only in Dota the people seem to have a problem with that. If you suck everyone should be able to see that. If you're good at the game everybody should be able to see that, if they so desire. What's the freakin' problem


        ^ This. Every game since the beginning of fucking time has public profiles that shows your stats. And now since Valve made profiles private the noobs are happy and calling it their "RIGHT" to hide their stats. "RIGHT" - LMFAO.

        If you play casually (excuse made by noobs), why do you care about your stats being shown and people to see them? If you play competitively, you enjoy your stats being shown.

        @Scared is a noob we can tell. He comes from HoN too. Coincidence? Get good, then you won't be so insecure about your stats.

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        Papa Het

          Exactly. I just started with dota 2 and I'm not the best player out there - so what? I can get better if I try and so will my stats. Where's the problem? No one is ever going to judge me because of my stats; No one cares at my level. And in the higher level people are intelligent enough to know that stats often mean NOTHING...

          tango fountain

            "Pubs are not competitive. Only tournaments are. The only difference between you and "bronze scum" is that you are a better casual player with more hours put in. Same goes for all other games (LoL, HoN) Pubs are Pubs."

            look at high skill SEA server. . . even pro players like G are frustrated how competitive the pubs are there (when he just wants to troll around casually like you). As you get better at the game, it gets MORE and MORE competitive. Its like recreational soccer vs. pro soccer. Sure, its not a "competition" in the sense that there is no money to be made or much less viewers. But the game is still the same, the OBJECT of the game is to win. Players on both sides will still perform in a team setting to achieve objectives. If you have a bunch of nancys meandering around the field just kicking the ball around aimlessly, can you really say that they are playing soccer anymore? You just used Dota 2 too circlejerk your boredom in front of 9 other players. . . you are not truly playing the game.

            Even little kids can grasp this concept (when an authority figure is watching them) Think about hot potato or duck duck goose, neither are oompetitive games yet even those little children learn to follow the rules and play the game the "right way." A casual player in Dota 2 is like a casual hot potato player, sometimes he just drops the potato or refuses to pass it... and the "game" is now over even if all 10 players are still there. Time is wasted by such childish behavior

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              lol dotabuff owned by valve =/


                What Valve did was mean, but Dotabuff are no better. Not using the WebAPI and making a rating without Valve's consent is like hitting the largest guy in the bar and hoping to get away with it.

                Btw I never understood why people need stats to be competitive. Can't you just strive to correct your mistakes and get better without caring about the mistakes of others? Watch your replays - there are more things to see there than in the whole of statistics.


                  Well I know times are tough and as of now you guys have lost a ton of work and effort. Sorry about that. Thank you for letting us access the hero stuff. It's still really useful for now. Best of luck dotabuff.


                    stop crying dumb pubbers


                      Being a HoN player, I'm sure stats on Dotabuff were going to cause more flaming than there already is. Another thing though is that the only way you can get through a year of HoN is by having thick skin - if someone comes in and says "OMIGAWD UR 0.8 KDR WHY DID U PICK A CARRY", I just type "u mad bro?", dominate mid, own everyone, and by the end of the game that same retard who thought stats determined how skilled a player is isn't saying anything.

                      I used Dotabuff to keep track of my progress. I like to see, for example, if I'm an overall better pusher with Lycan or Nature's Prophet, and I do that by looking up my GPM, rereading my stats for those games, etc. I don't know where you get that idea that this site is only used to "look up other people stats". Despite popular belief, there ARE those of us that have common sense and actually use the site for its intended purpose and not to just flame other players. I have looked up other players before, but I mainly look up PROFESSIONALS so I can watch their replays. I have never looked up a player at the beginning of the game and then flamed him for how low his winrate was.

                      Care to join the tilt?

                        @a_moron Your inferences from someone's winrate are dubious.

                        "You are likely to fail with invoker, cause you do in 65% of your games, so i take mid." <----------- So for you its IMPOSSIBLE to lose a game if you don't fail your lane? And conversely, its impossible to win a game if you fail your lane?

                        Do you not see how cunting ridiculous this kind of logic is?

                        Papa Het

                          @ duwi: that's another good point. For me as e newbie this side was pure gold. I could research if my itembuild in my last game was total crap or alright. It helped me A LOT to see which items on which heroes had the best win-rate. People who care about an e-penis are... well not worth talking about.


                            my friends and i are moving to HON now valve



                              "Being a HoN player, I'm sure stats on Dotabuff were going to cause more flaming than there already is. Another thing though is that the only way you can get through a year of HoN is by having thick skin - if someone comes in and says "OMIGAWD UR 0.8 KDR WHY DID U PICK A CARRY", I just type "u mad bro?", dominate mid, own everyone, and by the end of the game that same retard who thought stats determined how skilled a player is isn't saying anything."

                              If you were able to just go mid and dominate every games you wouldn't have a .8 kdr ... that would be impossible. Sure you may have had it happen once or twice but it would be mathematically impossible for that to be the norm.

                              Every other player on your team in every game you play in has a right to judge you based on those numbers because they represent something real about how you play. How is it fair in a team game that the weakest player play the more important roles. If you are playing a competitive game and do not maximize your potential to win you shouldn't be playing at all. Its about winning and losing. If you don't actively max your potential you are intentionally trying to make your team lose.

                              At the end of the day you can either see the truth and accept it or you can deny the truth and ignore it. Either way the facts remain.


                                Awesome! Have fun!


                                  "So assuming that Valve keeps up its monopoly"

                                  Wow really? That's like the stupidest thing relevant to this topic I have read in a while. How is it a monopoly to keep MMR invisible? You can still get stats over which hero wins more and the item builds through the API. Seriously could you all just think for a little bit about your opinions, and work from the position that you may be wrong for once?


                                    dotabuff wants to have the info back so they can make money, that is all


                                      а мне похуй


                                        If I played a game with my 4 teammates and dotabuff exposed our discussion and style to the public I would have written emails to every site possible to get these thieves off the internet


                                          The only text available from the replays is the all chat. Team chat is hidden. People don't even look at things before throwing wild accusations anymore.