sure there are. Don't focus too much on your rating, enjoy playing, read some guids, look up itembuilds on dotabuff and your rating will get better :).
^ do none of the above.
Instead delete the game. Fed up of retards picking late heroes and farming at the rate of 1 creep per minute.
Actually, ignore the above poster. As long as you know english, you can play the game
My suggestion is that don't queue for public matchmaking just yet, Instead play with bots/co-op and learn some easy heroes first. Then depending on the role you like start picking them in co-ops read guides about them and improve your gameplay
Once you feel that you are ready, slowly queue in MM and start playing
We were all a newbie once in our life. Nobody was born a pro
Is there anyone out there that has an even worse rating?
There are at least 12% out there with a worse rating ;)
rating is so useless when you can see nobody's and even yours until you login on steam.
I hope no one here will name anyone who is worse because due to the obnoxious nature of the DotA community that person is likely to get a lot of harass and insults. Just look at the 3rd post in this thread for reference. This should be closed.
heheh you're a cool cat for posting about it. Thought I'd see 2 pages of hate going on.
My suggestion is to think about the games you do play, nevermind that you had 4 feeders on your team - what could you have done differently to perform better given the circumstances? Thats normally how I react to losing, and sometimes winning aswell.
Also if you play a new hero or one you havn't mastered - try doing a search on dotabuff for the hero and checking the most popular skill build to get you started with new heroes. is a good resource for alt-tab suggestions for items (since the default ingame recommended items normally just gives you an OK start)
If you're a bit techhie and have a bit of time you can modify the ingame recommended item builds to help you out with what to buy for the heroes, deciding this yourself by reading guides and thinking about the heroes abilities a bit can really improve your game aswell.
You can also regularly download all the itembuilds that are posted on direct download: (I'd like to know how these are generated? They get updated every few days.)
I've made a batchfile in windows that creates a windows symlink of all the files in a specified folder to my dota2-steam-itembuilds-folder. This is convenient because then when dota 2 updates all I do is run my batchfile and my itembuilds are automatically loaded.
Good luck m8
I'm guessing you're at a level where you tank creeps and doesnt bother to lasthit. work on that and you'll be in the 50% tomorrow. Never get lazy with the lasthitting and dont try to kill someone in the earlygame among their creeps :)
A guy who has pride and dont afraid to tell public 1 of the lowest dbr believe me u have all the potential to improve. I remember myself when i first started playing d1 i did it in a league and i was 1 of the worst players. In 2nd cycle of the league after 3 months i was rank2.
There's always someone worse than you!
I sort of want to watch how you play out of curiosity. Your dotabuff record is in the red :(
You seem to play more supportive classes which I was just going to say that you aren't carrying anyway.
You should try to branch out and try other roles so you can play them too since it gets boring only being familiar with one.
The best thing about half the guides you find, is that the players who write most of them don't even know how to play the hero themselves.
Quite honestly, winning extremely low level games requires nothing but basic knowledge of the game. Generally good laning, last hitting, ganking and pushing will win you basically every game.
Its only when you start to reach higher brackets that you can really learn from guides written by legitimately good players, or watching replays of pros, and use that sort of stuff to further improve.
just play to have fun, playing with bots is a good way to start cuz you can win easy and dont get raged at so much if at all. once you have better knowledge of most heroes, you can start to try public mm. I was once a noob who only play with bots but now I played mostly high level bracket game. :)
May I suggest you learn how to deny creeps. Stopping the enemy getting their xp and gold is almost as important as getting your own farm.
But yeah, don't worry about rating, I mean really, is it very important in your life? Honestly? Just go and play and have fun...and LEARN TO DENY CREEPS!
Good luck.
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I am pretty sucky at the moment with a Rating of 850 and in the 12% bracket. I am probably slightly better than that but I don't always have all my mind invested.
Is there anyone out there that has an even worse rating?