General Discussion

General Discussion[USE] [HS] Looking for 1 Player!

[USE] [HS] Looking for 1 Player! in General Discussion
fab :)

    Hi, we are a high skilled team that looking for a hard carry (1) player. Must be able to play most weekdays 5pm -12am EST, must be able to play on weekends a bit as well.

    Please don't have an attitude or rage, as none of us do that and need someone calm to play with.

    Being Canadian and able to LAN is a bonus.

    Please Add me on steam to talk


      wondering i could give it a shot !!!

      tango fountain

        ohai qt


          Ur not good.


            lol this hell rabbi guy is on like every single team forum... he seems a bit desperate. but yeah anyway if your team is looking for a few friendly matches with mine add me up :D

            vapour trail

              Been playing hard carry for 7-8 months now and I can play just about any hero on that role. Added you if you're still interested.


                w8 a sec
                Did Lightknight get a new keyboard?
                he seems righting in small letters !!
                thats awesome !!
                gd for u


                  hell yeah i am desperate need a team to play with yoooo!!