General Discussion

General DiscussionLF role 5 to set up a team

LF role 5 to set up a team in General Discussion

    hi are u an experience player and u want to play more serious dota? Here we are ! We are 4 ppl

    role 1 , 2, 3 ,4/5 and we look for a role 4/5 guy to fill the team VET (vincere est totum) we start playing public matchmaking as 5 (captains mdoe) and when we feel ready we continue to team matchmaking.

    -Also we are europeans so only european guys
    -I need experience (very high skill games)
    -We need a lot of free time to play ( 3-4 times per week for 4-5 hours)
    -We are talking english (not fluently enough but enough good english)

    WE NEED YOU NOW! add me on steam Magic_shroom2


      i am not sure if ur Carry Madafaka can rly carry, his carry potential is fine, anyways, i am gonna add u, since u ask for 3-4 games a week only, tomorrow at 10 am - 2 pm, lets try some games


        actually i ask 3-4 TIMES FOR 4-5 HOURS


          kdelivuk - add me


            add me - Virtud3


              i never get those roles as numbers... wtf is 4/5?


                add me if you have kda 3+ on all of the top heroes and wr 50%+


                  1 - highest farm = hard carry
                  2 - 2nd highest farm = solo mid
                  3 - 3rd highest farm = offlaner
                  4 - 4th highest farm = semi support
                  5 - lowest farm = hard support


                    ahaha those are some made up things by the pro wannabes

                    Woof Woof

                      not pro wannabes but pros


                        yea also gamers are professional athletes

                        Este comentario fue editado
                        Woof Woof

                          no i just meant dota 2 pros

                          Pro Gamer

                          A gamer who uses competitive gaming (tournaments, leagues, etc.) as their sole source of income. This does not refer to someone who games all the time and attains some level of skill; being a pro gamer means you use it as your profession, and that you actually do earn money.