General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] Looking for friends to play with

[SEA] Looking for friends to play with in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    As you can see from my dotabuff stats, i'm not that bad of a player. I admit sometimes i still miss a few creeps and miss clicks here and there. but most of the time i'm okay. Most importantly, i understand the game mechanics. I understand when to push, when to go, when to roshan, wards positions, etc etc. I like to watch professional team plays and players' stream.

    So yeah, looking for some other SEA player to play together on MM. It's so much better to get random pub with no sense of direction. Add me up if you are interested.

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      CT Mimorin

        added,still better than me though,i can't even place a ward properly


          add me bro

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