General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the ways to become a page 1 player ?

What are the ways to become a page 1 player ? in General Discussion

    I have been to page 2 once and normally around page 5-15.

    Woof Woof

      stack with players that have a lot of wins or very high winrate preferable 5stacks to inflate team rating
      queue in odd hours

      + i call bullshit on page 3-15 with your stats unles it was some 5stack action


        meh, today I got to page 4 while solo queue and
        while stacking also there is not much difference.

        for example , here is a game while I am solo q

        Woof Woof

          enemy stack 60%+ and tons of games lucky you <3 or not

          My computer is shit

            Just work on improving your play. Doesn't really matter what your win% is. Could be 45% or 80%. It's all about your mmr.

            Woof Woof

              I believe you mean amount of wins, + winrate, + stack


                Win rates mean nothing for Page 1 games. I'm frequently on the 1st page when I solo queue, despite my shitty win rate. I'm guessing that if you land a pro player in your queue, you'll get bumped up to the first page due to the number of people connecting to spectate him/her.

                Woof Woof

                  winrate + amount of games/wins + stack is everything i bet you were diamond back in dbr days or close to it ^

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    @Carto, I thought that 837 won games played a big factor for you.
                    So I guess all I have to do is win as much as I can.

                    Even now I did matched up against pro players, I just want it to be more frequent.


                      Wut, why the fuck u got to play against Chains?
                      i am surprised u got 400 games and played against a 2000+ games player

                      and by number of page, wut do u mean?

                      Woof Woof

                        ^ yeh dota 2 match maker at its best enemy team has stack with player that has 3k games at 65% winrate haha oh god i rly wish eric tams would explain how that happend

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                          ya rly, how the fuck r u supposed to win against Chains, whos his team got matched against iG, WTF, now i rly got to change my mind about MM being fair


                            but can u tell me wut does he mean by "on page 2, most of the times on page 5-15"


                              you can spectate those live games, and they are listed from page 1- 3000 or blah blah blah according to hidden MMR ( I have been told)

                              Woof Woof

                                in game watch->live games it displays all games going on atm page 1 got highest rated players


                                  He means that when you spectate live games, they are listed in order of MMR.

                                  BTW you end up against Chains.Stack when your stack has won a lot and you are the 2nd best group in que at the time. If his stack is rated 3k and yours 2k, but no one in between is in que....well there you have it.

                                  Woof Woof

                                    you cant be serious lol did you check his teamamtes stats/streaks before that game?

                                    packet canceled

                                      Legendary Chains Tinker


                                        @jimmy, they r losers, they lost to iG :P


                                          how do you even check what page your on? do you just scroll through the live games?


                                            ^ Yes, you just have to scroll through the live games.
                                            It would take only 1 second par page.


                                              If you find yourself on page 1-2 once every now and then you are not a page #1-2 player, it simply means that there is a stack of top tier players + a lower ranked player queueing, and you are put into the game matched at the lower rank player.

                                              Its why even retards like Typhox occasionally play against pros.

                                              Also if you play in stacks you play against higher ranked players, for some reason I got to play against this guy the other day while playing in a 3 man stack:
                                              We got rolled pretty bad, but it was essentially a 3v5 game against a team that had silencer + doom so not much could be done anyway (our juggernaut was on a 13 game losing streak, lol)


                                                stack with other page 1 players


                                                  I dno, i almost always play on page 1-2-3-4-5. Depends how many pro players are online at that time. Like i wont be on the first page if merlinistack is on the 2. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW MANY SPECCS U GOT.
                                                  Which game ur in, is solely skills. (or the noob to equal out the skills :p) Seen page 2 games have more speccs than page 1.


                                                    @You_Got_Fukt , I got trouble believing that, see this
                                                    after the game I stalked and found i was the highest wr player in my team at 52%,
                                                    And the opponents' lowest is 53%. The unknown TA player is Lakuci.

                                                    I thought that getting on page 1 meant having good teammates, but ended up with a retarded gyrocopter insisting on taking offlane cuz safe lane is for "pussies"


                                                      stats can be closed ;)


                                                        @Yunnie ゆに!

                                                        With that comment u shouldnt be on 1st page to begin with bro. I also choose to go offlane solo if i can, cause u never know how good ur teammates are. And that is the hardest lane. Gyrocopter as seen in so many different roles, are very versatile, you dont have to farm him into carry.



                                                          Page 1(Live/top games) depends on your rank. B4 this, there are some classes of rank, such as Diamond,Platinum,gold,Silver(i am right?)

                                                          Diamond 99 percentile = High skill player (Page 1- 10)

                                                          If u matchmaking with Party ( 2 or more diamond members ) ur percentage to Page 1 is more higher.

                                                          From my Exp, if i play solo matchmaking i will at the page of ( 5 to 9)

                                                          if i Queue with party 2 or more DIAMOND members (Page 1 to 2)

                                                          But u must have DIAMOND RANK to reached page 1-10


                                                            please do not judge me from this id, because this is my 2nd id. Quite boring playing try hard game.

                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                            packet canceled

                                                              pls don't call Chains Stack losers they're my BFFs


                                                                loo. Legendary, risk, minerva. they all my friend la

                                                                packet canceled

                                                                  Good then, we fwend too


                                                                    Chains stack number 1


                                                                      @Soon to be a daddy! :D

                                                                      What the fuck u insulting me for? If u take a good look at the heroes picked, its obvious how the lanes are supposed to go, my teammate specifically picked TH to solo offlane and the other picked bane while I picked Lina to support the gyro. And it ends up with 2-1-2 with gyro TH top.
                                                                      I don't need you to teach me what roles gyro can play, but its obvious in this case he needed to be the hard carry.


                                                                        how do you even find out what page player you are?? No need to insult me, I know i am not good. Just wondering how you find all that stuff out.


                                                                          u are good penguinForSale?? with 48% winning rate.. joker


                                                                            go play all pick drow more.. joker


                                                                              Zzzzzz Drow picker! How is that even fun?!

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!