Oppa@AhS3nG""BoSS" 2013-04-20Hi everyone Im CoW8,I'm looking Two more High Skills Suppport Player。Only for Experience. Who intesting Write down your Infomation. Cya What I'm are looking for: -Active and Serious -Respect each onther -Most of a day 4-5 hous practice in TMM -Micophone Who intesting Write down: Stream: Country: Experience: My Stream: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CoW8/homespOuk 2013-04-20steam: spouk121 country: Ukraine Exp: 6 y.Oppa@AhS3nG""BoSS" 2013-04-20sorry im looking is SEA region.^_^ 2013-04-20steam: Earthstyl3 country: INDIA Exp: 3 yearsgabe 2013-04-20Steam:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072529514/ Country:Phil Experience:2 yearsInu 2013-04-20Steam:Ur Grandma Country:malaysia Experience:4 years,2 yrs competitive Inicia sesión para poder publicar comentarios.Identifícate con Steam
Hi everyone Im CoW8,I'm looking Two more High Skills Suppport Player。Only for Experience. Who intesting Write down your Infomation. Cya
What I'm are looking for:
-Active and Serious
-Respect each onther
-Most of a day 4-5 hous practice in TMM
Who intesting Write down:
My Stream: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CoW8/home