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General DiscussionDota 2 confessions( WARNING TLDR)

Dota 2 confessions( WARNING TLDR) in General Discussion
The Twisted Light

    Well, I simply suggest people to confess things that they think about dota , maybe heroes that they play , may justify or not. Let me start
    1. I dislike picking. Especially in AP. I AM aware that this is weird and that you're SUPPOSED to PICK a hero, but I think that this is lame. There's bound to be a person that will pick something like, I dunno, Drow , Magnus or Gyro and will ruin the game by that. I think randoming is the way to go, get random gold, learn to play a hero(make sure you've tried ALL the heroes VS bots though), and more fun with that. I KNOW that team must be balanced and you need to pcik supports or carries, but I can't help it. Most of the time I random in AP first and either playn or repick if it's Gyro, Invoker , Meepo or just a hero that I am sure I won't be able to play well.
    2. I enjoy playing PL. I like PL as a hero, like his voice, his lore, his items, his abilities - this hero resonates with me so much. Enjoy playing doesn't mean I PICK him, but when I get my hands on him, I give the game all I've got to succeed, cause I know that Icefrog really wants me to win today and it's MY fault if I lose. But PL is not by all means my favourite hero . My favourite is Necro, and HIM I am rady to pick under correct circumstances.
    3. The most terrible of my confessions - the fact that I originat from deepest frozen bowels of Hell itself , most denizens of which torment Dota 2 community throughout its history. Yes, I am Russian. Fortunately I know Eglish good for a Russian and can actually communicate. But I feel bad for those who enounter my "comrades" who are not as skillful in the arc of communication.
    4. The last one is more a whine than a confessio. First, I hope RP will be 100% slow and not an 999999 AOE 999999 sec 200-300 damage f*cking STUN. Second, I hope Techies will never make it into the game the way he is now. Dota 2 will be much worse with him. Also second, gimme mah Arc Warden.

    Pandamonium(You Died)

      TLDR: I don't give a shit about my team, I do what I want. Typical russian mentality.



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